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Messages - unsecured1

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Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-01-05 10:29:00 »
@soku : Lots of good points, thanks mate! Sorry about that limit break thing, can't believe I forgot about that! Silly me!

Aside from that I recently got Barret's ultimate, I reckon it lacks a bit of oomph and utility (4 materia max!).

I also noticed a bug : the atb resets when reaching max instead of allowing your character to act. This only happens during the first battle turn, only for one character at a time (the one who seems to start with the biggest atb)  and only for fast characters (200 dex+). My slow af Barret never has any issues but my lightning fast Cloud and Red XIII get 1 out of 3 turns canceled:-/
Might be a vanilla thing though, I can vaguely remember something like that..

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-01-02 10:01:05 »
All good, save edited!

Still having a few questions :
I have unlocked the second rank 3 limit for Cid but I am still not able to learn Highwind for some reason? I noticed that he only has 1 rank 1 limit break...

Who are the ??? referring to when you check available sp ? Is there a special hidden character I missed ? ;p

What's arrange mode? Hard mode?

Also seem to be doing wrong with summons, I don't yet have KoRT but no matter the setup I am trying summons seem to be outclassed by magic in every aspect, more mp, baham zero seem to be even with ultima (or slightly less) and last but not least, one use only :x
So yeah if someone figured out a good summoning setup I am all ears!

[EDIT : What are you guys using as end game accessories? Str/mag/lck boost are not required anymore, Ribbon used to be my way to go but since it now seems to prevent you to use any buffs...
So I am stuck with vit/str and elem resist. Also can't seem to figure out what the Relic Rings are doin'... ]

Thanks and keep up the hard work!

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-01-01 18:25:12 »
Iron Giant is now a random encounter (met one after going to the left, then the lower path).

But I also have a question on an ultimate weapon: Where on earth is the Moon Crystal? You don't get this one in Red XIII's sidequest.
Appearentely you should get one from an enemy in the north crater called "Abyss" - but I already have been everywhere there, and haven't found such an enemy.

So where to get the Moon Crystal?

Great thanks !

Btw is it possible to save edit ? I've been silly enough to miss the leviathan's scales.... ^^"

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-01-01 14:09:29 »
Was just wondering about Heaven's cloud new location, says it's drop from Iron Man. Afaik these guys can only be fought after the point of non return. So I'am a bit puzzled as how to get Ultimate weapon ?

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-19 06:50:31 »
Na don't worry I'll start from sractch, I am not too happy about some sp choice. Thanks !

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-18 20:38:37 »
I'll clean up the inconsistencies in text.

As far as Defence goes, it seems to scale up and hits a tipping point of some kind. A character with 200+ defence becomes very tough to kill. The character AI currently doubles the held defence value so your defence stats are actually 2x what they would be in default (enemy defence actually does the same in default game).

When skipping the Nibelheim flashback, all the flags needed to obtain Elemental materia later on are flipped. He'll mention playing the piano during the whirlwind maze illusion.

Music has a few inconsistencies; I implemented it in a fairly sloppy way that breaks in scenes where multiple music tracks are used. I've tried to patch this up as best I can for the time being but will be sorting it out properly at some point in the future.

For physical attacks, Elemental materia is quite important as it'll double your damage. You can gain access to mostly all the elements early on as some were added to support materia; restore/life has Holy on it, Heal has Water element, etc. One thing to remember is that anything to do with Jenova will always be weak to Holy, large/heavy enemies will be weak to Earth, flying enemies will be weak to Wind, stuff like that. For randoms, Fire/Ice tends to work.

Buffing the stat up with armour/accessories can help as well. Physical builds can be really effective if you invest in them, so stick at it. At Gongaga you'll find Added Cut materia which can be great with a physical-built character as they'll be able to hit with Magic and follow up with a physical attack for potentially huge damage.

The Turks fight in Mythril Mines I think was altered so that only one of them had to be beaten to end the battle. Did you have to KO both of them?

Yes I had to KO both of them.
Speaking about Gongaga I can't seem to be able find the Added Cut Materia. I get Deathblow instead, I read that both were swapped in a previous ver or something, so I wonder if I am actually playing the latest NT ver (I dl the latest 7th heaven ).

Thanks for the repply mate.

Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2018-12-16 16:47:07 »
I mostly like what you've done here mate.

I just reached Junon. So here's my 2cents so far:

- Battles in the original were over way too quickly however they're now a bit too long for my taste, the water snakish boss before junon fight wasn't hard, just boring. Too many hp. Same goes for random battle. A tad too long. +karma for new ai though.

- In vanila there was almost not character customization (limits aside and minor stat change aside) so I really like what you've done.
A bit dissapointed in some inate powers : some do seem to be vastly superior than others. Cloud's one seems particularly lacking (although I was never able to proc it for some reason).
On a side note I read that there's no more access to sources, so I'd like to know if can you still morph your stat to 255 in the sunken plane? Since you can only get a limited number of sp boost, that'd be really mean regarding the end-game!

- Really like what you've done with weapons/equipments. No downside in in my book.

- Same goes with materia (and early access to some), just really sad that long-range is not available anymore. I fail to see the need to remove that one, having to sacrifice one materia slot was pricy enough imo. I am really affraid of going melee route sp build with non-ranged characters (altough I really want my cloud to swing that sword! ). Don't wanna get stuck going magic user for any non ranged character ! We'll see...

- Thanks for getting rid of them boring mini games...

- I could do things wrong but I noticed some frustrating difficulty spikes. For example you get access to sp quite late : the turks fight was a pain, very very very long fight again). Normal attacks seems to be largely inferior to magic ( with early access to osmose ) early on. I do remember that it was quite the same in the unmodded version so it could get better later on.

So nice job overall, I'll play a bit more and see.

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