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Messages - Khaolyss

Pages: [1]
d3d9.dll and d3d9Callback.dll ARE the Tonberry: Enhanced mod.  If you're on Windows 10, make sure you download the directx9c runtime installer from here:
After you download it and unpack it, make sure you run DXSETUP.exe
If this doesn't solve your problem, download the microsoft vc++ redist sp1 package for 2010 and the other ones for 2013 (for 2013, download both the x86 and x64 like stated in the posts above).

I am on windows 7, so I don't seem to be able to install the first link. However I re-downloaded the redists and ran repairs for the 2013 ones(2010 was fine), and it seems to be working now! HURRAY! Might have been an error when I first installed it, not too sure. Anyway, thank you for the help, take care! =D

Tried installing, but for some reason the game won't launch as long as d3d9.dll and d3d9Callback.dll are in the root folder. If I remove these two files, the game DOES launch. Most of the mods I installed still seem to work, except for AngelWing, Battlefield and Horizon . (Other installed: Apocalypse, LunarCry, Hellfire, Tripod, RebirthFlame(upscaled)). I also installed Rose and Wine, but it doesn't seem to be what causes the problem with Tonberry as it STILL won't launch even without RaW.

Having the models upgraded is a massive improvement, but I'm stumped as to why it just won't work fully =/

EDIT: Okay, I'm officially a massive derp and none of the Tonberry mod works! The 'default' graphics on Steam are just better than I expected. =p (To my defence, the last I played FF8 was on PS2, so... a while ago.

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