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Messages - Kaito24

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [FF7PC-98/Steam] New Threat Mod (v1.5)
« on: 2019-10-13 15:40:34 »
Hello together,

could it be that 1.5 version massively differs from 1.4 Version?

I finished the 1.4 version a couple of months ago and now installed 1.5, however it seems like literally every stat on the materia system was changed and seems pretty unbalanced. Take Haste for example, it gives Vitality +3, intellect +3 and HP +3%? There is literally no downside in equipping it, even for a brawler its a must-equip.
Honestly I was so surprised by that drastic change that I thought it was because I applied too many mods.
The buffs and malus were fine in the 1.4 imo. So I'm still not sure if it just me or if these changes really have been made? The changelog mentions a few things, however not that deepgoing

Nonetheless, thanks for this great mod Chief!

7th Heaven / Re: Character Models & Remako not working?
« on: 2019-10-11 20:30:24 »
First of all: Big thanks for the detailed answer, I really appreciate the time that is put in there.

Here are the profile details/
Edit, just changed to these after some trial and error, and now REMAKO as well as the REUNION Mod seem to work. Also the character models are modified, so I'm quite satisfied with the result (honestly I have no Idea why everything works now). What however stopped working are the modified character portraits in the menu, which is weird, because the new backgrounds and starting screen etc. do apply, however the character portraits dont. Anyway, here is the profile:

Spoiler: show
Miscellaneous - Dynamic Cloud Weapons
ID: 5d6a46f7-b0b0-43b1-88cb-f54de763c5b1
Version: 2.33
CloudSword = 1
Sword = 1
Dynamic = 1

Miscellaneous - Jessie Mod
ID: 1e2e93b2-5e26-4364-9b00-d316c618813b
Version: 2.3

Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields
ID: 72152e09-7b5c-4942-8465-afa154e20b08
Version: 2.0
field_ta = 0

Field Models - Objects
ID: 7f1274cf-3bf8-4ae6-a722-d2f374c902fc
Version: 2.1
huge_materia = 1
materia = 2
potions = 1
save_point = 2

ID: 653bb2b6-3999-4bb0-bc21-2ae299bb7b87
Version: 2.1
f_animation = 0
w_animation = 0
60fps = 0
fba = 0
fbn = 0
fed = 0
fs = 0

Battle Models - Characters
ID: 1917178d-5ef1-42e2-9c5c-58045588b3f4
Version: 2.1
models_aerith = 1
models_barret = 2
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 2
models_cloud = 7
models_redxiii = 3
models_sephiroth = 1
models_tifa = 3
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1

Battle Models - Weapons
ID: fe92e17c-f60d-4cf5-9c79-889f93d1edcb
Version: 2.1
weapons_aerith = 3
weapons_caitsith = 1
weapons_cloud = 2
weapons_sephiroth = 1
weapons_yuffie = 1

Battle Models - Enemies
ID: 267ef1d2-599c-4f4d-860c-b838f402c587
Version: 2.1
models_diamond = 1
models_frogs = 2
models_scorpion = 1
models_jenova = 1
models_joker = 1
models_life_form = 1
models_motorball = 1
models_ruby = 1
models_soldiers = 1
models_sweeper = 1

6fc5452e-0b2b-428f-9fc4-27722e914a8b_Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - World Textures (world)
ID: e23fa4f6-9aea-4a29-bbe1-caf0d4970cc9
Version: 1.0
remako_world = 1

44ddbbe3-aad9-43ac-ae4d-54bc7adf8846_Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - Battle Textures (battle)
ID: bed435ae-64b5-4ba4-87d4-01e16295009d
Version: 1.0
remako_battle = 1

bc7d7966-cc75-4191-9544-06b1a8b92703_Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - Menu Avatars (menu)
ID: 7d415e72-921b-474a-bee9-ee883a38f411
Version: 1.0
remako_menu = 1

f1677bb3-5759-44e7-b864-67e899e813ac_Remako HD Graphics Mod v1.0 - Pre-Rendered Backgrounds (field + char + minigames)
ID: 5f7c8b24-5e40-4bd7-a597-aa18841a56ac
Version: 1.0
remako_field = 1

Field Models - Main Characters
ID: efe1b0ec-6ce3-43f7-9659-f1bc9d36f60c
Version: 2.2
models_cloud = 0
models_aerith = 2
models_barret = 6
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 2
models_redxiii = 3
models_sephiroth = 1
models_tifa = 4
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1

Field Models - Non-Player Characters
ID: d329bc05-3dc0-4f35-94aa-632986f47194
Version: 2.34
models_base = 1
models_biggs = 1
models_jessie = 1
models_wedge = 1

ID: dd3b5efb-fdb3-4c78-be6a-9826b874e3f1
Version: 1.5
gameplay = 1

Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
ID: 3dbdfa3b-d97f-4cfc-9db8-223dbe0152bc
Version: 2.2
ar = 1
cf = 0
dm = 0
isl = 1
i = 0
li = 0
lcs = 0
lt = 0
nrb = 0
spa = 0
sc = 1
sbo = 0

Media - Music and Sound
ID: 2bdd4a94-4b06-46ca-af0a-37b9dfef25aa
Version: 2.1
music = 4
sound = 0

Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
ID: aec06415-0f12-410b-ac43-f4e89e363729
Version: 2.1
avatars_aerith = 1
avatars_barret = 2
avatars_cait_sith = 2
avatars_chocobo = 2
avatars_cid = 1
avatars_cloud = 1
avatars_cloud_young = 2
avatars_red_xiii = 1
avatars_sephiroth = 2
avatars_tifa = 2
avatars_vincent = 1
avatars_yuffie = 2
game_over = 1
prelude = 2
start_menu = 10

Minigames Collection
ID: ee718ab3-0aa5-43b2-b7bc-82c69fcd19d0
Version: 2.31
chocobo_models = 1
condor_models = 1
motorbike_models = 2
chocobo_textures = 1
coaster_textures = 1
condor_textures = 1
motorbike_textures = 1
snowboard_textures = 1
wonder_square = 1

Spell Textures
ID: b97373a2-aa9f-40e3-9a3d-aeaa846391d4
Version: 2.1
magic = 2
coin = 0
limit = 2

The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul
ID: 3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652
Version: 2.1
beacause = 0
menu = 1
break = 0
hand = 0
nbb = 0
ncb = 1

World Models - Characters
ID: a5b9a2f3-c9e3-4cbb-947a-1489ebeeb921
Version: 2.1
cid_world = 3
cloud_world = 4
tifa_world = 4

World Models - Enemies
ID: 0d0cc481-4cc3-4e7e-9529-fa7077b38615
Version: 2.0
diamond = 2
emerald = 1
ruby = 1
ultima = 1

World Models - Vehicles
ID: 0e056cf4-7b37-49e1-aa9e-c57bc73db954
Version: 2.0
buggy = 1
chocobo = 1
highwind = 1
submarine = 1
tiny_bronco = 1

I mixed up remako and world textures order a bit because Remako did not work but it did not make any difference in the end. Difficulty mod is disabled as I applied the most recent New Threat mode manually (the one in the mod catalog is 1.4 I think, the newest is 1.5)

1. Turned direct mode on, worked like a charm. Thanks!

2. Not really understood what that exactly means, or how I fix it? (even though I got it working now it would still be good to understand)

3. thats weird, because since I turned off the save anywhere function, I did not have any wrong random encounters. Wasn't there a glitch in FF7 that speedrunners used that had something do to with the Save points? I guess that was the conclusion I jumped to as it did not appear after turning "save anywhere" function off.

4. Looked into the cfg file, it says " # post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/ATI_SmartBloomAdvanced/
enable_postprocessing = yes"
Looks correct to me?
Regarding the direct and music folders there is only one of each. Wouldnt call my surface book a gamer notebook though, so it might be that?

7th Heaven / Character Models & Remako not working?
« on: 2019-10-09 14:03:46 »
Hello together,

first of all, i want to apologise if there is already a similar thread, I tried google and search function a lot but nothing seemed like a hundred percent fitting to my issue.

I followed the tutorial of EQ2Alyza for the 7th heaven mod and downloaded all the mods in the correct order. After that I manually applied the Remako Iro files. However, there are two issues:

The first one is, that the new character models (except for cloud in the regular world) dont seem to apply. The only modded character model seems to be cloud, I couldnt apply any changes to the other characters or NPCs neither on the field nor on the world map.

The second issue is, that I cant get Remako to work. Before I downloaded all the other Mods it just worked fine. I read something about editing the reunion folder, however I doubt that I have one as I downloaded the reunion mods from the mod catalog.

Also the Tweaks and Cheats mod seems to be a little buggy when you use the "save everywhere"-function, as it randomly toggles battles that don't fit to the place you're in (I had to battle Jenova at Level 5 in the midgar reactor).

Help is very much appreciated.

Edit: Also there are two Issues when starting the game: First it says that postprocessing failed and second the game takes quite a long time to load up (+ some fps breaks in battles). Are these normal with all these mods or is there a fix?

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