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Messages - HxB

Pages: [1]
My replies need approval by a moderator, for spam prevention I guess.
Also as a new user I can't send private messages yet, so it can be hard to notify you on a timely manner.

Your new dll definitely fixed my issue, thank you. The retranslation and the 60fps battles are a godsend.

If it's of any interest still, the exe I'm using is an unaltered, 1.09 Steam version.

Alright, I'm sending you the new log files with the latest hotfix:

No other mods were installed, it's pretty much the standard Steam installation and Reunion on top of that. The game was installed on my secondary internal drive, full writing permissions and all.

I'm getting a hard crash every time I try to run Reunion R06 (+hotfix2) with "New_Translation" enabled. The crash happens right after the intro sequence, when the first dialogue box is supposed to pop up.
I can leave every other setting enabled... in fact I managed to play without the translation up to the first save point inside the mako reactor, then tried to re-enable it and reload the save, but then I got a new crash as soon as I clicked on "Continue".

Trying to play this on a laptop, here's the specs:

CPU: Intel i7-7700HQ
GPUs: Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 / Intel HD Graphics 630 (Optimus)
OS: Windows 10 Pro

And here's an archive containing the log files:

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