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Messages - entropoid

Pages: [1]
7th Heaven / Re: [FF7 PC] Mod Manager - 7th Heaven 2.0
« on: 2020-03-05 03:25:57 »
Torrent links are now available for the mods in the catalogs! If you're getting slow downloads, try these. Not all mods are available yet, but more will be added soon. Please seed! Get them here:

I just finished registering this account so I could thank you for the new version -- I'd only just discovered the old version after finally buying FF7 on Steam (yeah, I played it on the PSX, of course) and was struggling with it, but the new one's working great -- AND for the torrents, which allowed me to just now finish my set of mods.  THANK YOU THANK YOU!  (And yes, I am currently seeding... :))

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