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Messages - Elhoim

Pages: [1]
Alright, I am still getting the crash after battles.  It's been happening much less often, and didn't happen to me at all through Shinra HQ (when I did a clean install of the new version) up to grinding inbetween Fort Condor/Junon in a forest (for Yuffie).  I'm not sure if you need any more data on this bug, but I'll still follow the proper steps.

1. Known bug of crashing after battles before the experience screen displays
2. Happens randomly after battles
3. App.log:
4. Reunion.log:
5. crash.dmp: no crash.dmp file was generated
6. Save file (most recent save):
7. Audio.log:
8 & 9. - not a performance issue

I thought I was alone in this, it's been pretty hard playing the game with this bug. For what it's worth, I also had it when playing with the 7th Heaven set-up, so it doesn't seem related to Reunion only. I added several graphical mods like Nino Style, better looking spells, Remako and a tweak to the UI.

Any chance of uploading anywhere else? I've been trying since last night to get it, but I hit the quota. First I got to 60%, I had to wait 5 hours. I had to close my PC, restart again from scratch, got to 30, wait 2 hours, then to 60, wait two hours... Hopefully I can get it today  :-\

Finally got it. Advice for someone in my situation: Start early in the morning, and don't let your PC go into sleep mode jajaja

Excellent! Thanks for your hard work! =)

7th Heaven / Re: Washed out FMVs
« on: 2020-03-07 13:15:01 »
Yep, I get the same thing. I've never noticed. I quite like the rendering from the Aali driver when comparing them though. The others seem too dark and you lose some detail.

Yeah, for the videos like the intro can be fine, but it's a bit jarring when a video is used to "move" the background and then the lighting changes quite a bit (Cloud looking at the reactor or the explosion to open the passage before Avalanche splitting up, for example).

7th Heaven / Re: DS4 Controller D-Pad
« on: 2020-03-07 12:10:50 »
Are you running it through usb or bluetooth? Also the issue is different, and it's unclear whether we should have made a new thread or kept it in that thread so the mods can decide what they want us to do. Don't let this guy bully you just because he helped developed the tool, our question is obviously different from the one he answered and is legitimate and I'm almost positive we can run the ds4 through steam's drivers even though 7th heaven has nothing to do with steam. Simply because I had this issue with the old 7th heaven, but forgot how I fixed it...Give me a few days I've been working a lot, I think we may just have to re-mount the blank ISO and add the executable 7th heaven has in its backup folder to steam as an alternate game. I'm pretty sure that's what I did to fix the issue many months ago with the old 7th heaven. I'll try that when I have time or if you have time try that and let me know if it works, you should be able to re-map the d-pad through steam as well. I'm not really tech-savy so I could be completely wrong but it's worth a try.

Yeah, I thought it strange that the mod in my case actually removed a functionality that worked great in the base Steam release. The Steam controller configuration works perfectly, but I guess there are technical reasons on why they cut the integration (since the manager uses the discs, alternate executable and such).

add the executable 7th heaven has in its backup folder to steam as an alternate game

Tried it but it doesn't work, but I believe it has to be launched through Steam to work most probably, which messes up the mods I believe (I can't mount the ISO).

7th Heaven / Re: DS4 Controller D-Pad
« on: 2020-03-07 05:36:41 »
How did you get the analog stick or anything to work? Nothing on my ds4 is working anymore on 7th heaven 2.0. I think before I had to my 7th heaven modded exe through steam but now that doesnt work for the controller either.

Nothing in particular, it worked fine, but I just

Please don't create new threads for the same thing that's already been discussed a thread or two down.

I'm sorry, I read it, but I considered the issue a little different (as my controller always worked). I read the manual and your post (the one recommending installing DS4Windows), but even then, it's strange that without the mods the controller D-Pad without DS4Windows works fine, and when using the mod it doesn't, like something is being overridden. I thought it interesting as it might solve the DS4 issues with D-Pad without having to install a third-party program.

In any case, I'm sorry for the thread.

7th Heaven / DS4 Controller D-Pad
« on: 2020-03-07 02:24:50 »
Hi! I love the new 2.0 launcher! I'm having a bit of a strange issue...

When I launch the game directly through Steam, both the D-Pad and Stick of my DS4 controller work. But when I launch it through 7H, only the analog stick works.

Any idea why?

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