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Messages - Dearh

Pages: [1]
Ok, well i was about to put Dissidia cloud in, because we decided we'd use dissidia models wherever possible (which, to be fair, isn't very many places)
Anyway, i was thinking about a change of colour, but i'm not too fond of it myself. anyone think we should use this colour scheme instead of the original?:

Crisis Core cloud looks better than dissidia cloud

wow!Models are so good in game thanks neo and ultima espio you are avery graet guys  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

I have a newer 3000 series PSP (silver) with the 5.03 firmware and I want to be like all the other cool people and play my PSX ROMs on my PSP (specifically a translated ToP). Only trouble is I can't figure out how to get them on there. Most of the sites that I've seen that have instructions either don't make a lot of sense or have what seems to be different steps than another website. Can anyone either tell me what to do or show me the website with correct directions?

Sell your psp and go to buy the old slim!! :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D
with 3000 you can't do nothing no cf meaning no homebrew and no psx games

They are intending to release it, but you will have to look carefully where and how  :wink:

apzfreak, they are probably using the PNG textures which contain alpha directly, because our exporters didn't bother splitting the alpha channel into seperate images. But Opacity should still have worked.
I wonder if it is an issue with double sided faces?

I started on my Elena Mod today, using Cissnei's body:

Ofcourse her head doesn't match, so I will be making a new one for her  :lol:

WOW She seems Aya Brea from the first Parasite Eve

Oh, and just a short note, we decided we're gonna go proportional AND chibi. so everyone's happy :D

Wiht chibi you don't mean  to do l deformed model  as original But chibi size right?

ps: models in CC are still under copyright so arent it allowed releasing publicly?

That's one thing we were talking about...we are either going to release it private, or for a short amount of time.

For tifa you can use jedi  body model

You guys should release them when its done. Or at least send it to me lol :p
We'll think of something...

Anyway, we plan to do at least what main characters and enemies we can, field and battle.
I would also like to do random Monster's and battle Characters too. Bomb will definately be easy  :wink: But I'd like to have a go at more complex enemies, such as the Guard scorpion (we'll need votes to know what colour to use) and the shinra/SOLDIER troops.

Field models are gonna be hard, considering the proportions are Different, since we're gonna go chibi :D

No chibi Please!!!!  :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D :-D

ehi friends good job!Cloud needs one "bracelet" on the other arm

Troubleshooting / The APZ Cloud Project!!!!
« on: 2009-02-08 16:25:28 »
my friend can you realese two version of your model?I wanted to see how the perfect body you made  is with original cloud's face   high quality version(last ballte vith sephiroth)

O rly? Blizzard giving out something for free? Mind posting a link to that site of Blizzard where they state that?

Well, Blizzard and other gaming companies aren't stupid to state that people can download their games for free. However, there are links where you can download these games and these links have lasted for years without receiving any threats.
... so it's ok to steal! Yup, I see your point.

You know that you can still buy Starcraft? Not just the cdkey, Starcraft with a box and everything inside it. And it's about as old as FF7. But hey, you can also download it! I think that I've seen a site with links to download GTA IV. It's a torrent, but hey, if the site is still up, and it has been for few years, that means it's ok with the game companies! GTA IV is pretty old anywayz.

On a side note, I know of few gaming companies who are "stupid enough" to give away their games (like Rockstar). Go figure? But there are also those companies who are afraid to say so, so... We're aware that they can't say that, but they clearly think that way. No exceptions, they all send a mind transmission to every player on the earth to go and download their games. "If the game is 10 years old then we've milked it as much as we could, so we don't need it anymore. Wait, what? Still in shops? Oh, don't mind it! We've got so much money that we don't know what do do with it! So we just send those new copies of games to the shops and let them sit there, because obviously noone is going to buy it when they can download it!"

Yes, I know that you can download it. You can download many other things from the internet. The thing is, you shouldn't. Or at least, don't brag left and right that you did and nothing happened so it's ok! If you ran over a dog with a car (nothing against dogs, I love dogs, and it's just a twisted example of your reasoning, don't ever run over anything/anyone) in the middle of nowhere, would that change anything? Like, get the police on you? Well, it could, even if there was noone in the 2 miles radius. Theoretically. But nothing happened? Hey, it's ok then!

For warcraft 2, doom 2, mortal kombat 2 you can go to this site which is called best old games:( hope i can post a link to other website here) (...)

For starcraft, you can go this site which even has a community of pro starcraft gaming players. You can download the game I think its around 98 MB or sth: (...)
Yes, thank you! That's exactly what I meant by "Mind posting a link to that site of Blizzard where they state that?". Please, do the world a favour and die.

sorry for being extremely off-topic here
No you're not. I mean, you are clearly off-topic, so am I, but you're definitely not sorry for it.

 maybe you're right
but you had exaggerated

with NameSpoofer

Are you  the justice paladin?Surely you  download game or programs legaly from internet?

and  really haveyou  the original ff 7 copy (for pc or playstation)l?

Who told us?
i told this beacuse i hate hypocrisy

Archive / Re: Tifa from KH2 searching, please...
« on: 2009-01-18 02:01:33 »
Hi ! I begin in model edition , and I'm searching a Tifa model from KH2 (like advent children) in.obj format or .3ds or an other format.

If someone can send me this model please :)

PS:I'm working on Milkshape 3D with clou from Kh2 actually, and sorry for my bad english :(

my friend you are a really lucky guy send me a personal message  with your email

Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2007-06-26 21:09:48 »
Can someone send me all hk characters models,ffx x-2 monster and characthers models?

Completely Unrelated / Re: the impossible quiz
« on: 2007-06-18 22:42:26 »
Adidas say "Impossible is nothing"
maybe don't know this quiz
no one can save from it :-D :-D :-D

Releases / Re: [Release] Slayersnext's Customized Models
« on: 2007-06-07 15:50:07 »
ehi slayer
where i found kh 1&2 model?
can you send me trough email?

Archive / Re: Feild model conversion's
« on: 2007-05-17 15:56:10 »
My friend done wha you had coming
your model's are too good
but for Cloud it's better use the hk2 mode
this patch with advent avatart it's perfect

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