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Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-06-05 17:56:23 »
Ok got it from Darziak's version (file name is disc02_20h). Increased gamma levels a bit. Here's the result:
I wish I had  more detailed pictures and more fmv showing the ring though.
I tried some of the models and this is what I got:
Hopefully it helps.

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-06-03 22:57:16 »
Would be nice if you could give us a download link for the FMVs in the ballroom as well.^^
You mean this?
It's in the first post, I believe. It's 2x with overkill bitrate, but it should work in-game.

If you can please do the "Rinoa in space" and the ending scene next? I need that detailed view on that ring. A friend of mine is working in a crafting project about that.
I haven't extracted FMVs from other discs yet, unfortunately. The entire project takes about 275 GB (yup) on my HDD already and I'm slowly running out of space (I'll probably have to buy a new HDD soon  ;D), so I'd rather finish disc_00 FMVs first before ripping and upscaling FMVs from other discs. I'll also have to delete some of the failed attempts, which is a shame (since I could learn from them), but the damn thing just takes way too much space.

However, I could try upscaling some still images of the ring if that helps. Just give me the video name (preferably the filename from data\movies\ directory, eg. disc00_00h.avi) and a timestamp of the scene you're interested in.

Are you saying just the intro movie would be 3GB, or you're estimating the finished pack would be?  Obviously your codec choice will play a large role in how big the files end up being, but if you aim for compatibility with FFNx, you've pretty much got the whole world of choices (including x264)
The entire thing would be about 3GB at 2x and 6GB at 4x. As for the codec, the game only accepts VP8 which isn't great (VP9 is much better). I tried H264, HEVC, VP9 but the game always crashed. FFNx? Isn't that for the 2013 Steam Release? Unfortunately, I don't own that version of the game.

what about the distortion and transition effect at the start of the bosses battles i mentioned ? is there anyone else who noticed that it doesn't exist in ANY of the pc version?
I don't know if anything can be done about that, sorry.

I kinda noticed that faces tends to get blurred/distorted sometimes and that gave me an idea...

You're using AI for upscale purpose but would it be possible to use machine-learning face-swapping technologies to fix those faces?
We kinda have a lot of near shots of many character faces and I wonder if a trained model of Rinoa or Squall could help when upscaling a "small face" since we can't pretend miracles when we start from a very few pixels..

It's just an idea but I think it could work.
Like a deepfake?

I'm planing to do some "face jobs" by hand in the future, but only the absolute worst cases :)

I already did some face transplants based on the previous/next frame for about 4 or 5 frames from the intro, in the scenes where Rinoa's face was messed up beyond all recognition (I didn't really put a lot of time in it, but it looks okay-ish for now):

BTW I managed to get better results (at least I think it looks better?) on that scene:
But there's a catch. I'd have to do a "hand transplant" from the old version manually for every frame (and there are about 65 of such frames, the frame from the above example is done). With the new upscale approach the field looks better, however the hand can be rather disfigured, so the "hand transplant" is the only viable way (but rather very time consuming).

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-06-01 16:03:45 »
Absolutely incredible.  What you're doing to these FMVs is the same level of awesome as Jusete's work on FF7 fields.
Thanks, but please, let's not overhype my project to avoid disappointment ;) Still images look great, but remember that in motion and with higher compression rate it might not look as good. So let's just manage our expectations :wink: I think Jusete's work is on another level compared to this little project of mine.

because for now only the psx version have the decent fmv
Well, the original PC version overall had better FMV quality than the PS1 release. It was twice the resolution and (I think) it was rendered again for the PC release (some videos have different amount of frames, which I have to take into account when matching the audio from PS1). The only problem is worse macroblocking in motion compared to the PS1 release because BINK wasn't very good at handling fast motion AFAIK.

or better yet. open a patreon. you deserved to be compensated.
I don't know the first thing about how to set up a Patreon and I don't think enough people would even be willing to donate anyway. Not to mention the extra pressure. For now passion is going to fuel my efforts  :lol:

Now time for some action  8)

The first part of the video (especially camera flying over the grass and flowers - I hate those scenes) might not look very good, but I don't think that there's anything that can be done about that.

I encoded the intro FMV at 7mbps (2x upscale) and 14mbps (4x upscale). As usual, audio is from PS1 version encoded at 320kbps. I feel that the files are still a bit too big for the final release, but for now it's ok. 'Movies' directory is about 0,98GB in the remaster, so with the same compression ratio it would be about 3,05 GB for 2x upscale and 6,1 GB for 4x upscale. Seems like too much.

I don't know how it will run on some lower specs PCs. When I was doing 4k tests at 50mbps, the FMVs were stuttering (but only in game, VLC and Media Player Classic had no problem, so it's probably game engine's fault). At 14mbps 4x everything worked great, but it might not be the case for everyone. Please use 2x version if that happens to you :)

Use Maki's awesome tool and place the video in the following directory (you might want to backup the original file first):
<Path to Steam>\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VIII Remastered\DEMASTER_EXP\data\movies\

Here's the 2x upscale at 7mbps:

Here's the experimental 4x version at 14mbps (due to additional 2x AI upscaling it might exhibit even more artifacts, however I think it looks good in game, probably better than 2x)


I know I will enjoy my break  :-D

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-05-30 21:42:36 »
Here's the big one. The intro FMV.

Let's start with the most controversial change that will probably upset every Final Fantasy VIII fanatic trve fan! Check this out:
Yes, that happened. No, I won't change it. Now move along. (long story short - a high quality Remastered edition logo with alpha channel was available on SE website, while the upscaled one looked like crap, that was no brainer). With that out of the way, let's continue.

Unfortunately, I was not able to get rid of macroblocking (well, mostly), so it's a little bit soft (sadly, that happens with all fast moving camera scenes from the intro)

I'm not happy with this one, but check out the remaster. Yeah, that bad. I might try to blur out the grass/flowers or maybe something else, because it still looks kinda bad.

Remember to wash your hands thoroughly:

Grass/flowers again, that's never good.

Round one. Fight!

Some Rinoa:

The One Ring:

I decided to follow SE's policy to protect our innocent children. Therefore all gore (Al Gore?) has been replaced with green jelly:

Let's hug it out:

It took the entire week to upscale this video. Now I'm gonna have to take a little break before the next one because my upscaling process is exhausting (for both me and my GPU... I feel like some filthy bitcon miner with my GPU at 100% for hours every day, it simply cannot die before Nvidia releases their next gen GPUs :))

In the next few days I will upload the intro video (encoded at some game-ready bitrate, because it's over 1 GB now). So if I'm not gonna finish my project, at least the intro will look a little bit nicer than the original remaster. I'll also try to upload another version with 4x scale (that is 2x of my current upscale, 4x overall which is 2560x1792) but no guarantees on that one (it depends if it still looks good with some simple 2x upscale).

For now enjoy the screenshots :D

Please be excited 8-)

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-05-21 21:29:48 »
I'm not dead (yet), so here's a little update:
V29: - this one is weird, because there are some low quality shadows in the scene, which isn't the case with the remastered version (but it's visible in the original BINK video - see the comparison). Maybe I'll manually smooth it out one day... maybe.

V04 - this vid is a little bit wobbly in motion (you will have to take my word for it) but looks acceptable. I was able to get less flickery results but the details were also less, well, detailed:

V18 - short and sweet :-D I'm talking frames. Only 192 of them:

V00 - I hate this one, because the second part of the video is a flickery mess in motion (after countless hours of using different upscale models I decided to accept that, for now). Probably gonna have to redo it at some point (like never :P because it might give me PTSD). Still frames look nice, though:

Here's an in-game screenshot. Perfectly aligned of course  8-):

No download links this time. Probably gonna post something when I'm done (with Disc 01 at least) in 2027(?). Sorry :)

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-05-15 22:00:11 »
I can't seem to find the edit button to edit my first post (maybe I'm just blind), so I'll leave this short new FMV here:

As before, the video is encoded at some overkill bitrate.

Releases / Re: [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-05-15 21:53:39 »
Thanks for all your encouraging words.

Now, let's get down to business ;)
you didn't turn the sound into a distorted mess either
Audio tracks are from PS1 release. Then compressed to OGG at CBR 320kbps for quality reasons. Most FMVs are pretty short and the size difference between VBR at eg. target 128kbps is not big, so I decided I'll go for the MaximumTM quality.

still a bit too blurry in some spot but that's huge progress for an automatic upscale..
I managed to get some sharper results in some cases, but it was a mixed bag. Sometimes the objects/characters became so sharp that they didn't really fit into the background (halo-like artifacts along contours). Like they didn't belong in the scene. I tried to avoid that whenever I could.

I focused mostly on animation stability, to reduce frame-to-frame wobbliness seen in some other FMV upscaling projects. Sometimes to achieve that I had to sacrifice a bit of sharpness. Because what looks better in still images, sometimes looks worse in motion. While my FMVs are not super-stable in motion, they are stable enough (at least for me ;)) considering the source videos.

I wonder if different upscale methods would give sharper results and that could help using animated mask to blend between different type of upscales.. that would require a lot of roto-masking but it could work maybe..
Yes, I actually thought about that. For example, some models give sharper looking characters but destroy the backgrounds by turning them into oversharpened mess. Other models produce great looking backgrounds, but the characters are blurry. So it would be the best to somehow auto-combine them together to achieve the MaximumTM quality ;)

Hope you don't mind I uploaded it to Youtube
Not at all.

Those are pretty sharp looking FMV's, what ESRGAN models are you using?

Me and MCINDUS made a custom model. I've done about 98% of FMV's upscaled to 4k, we could work together and achieve a quicker release.
I use a lot of different models, software and techniques on every single frame within a scene (and some FMVs have a lot of different scenes, sometimes I use different models between the scenes, for example, I used completely different methods for upscaling the waves from the intro FMV, different ESRGAN models for Seifer vs Squall fight etc.) Like I said before, it's a trial and error process to figure out what model/technique combination works best for that specific scene. And it's very time and PC resource consuming (I hope my GPU won't die on me, since it's working some crazy hours at 100% every day :-D)

I use models from here:
JPG PlusULTRA, DeJpeg Fatality PlusULTRA, ISO denoise v1 among others. Sometimes one of them, sometimes all of them. So one frame of FMV can undergo 3-5 different ESRGAN models. IIRC overall there are about 16k frames for Disc 01 alone. It takes a lot of time for sure. Sometimes I use them directly on source BINK PNGs, sometimes I upscale first and then denoise/deblock to achieve the best quality.

I'm still in the phase of prototyping/testing different models, different techniques and different combinations of them, so I'd only slow you down. I think you should continue with our work without me, since my mod won't be ready for the next 10 years or so (if ever :evil:), given how I chose to approach the project. Your mod looks great too, and I can't wait to use it in the meantime.

Releases / [FF8:Remastered] Project Maximum FMV
« on: 2020-05-14 22:18:14 »
It all started when I bought FF8R and wanted to use FMV mods for 2013 Steam release. It turned out that they were not compatible with the remaster. I had to recompress the videos using VP8 codec which butchered the quality. The easy way didn't work out, so I decided to do some heavy upscaling by myself and achieve the Maximum FMV quality:)

Today, I wanted to share with you some of my results. It’s my first ever FMV upscaling project, so please be nice to me ;)

To preserve compatibility the FMV resolution is 1280x896.

Unfortunately, because of severe lack of time on my part (my upscaling methodology is rather complex and it's kind of trial and error using different ESGRAN models/various software to see what looks best for given scene, and that takes ridiculous amount of time and PC resources), for now these three FMVs are more like a of a proof of concept than a true attempt at a full mod. But hopefully one day I’ll manage to upscale them all :)

Here are some comparison shots (original source BIK 2x nearest neighbor vs Remastered edition vs Maximum FMV):

It’s not perfect but I think it’s a moderate improvement, all things considered. Sadly, there are some artifacts here and there, some "wobbly" frames and weird looking faces. Unfortunately, AFAIK nothing can be done about that without editing every frame by hand but that would be crazy (and I am not a crazy person... I think).

Unfortunately FF8R uses *beep* VP8 codec. For now, in order to preserve the quality, I used some overkill bitrate and the files are rather huge. Eg. remastered FMV was around 26mb, my upscaled FMV is around 340mb at the same resolution. This is just a test but the videos should work in the game if you use this:

Here are the links:

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