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Messages - Tempest

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I can't seem to get this to work I installed Memoria I selected the addon from the menu and ticked the box. When I get to the part where Vivi comes into the game his Staff doesn't have 20% Mana on it has Fire. Any idea's what i'm doing wrong ?

@Tempest: The inn is located at the southern exit of the village. Head to the counter to make a previously unseen NPC appear in the room, and select "No" when being asked about staying at the inn. You can then challenge this person to a card game to win the Kiros card.

As for Irvine's Ultimate Weapon, I have checked it myself and had no problems getting it. Are you sure you have all the required items? In the mod, it's Dino Bone x2, Shaman Stone x1, Star Fragment x2 and Screw x18.
Ah so the materials are different. I assumed it was a Moon Stone instead of a Shaman Stone, i've used Irvine quite a bit in other versions.

I think i may have screwed up the quest i gave Minimog to the QOC in Balamb not realizing about the changes. she then moved to Dollet, i went back there and gave her Quezacotll. I have since checked the place in Winhill and no NPC is appearing there. The Kiros Card has been changed right because i would imagine that 3 Auto-Hastes would be too big too pass up on before travelling to Esthar in Lionheart mode. Thanks for the info !

One thing i also don't understand. I have all the materials for Irvine's Ultimate Weapon yet i can't make it in the Junk shop ? What exactly am i missing here ?

@Levantine I kinda figured that out. He's down now his opening damage is pretty stupid, if you miss a turn he can kill you. I think it's the mini battle before hand and making sure everyone is almost 100% going in because you can't save before it. I just killed Raijin and Fujin that was another hard boss battle also. I'm getting some good mileage out of using Siren's Heal ability, it's pretty nifty for random Encounter's and some AOE cleave damage boss fights.

Who play's the Kiros card ? I've been searching around Winhill for ages and i don't even know which building the Inn is ? I think i might have messed this quest up because i gave the Queen Quezacotl in Dollet...

The BGH251F2 in Fisherman's Horizon is pretty hard to kill in the Lionheart version, it's the hardest fight so far for me. I'm trying to change up my strategy a bit for it. I'll get him eventually.

Also was Tonberry changed at all ? Do you acquire him the same way as the base game ?

Seifer and Edea Kramer were a pain in the ass i think, i went into that fight unprepared. It was a pretty epic win i had Rinoa petrified, Squall on 230hp Renozkuken then dies and Irvin finished him off with a pot shot.

This is a lot of fun so far.

I think this is a bug instead of getting Pet Pals 4 from the Deling Hotel i got a Magical Lamp that i can't do anything with.

Does anybody know if the guy in the black suit in Delling has Kiros card or was that moved ?

Tonberry has all the bonus per level increases ?

I been looking for the Stength Bonus on Ifrit i was kinda wondering where it was actually. Thanks for the heads up on that Dealer1993 !

Wow the Lionheart mod is pretty brilliant so far. The only thing that's given me considerable trouble so far is Diablos. I got a little too passive in the haste phase rather than just going ham on him with limits. It's pretty fun to play i mean getting spanked early on by 3 flies in Balamb was pretty hilarious because i gave the mob's no respect.

I think it does well not giving you everything early on so you can cheese it pretty easily. The x10% + x20 STR/MAG buffs are in a good place. I think and the removal of the Zell Card early on (which was so game breaking to me in the original) is a great addition.

I almost lost drawing 100 protect and shell from Grenaldo because i didn't know the boss would go absolutely crazy on me after i killed the last Raldo. That would been a huge fail on my part. So far so good, i can't actually wait to continue with this, i'm on my way to Timber but it's not been easy. I had to re-junction and get my strategy right for a few bosses already, none of them were really walk overs.

Thanks Callisto that worked straight away with no problems.

I had new spells on me when i could check in the classroom and the library has a Double draw point. It seems to be working just fine. I'm gonna give this a full play through, i'll let you know if i run into anything or if anything goes wrong. Thank's for the help and for the effort put in to make this.

Is there a guide on how to install this on Remastered version with zzzDeArchive ?
Can't seem to get it to work using Demaster. I keep checking magic and the draw in the library and nothing.

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