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Messages - Onean

Pages: [1]
Had the checksum issue too, managed to fix it by NOT installing 30fps FMVs.


Sorry for bad cropping.

Was there anything else you did? Because aside from the first install I've also not been installing the 30fps FMVs but still having a problem. (Or the extra music, though that was the case for every install.)

Also, you should not have any issue if: you have your game on C:/ and launch the mod as administrator.

Yeah, I have both the game and the mod installed on C:/ and I run the installer in administrator and I'm still getting an error.

(This one, just in case:)

I've been playing this a bunch these past couple weeks using the v3 beta install, and checked for an update just in time to see the full release so I updated over top of the install I had.

Unfortunately it popped up some error of file issues, which I didn't get a screencap of, so I uninstalled the mod and tried again, getting this error during installation:
If I hit enter the installation seems to finish as normal, but the game just runs as a vanilla install.

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