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Messages - adnanj91

Pages: [1]
WIP / Re: [In Development] FF8 Voiceover Project
« on: 2021-05-07 05:11:00 »
It's actually not the only one any more. Project Echo-S is now making a mod for 8 too

That's so exciting! I know it's too early to ask but do you have a ball-park number on when that will be completed?

I'll try it again and try to record a video of it too.. will keep you posted.

For some reason, the "Chemist" ability is not working correctly for me. It shows 300 when I use a potion but the real HP heal is only 150. Any idea how to fix this?

i think that link is old, i've downloaded the newest version from here and scaled battle UI is 100% working, i can post some screens if you'd like

I'm not seeing the scaled UI either. Do I need to turn it on manually from somewhere?

EDIT: I have Alternate Fantasy installed, does that mess it up?

when you reinstall you have to delete from steam library, then actually go delete the FINAL FANTASY IX folder, before you redownload it

you guys do that?

Yup, didn't fix the issue for me..

Reinstalling doesn't fix it for me :(..

Sorry, forgot to attach the image. Here it is:

I'm getting this weird blue cut-off bubble in the center of my screen and can't see the cursor:

What could be the issue?

Amazing work Callisto! Is there an ETA for the removal of the draw cap in the Remaster? Any chance of getting that soon?

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