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Messages - ItsDenton

Pages: [1]
...I don't have AVG XD that program is the worst. I tried firewall stuff, it didn't have much of an effect, but yet again it seems to have resolved itself with no changes made from the base state...

I'm starting to wonder if EasyInject is like Santa, and you just have to beliiieve in it to get it to work.
Because there's seriously no other explanation.

It started glitching again for me... so I've got the log, but pretty much it just says it's an;

15:59:40|WARN|SeventhHeaven.Classes.GameLauncher|   received errors: STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR: Unknown error in injected assembler code. (Code: 5);  ...

I don't have anywhere to upload it, but it basically printed that all 14 attempts and then;

15:59:44|ERROR|SeventhHeaven.Classes.GameLauncher|Unknown error in injected assembler code.

In the meantime, could someone link me to the "compatibility fix" that worked for Snake2208 is, please? If that has a shot at working, it'd be nice to try  :)

Yeah. I was  going to send the full thing today after I read your message... and no problem with hooks anymore.
Straight up confused. Still love the launcher, though. It's made the flashbacks and graphic stuff in my game waaay easier to deal with. Keep up the good work!
Sorry it's not screwing up again so I can't send you the report.

...that's an odd thing to be sorry for.

Yeah, I can see that. Sourceforge might be a good idea, too, as long as we don't lose the links or anything like that.
I'm mostly just concerned about how easy it is to lose a lot of good programs due to servers disappearing.

Sorry if this is something already reported. I checked the FAQ, but couldn't find anything on it...

I installed just now, but when I try to run the game with mods installed (regardless of number of mods or source) about 6 out of 7 times it crashes.

It gets to...

Attempting to inject with EasyHook ...
Failed to inject after max amount of tries (14) ...
Unknown error in injected assembler code.
Failed to launch FF7. View the above log for details.

And, well, fails to launch FF7. It's fine launching the game with no mods, it's only when it runs the injector that it timesout and crashes.
I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling, but got nowhere. I also removed the custom addresses I had in the .var file, still nothing.

Hi. Nice to talk to you all1!

I've been thinking about something relatively serious related to FF7 modding and this community, but it probably2 requires Admin authority.

The thought I've been having is,
"Every time I get back into modding FF7, more and more of the links to the tools are dead, missing, or both."

I'm sure you've all noticed it, right? This time, I was looking for Palmer, and found another dead website. We have a lot of those around the forum, now. And the situation is getting worse (Particularly with certain filesharing websites going down)... It's a bad situation, and it means a lot of work is disappearing.

An Idea on (briefly) stemming this tide of loss

I don't know for sure if this has been suggested; At the very least, I couldn't find it.

Have you guys heard of ""?
It's a modding website that's been around since the mid 2000s and is still going strong, started as exclusively Elder Scrolls mods related but hs now expanded. It stores tools, mods and more, some of the uploads are well over a decade old and the links and downloads still work fine.

Nexus Mods has a section for FF7 mods now, and given their track record of keeping mods online I think if we start uploading mods, tools, and such to their databanks, it'll stop the trend of people's hard work disappearing over the years due to data loss and personal websites going down.

Now, I'm not an admin3 But if we had an official sticky thread on this site, linking to a NexusMods page that has all of the Qhimm tools on it4, it'd really help people looking to download the old tools and get back into the FF7 Modding Scene.
We can ask the people who still regularly come to the site if they're okay with their projects being put as part of the "Official Qhimm Toolset" available for download, and encourage them if they don't want to be a part of the Qhimm Toolset to upload the files on there for safekeeping under their own username. Not compulsory, of course.

Now, the next part would definitely require Admin permission
For files where the original creators are sadly unavailable, we could make it an "Opt-Out"- we upload the program, and put a note on the sticky thread saying "If you do not want your tool as part of this package, please contact an admin and request it to be removed" so that if they show up again and don't want their work to be on the official page, they know what's going on. Keeping the mods online and in public viewing as their legacy, in case the original site they uploaded to goes down (Or has already gone down).

Anyway, that's my proposal. Tell me what you think.

1 As opposed to lurking for like, a decade and a half
2 Definitely
3 Nor do I play one on TV
4 Listed by an official qhimm account

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