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Messages - rakuanu

Pages: [1]
Releases / Re: [FF8PC - Steam] Succession Mod (v.1.0)
« on: 2023-07-29 09:34:25 »
Still no remaster compatibility plans?

I'd rather they worked on Ragnarok + Succession compatibility. It's unfortunate that two of the biggest FF8 mods aren't fully compatible with each other.

There is no mistake here this robot are deficient and do some stupid stuff like that, this was also the case in Vanilla.

Oh, had no idea. That's pretty funny then. Also how do you re-learn EXP-none? I accidentally unlearned it and saved over it.

I actually went ahead and used the Hyne's editor to add it back in but noticed that Quezacotl and Ifrit don't have SumMag +30% and is listed as Forgotten but I'm very sure I didn't unlearn it with Amnesia Greens. Intended or something I should restore?

Enjoying my playthrough so far.

Just wanted to let you know that the Espers during the dream sequence with Laguna, Kiros, and Ward in the Esthar mining operation casts Cure and Protect on enemies (my team) instead of itself.

Actually.. it's also attacking its team mate, and casting Slow on themselves too... the target selection is a bit missed up here.

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