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Messages - CLobo

Pages: [1]
Troubleshooting / Re: FF7Music.exe instability
« on: 2008-06-13 16:19:57 »
I'm running XP with 1gb of ram, with 700~mb free while running ff7 and ff7music. Ram ain't the least of my problems. :P
And yeah, I also tried different compatibility modes.
No cake.

Never mind, it seems I got it to work with more fiddling. Setting it to no compatibility, out_wave, and microsoft sound mapper seems to do the trick.
Thanks for the help, I wouldn't have thought of resetting the compatibility options if it wasn't for you. I overlooked that after changing it to 98/2000. Silly me.

Hehe when you mess around with the possibile issues you end up fixing it yourself :).

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 screen totally black.
« on: 2008-06-13 16:14:43 »
Well, when i go to the part where you see Jessie i think opening a door and you name cloud there are no on map characters, i just have to walk around until I get  into battle :/
but ow I've uninstalled it reinstalled it and now i go to load it, it goes black for a few seconds and then goes off

Sounds like the problem might lie in the discs your using(assuming your using a legit copy :P). Either take auxlii's advice with the codecs, no on map chars might be issues with your field folder as well.

Before you uninstall it, make sure you delete your data folder because an uninstallation usually dpesnt delete these folders, if your computer restricts it, which it probably will since you use Vista open your data folder, and delete all of your files. Try again ;). Report back for anymore problems.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 ACFE.aki missing!
« on: 2008-06-13 16:11:40 »
I'd just reinstall. :S
Installing ffvii is really fast and applying patches is easy. Heck, just copy your FF7.exe and paste it back after you reinstall.

Yeah, if your missing a file, delete your data folder, and then uninstall(my comp doesnt uninstall these things >.>), and install it again, dont use your char.lpg copy, instead get a brand new one. Copies can sometimes be missing files, when i went to run the NPC recon, i opened my char.lpg file which was a copy, and alas the NPC recon didnt work. Just pure speculation. Dont forget the 1.02 patch as well  :wink:.

Troubleshooting / Re: Installation of FFVII PC on a Mac?
« on: 2008-06-13 07:01:18 »

Thanks for the helpful response!  She's trying to use a program called Crossover, which apparently allows you to use Windows apps.  Any advice on that?

My good friend owns a Mac, we constantly debate over Mac Vs Pc, but anyway Crossover allows you to install many popular Windows applications and games on your Intel OS X Mac. Its worth a shot, however i cant guarantee 100% it will work, good luck!

CLobo  :mrgreen:

Troubleshooting / Re: Final Fantasy VII just Crashed =(.
« on: 2008-06-13 06:58:47 »
Think of Cloud as Sephiroth's evil twin. lol
Feels like an episode of Days of Our Lives. XD

Lol, i was thinking that exact same thing! XD

Yeah its weird seeing Cloud as the evil one, especially when he stabbed Tifa, on the bright side I didnt get that Dragon error where Sephiroth always misses  :mrgreen:.


Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 screen totally black.
« on: 2008-06-13 06:57:03 »
I've just installed FF7 on my Laptop which is Vista (Yes I know Vista doesn't run a lot of stuff)
Well when i go to play it i get passed the intro and then the screen goes black but the game still runs. When i get into the first battle everything goes back to normal and then when it finishes the maps and characters come back. when i exit to the next screen i have no characters until after battle.
And also when after the intro there is no music. Any help would be GREATLY appreciated

Also I get no error message and nothing crashes.

I also run Vista on a Laptop(Dell XPS ftw),

The intro not having music happened to me also, but it reverts back once you get into your first battle. So dont worry about this one too much.
Now when you say next screen i assume your refering to when you get to name Cloud? When you say you have no chars after battle what exactly do you mean >.>?


Troubleshooting / Re: In need of FFVII help please
« on: 2008-06-13 06:50:27 »
I linked a fix to the battle swirl, but you aren't seeing it, maybe thats not it. But try this anyway, near the bottom of the guys explanation are a few fixes he has. Hope this helps!


Troubleshooting / Re: Final Fantasy VII Crash
« on: 2008-06-13 06:41:16 »
Hmm it sounds like your flevel folder might be the culprit(note i said might :P). I had a similiar problem where i would crash in Shinra Mansion while looking for Cloud(i have the sephiroth patch :P). So i got a new Flevel.lpg file, and the problem was fixed, although the real culprit was the TXT patch  :x.

Troubleshooting / Re: FF7 ACFE.aki missing!
« on: 2008-06-13 06:39:01 »
Ok so last night i tried installing the NPC reconstruction mod.  i made a copy of the original char.lgp file.  so when i finally gave up i deleted the modded file and put the copy of the original back in the field folder.  now however whenever i try to play the game it closes.  when i choose new game it says i am missing ACFE.aki file.  i uninstalled everything and did a fresh install.  still wont work.  how can i fix this.  and also can where can i get a more detailed manual on how to install the NPC reconstruction update?  thanks all

Well if you want a detailed instruction on the NPC Patch id be glad to help =).

1. Make sure you have Lpgtools(found at ficedulas download section).
2. Use Lpgtools to open char.lpg and then once this is done, go to extract all, go to Program Files\Squaresoft Inc\FF7\data\field and make a new folder in there called char, you can do this before or after you select the extract all option. Alot of files huh? :P
3. Get yourself a nice beverage, maybe a bag of chips and wait.  :-P
4. Once this is done the folder should be 46.1 in size. Note: the slightest thing will cause Lpgtools to stop responding, so if your antivirus pops up to tell you they found no threats try not to get angry(happened to me >.>)
5. Nows the fun part, open your NPC Recon, and make sure you run it as administrator, hit next, then wait until it gives you the ok, start the patch, and then...
6. Take a nap, or get in touch with your feminine side, whatever it takes to kill abput 15-30 mins!.  :lol:
7. Now this part sounds tricky, but its very easy ^^. Now open Lgptools again, and click where it says create, you get a warning, clinch your cross, star of david, whatever and click ok, now go to this: Program Files\Squaresoft Inc\FFVII\Data\Field\char(dont delete this yet), now where it says Save, type in char.lpg and hit save. Now your Lpg tools will freeze for a bit but dont worry its creating the file  :wink:. You'll know its done when the create button looks untouched, while the file is being created, the create button will look as if you just clicked on it. After rename your old char.lpg something like char.bakup, and your new one just char. delete the folder you named char(not the one you just created) or save it just in case.

Some errors:

While running the patch it may say something like this Squaresoft Inc\FfVII\Data\Wm\ its called :P) is unknown version, dont panic, simply exit the patcher, and move this file to another location, i moved mine to a file i named Hideout  8-). If you get this error and have moved this file, open lpgtools go to data, and check to see if your wm file still exists there, if it does delete it, your patcher shouldn't pick it up after then.

if you want help with the Sephiroth Patch also I'll help you also =P. I hope this helps bro, good luck! :)


Troubleshooting / Re: Final Fantasy 7 Issue
« on: 2008-06-13 06:26:09 »
Congrats. I know how it feels to finally get this game working. :P

Lol you and me both  :mrgreen:.

Troubleshooting / Re: Final Fantasy VII just Crashed =(.
« on: 2008-06-13 06:25:26 »
Hehe  :evil:.

Well for everyone experiencing this problem here is the solution, get a new flevel folder(can be found in field). For some reason the text patch at certain parts causes a crash. Now im gonna have to live with Cloud being named Sephiroth, and Sephiroth being named....Sephiroth XD.


Troubleshooting / Re: Final Fantasy VII just Crashed =(.
« on: 2008-06-13 01:33:43 »

I fixed the problem myself(i updated my topic). The text patch seemed to be the problem. And i put Cloud/Sephiroth because i didnt want to confuse anybody, not everyone has the sephiroth patch afterall :). And i was crashing right when Sephiroth left the stairs which leads to the undergrounnd purple cave, i was unable to enter. i think i mentioned that above(maybe I wasn't  specific enough  :?).

Thank for your concern,

P.S Whoever made the Sephiroth patch nice job! But something is wrong with the Text Patch :(.

Troubleshooting / Final Fantasy VII just Crashed =(.
« on: 2008-06-12 19:56:33 »

I installed Final Fantasy VII(the real version), and ran the following patches: 1.02 Patch, NPC Recon, and Sephiroth Patch.

Now heres what happens. I'm at the part where Cloud(or should i say Sephiroth) has a flashback to when he went with Sephiroth(or should i say Cloud >.>) to the Mako Reactor, he goes to the place where it says JENOVA, and then we find out Hojo has been experimenting with people & mako, Cloud/Sephiroth goes crazy and starts slashing some of the pods, one breaks open to reveal a very disgusting creature. So i save my game, and then I'm at the part where i must find Cloud in the Shinra mansion. Now i go upstairs take a right turn, and southeast to that place with the spiral staircase, so i go down, and then to the stairs at the bottom, so once i go down the stairs, the screen goes black, and it takes me back to my desktop and tells me ff7.exe has stopped working. Note: IVe NEVER finished the game(or gotten past this part) so if a movie or something like that is supposed to happen, i wouldn't know, and dont want to be flamed for not ready stickies :). i humbly apologize is this annoys anyone.  :roll:

I figured it must've been a problem with my field folder, so i got another one and patched it with the text patch, and it still crashed. I checked forums and didn't find anyone else with my problem, so can somebody help me with this issue? :(

System Specs: nVidea 8400 GT, Intel Duo 2.1 ghz, 2 Gbs of Memory, and Vista Home Premium 32 Bit

Thanks in Advance,

I managed to solve the problem, the text patch is what was causing ff7.exe to crash.

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