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Messages - Wolvester X

Pages: [1]

Great MOD!!!

I thank you for putting a lot of time creating it. I have just finished the D-District Prison area I am enjoying it a lot and it inspired me to start my own MOD. I just have a question.

How did you manage to edit the enemies for FF8R? My programming knowledge is pretty slim so I hope to just create a MOD using the available tools here...

- I tried editing FF8Rs Battle.fs using IFRIT and it's scene.out using CACTILIO but for some reason after compiling it through zzzDeArchive it does not change anything regarding the enemies (Changed bite bugs and Ifrits levels, EXP, AP, HP etc. but nothing happened. It's still vanilla Ifrit and bitebug) Editing files from main.fs works fine though (Doomtrain and Quezacotl tools are working fine). I never had any big issues with this when I was using it for the 2013 version. Help please? :D

***I GOT IT!!!***

Figured out what's wrong!!! :)

Compiling Battle.Fs though Ifrit was a bad idea. I am not editing using Ifrit and replacing monster files using Deling.

After repacking the game gets locked when I encounter an enemy. The music and the enemies will be there but not the characters. It's as if it got stuck waiting for the characters to load.

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