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Messages - carl09876

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@Trilititi helooo ??? fucking answer you dick , this bullshit about ignore people's messages must end once and for all

@akirat9: Here they are.

@carl09876: About item/card steals/drops, mostly no. These are hardcoded in the battle code, which is MIPS in the PSX version and CIL/C# in the Steam version. I guess you can try changing the steal % of each item slot on the PSX version in the MIPS panel (with a bit of luck, these "256/64/16/1" pourcentages are written plainly in the code, so you'd just have to change these figures, even though it will change the rates for all the enemies). If you are on the Steam version, then you can change the code of the Steal script for this kind of result (check out the documentations on how to use Memoria). It is actually not a bad idea to add fields to change these % chances; I'll see what I can do for the next version of Memoria.

When you add/remove an enemy to a group, make sure to change the script accordingly (Edit Script -> function Main_Init -> make sure that the "InitObject" lines match with the changes you made).

The corruption of .hws files happen when you try to modify the script of the field "Opening-for FMV" or when you change something in the panels "Environment -> World Maps -> Place Names" and "Environment -> World Maps -> Battle Spots". I am currently working on an update of HW that will fix that bug amongst other things.

hmm , are you sure that there isn't nothing in the cil code section that allow to change the values of the steal rate ? i prefer to modify the files rather than change something in the executable ,also you said that memoria and hades workshop aren't compatible , so if you use one , then the game won't respond properly to the changes in the other program , as for the corruption , i don't think the problem is the mdofication in the battle spot , because i managed to change some battle spots , for example , i placed hades and quera in the desert , and i placed dantarian and ozma in the little island were you usually only find the yan , but it also mean that the problem occur only some times , possible ?

@Trilititi can you be more specific about this: "Edit Script -> function Main_Init -> make sure that the "InitObject" lines match with the changes you made" what should i do ? i am checking that section but i don't understand what i should change , because i am looking now at the scripts , for a group that i didn't modified and a group were i enabled some more enemies , they are identical , i am talking about the main init

ok , the game crashed because i added to group 1 for group id 360 the goblin , making a group of two monsters , then i parsed , and still no warnings or errors , the modification to the main init consisted in copy and paste the line for the goblin from a group were it already existed , so what i am doing wrong ?

another thing that happened is that when i placed a group of monsters that come from the ice cavern (is 029 , kannibal and gelatine) , in the  battle spot of the mist continent , the battle trigger properly , but the music don't , so where is the data of that group there is the option to trigger the music ?

ok , so it seem that the game really crashed for changing the battle spots , to be more precise  , for the fact of have places the group 029 (kannibal and gelatine) in the battle spot of the mist continent , the very first that you visit after the evil forest , the one were you find the group of enemies 360 (pyton and goblin) , so yeah , the problem is really what you said , a bug in the program that somehow corrupt the files for the very fact of have switched certain battle spots , still ti is very strange , because as i said , i could place hades and queera in the desert without any kind of problems , so why some changes works and some other changes doesn't ?

i discovered what was causing the crash: if you change the group of enemies in the battle spot without change the background image then the game crash , but if you do it by changing the background image first and then you change the battle spot , the game doesn't crash , still it is a bug in the program that need to be fixed of course , along with the music that doesn't trigger when for example you put a group of enemies that come from the  ice cavern and you put them in the first open field of the mist continent right after the evil forest

Consolidated sextuple post. my dude. I understand you can't yet edit posts, but bruh... 4 and then 6? So figure out everything you want to say before you post and say it at once please.  - Bonez

Posting Etiquette Rule 1: Double posting is generally not allowed. If your last post was less than 24-48 hours ago, edit your post. Some leeway will be given for new users who do not have access to the edit function yet, but please don't abuse this.

@Tirlititi hi , does this program have somewhere an option to increase the drop rate of the items that can be stolen or dropped by the monsters and to do the same with the card drop ?

another thing i need to know is why when i modify a group of enemies , the new enemy i am enabling just don't do anything , for example , enemy id 360 , pyton and goblin , there is a group that only have one pyton , i enabled even the goblin , but then  ,the goblin didn't attacked , just like it didn't got atted at all @Trilititi

also it seem that hades workshop corrupted some of the files i modified , infact after i saved the latest modifications , i had to use my back up files because at some point , the game crashed and i couldn't even open hades workshop , but the moment when i used my back up of the modified files , i could immediately open the game again and use hades workshop

i know the reason of those corrupted data , it is for a problem occurred even long ago, basically , if there are too many data to save all at once , it may happen that the program cause the corruption of the modded files , it happened to me while modifying the data of the monsters all at once , and so i tried to save only half of all the mods , and after i saved the changes , i closed and reopened the program , that solved the problem for now , but clearly the program need a fix to handle all those changes saved at once

Consolidated quad post. - Bonez

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