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Messages - srps

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Thanks for the mod pack makes setting the game up take so much less time. One question though when i start it with the run .bat file the cmd has a message saying duplicate file name exists or file cannot be found several times but then it starts and everything seems to be working fine. Did I mess something up or can I ignore that?

Well if the game starts up just fine then I guess you can ignore it but...that's odd.

That's because you have mixed versions of normal and hardcore mode files.

Edit the .bat and look for the files described there. You should only have "h_xxxx.yyy" + "xxxx.yyy" if you're running in normal mode or "n_xxxx.yyy" + "xxxx.yyy" if you're running hardcore mode.

Example: running normal mode, in /data/battle you should have "h_battle.lgp", "h_scene.bin", "battle.lgp", "scene.bin".

If you have, for example, "h_battle.lgp" + "battle.lgp" + "n_battle.lgp" you mixed up different versions of the files.

In the hardcore mode, after opening the chest at Shin-Ra HQ in the 65th floor that has the key to 66th floor, a battle with Bizarro-Sephiroth started.

Any news about my texture bugs, titeguy3?

The only thing I can think of that can cause that is if the OpenGL driver isn't installed properly, but if changing the settings in the openGL config file works, then everything should be installed correctly...
does the "windowed" option work when you choose it in the opengl config file?
If so, then I'm going to chalk this error up to an incompatibility with your graphics card's drivers...
I'm also tempted to say that your battle.lgp could be corrupt, and that a re-install would fix the issue, but I highly doubt that a re-install of the patch would fix the issue.

I've just updated the graphic drivers to 10.3 beta and the issue seems gone now, so I'll take it as a driver issue.

I was using display driver beta v8.703, for the record.

Thanks for the help anyway  ;)

Any news about my texture bugs, titeguy3?


@srps Is the top pic after you installed the Team Avalanche patch and the bottom before? It looks like the game isn't finding the me your app.log and I might have an idea as to why...

No, both are with the patch installed. The top one shows Barret selected by the cursor, as shown by the yellow pyramid on top of him. If cloud were selected, Cloud would be textured and Barret untextured instead. When none are selected (ATB not full), both are untextured.

This is with or without Team Avalanche patch.

APP.LOG here. I killed the game with alt + f4, hence the ERROR in the last line.

Edit: Removed some info that I found to be inconsistent, and probably just a visual mistake on my side.

I think I've found some new info, though, will try to get a couple more screenies up.

Edit 2: Alright, new screens

As you can see, if Cloud's in the top row, and he is selected, both his and Barret textures look ok. As soon as Cloud is de-selected or ordered to attack \ use item \ etc they both lose theire textures.

In this picture you can see that although no one is selected, Cloud is textured fine. I just swapped Cloud with Barret (that is, put Barret on first position and Cloud on second). Barret still has no texture though.

Cloud is still on the second position, and textured. Barret is now selected and as usual, he regains the texture when selected.

I'm having some weird glitch running version 2.5 of the remix. I've never tried any previous version before by the way.

In battles, my characters that aren't selected by the cursor become untextured, just blank. Pics below:

Any ideas of what could be causing this? I'm running it on Windows 7 64bits, on a Core2Quad Q6600 and a Radeon 5770, Catalyst 10.2

It happens on either fullscreen \ windowed mode, aspected ratio preserved or not, and fancy_transparency on \ off

I've seen this before. What version of FF7 do you have?

Normal version of the game, I suppose. The one distributed by Eidos, with install CD + 3 game CDs.

I didn't install any patch prior to this one, I installed the game, installed the Remix 2.5 patch (I installed it in "D:\Final Fantasy VII" to keep my disk organized), modified 64bitpostinstall.bat, FF7RemixShortcuts64.vbs and ff7movkeyD64.reg to match the installation dir. I ran into a few problems starting the game, but solved them tweaking some sound settings in FF7music.exe after checking what was wrong in the logs.

I also installed Team Avalanche high res patch (beta 9), but that was after I discovered the problem. It smoothed out a lot of stuff, but didn't solve the problem unfortunately.

Any hints?


I'm having some weird glitch running version 2.5 of the remix. I've never tried any previous version before by the way.

In battles, my characters that aren't selected by the cursor become untextured, just blank. Pics below:

Any ideas of what could be causing this? I'm running it on Windows 7 64bits, on a Core2Quad Q6600 and a Radeon 5770, Catalyst 10.2

It happens on either fullscreen \ windowed mode, aspected ratio preserved or not, and fancy_transparency on \ off


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