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Messages - zachase

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Troubleshooting / Need help with Griever
« on: 2010-04-15 16:45:34 »
Hi everyone. I got FF8 working on my laptop and I was wondering why Griever isn't working. It keeps saying it can't load because MFC770.dll is missing from my computer. I saw another post saying if you just download that file and then another one (some java file IIRC) then it will work fine. That's all good, but where do I download these files? Google only pulls up a handful of results for this search and there are "registry fixers" that want to charge me $40 to fix it for me. Obviously, I don't trust these programs since my comp works fine, I just can't get Griever to run. Anyone know where I can find the files I need?

Thanks everyone. I reinstalled the entire patch and now its working again. Weird.

That is my app.log that is still in the FF7 folder from my last attempt. I did realize that I installed Norton yesterday. Do you think that may have done something? If I have to reinstall the openGL (and just that) how do I do that?

TOTAL 67108864 FREE 62912512
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 600 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 600 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 600 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
Ramp Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D Mono(Ramp) Software Emulation
RGB Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software Emulation
Direct3D HAL
  Microsoft Direct3D Hardware acceleration through Direct3D HAL
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 0:Microsoft GS Wavetable Synth, mid=1, pid=27,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: C:\Program Files (x86)\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: 36883688
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
10036743060f 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
MIDI set volume: 127
10036743060f 127 = 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN

EDIT: Just played with openGL and tried to lower my resolution to 640 x 480 again to see if that would help and upon startup I got a message saying "OOPS something very bad has happened!" Here is the APP log. It also made crash.dmp but I have no idea how to view that. I tried running the openGL postinstall utility and after configuring, the black tells me it cannot find the opengl even though it is right there. I think you're right about needing to reinstall. How do I do that?

INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r19334, Copyright (c) 2000-2009 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
INFO: FF7Music helper plugin loaded
INFO: Intel Mobile Intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family 2.1.0 - Build
INFO: Found swap_control extension
INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 640x480, output resolution 640x480, internal resolution 640x480
ERROR: unhandled exception

I'm not sure what happened between yesterday and today, but the game won't start up now. I just get a big black screen and have to restart every time. I used Jenova on my save, but I checked it and it worked fine yesterday. I also switched out some songs on the music tool, but I don't understand why that would cause this. Any ideas?

I updated my laptop's drivers and it finally runs perfectly :) Thanks again

Thanks CloudGuy for all your help! I did what you said and now its 30 fps in the field and actually feels like its supposed to :)

EDIT: Okay, spoke to soon. When I first load, everything is normal, how its supposed to be, but after about ten minutes, the framerates drop in half for a while and sometimes switch back to normal. I'd say about 70% of the time, its in slow mo the rest its normal. Any ideas?

I lowered my resolution to 640 x 480 and same deal. Intro movie is fine, but once game actual starts its in slomo again. Any tips? I have the opengl a few posts earlier if anyone has any ideas. I am running a 3ghz hp pentium with windows 7.

okay, here is my opengl file. what should I change so that the game isn't running at about half speed? The intro movie works fine, but once I hit new game, the visuals slow to a crawl. Takes almost seven minutes to get the logo to appear over the city...

# ff7_opengl config file

# use shaders, if available and supported
# turn shaders off to use the OpenGL 1.1 backend
use_shaders = yes

# plugins
# a movie plugin is required, the music plugin is optional, but required to make FF7Music work
movie_plugin = plugins/ffmpeg_movies.fgp
music_plugin = plugins/ff7music.fgp

# vertex and fragment shaders
vert_source = shaders/main.vert
frag_source = shaders/main.frag

# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
# options are and
# note that shaders/ must be configured to proper resolution, open with notepad
post_source = shaders/
enable_postprocessing = no

# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = no

# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = no

# set the window size (and fullscreen resolution) of FF7
# 0 means use original resolution (whatever ff7.exe provides)
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 1366
window_size_y = 768
preserve_aspect = no
fullscreen = yes

# prevent glitches due to rounding errors by rendering in the nearest (larger, if supported)
# multiple of the original resolution and up/down-scaling
prevent_rounding_errors = yes

# check your driver settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = yes

# limit snowboard, coaster and highway minigames to refresh rate / 2, i.e. 30fps for a 60hz display mode
# vsync must be enabled and working for this to have any effect
minigame_framelimiter = on

# same thing, but for the battle swirl
battleswirl_framelimiter = on

# replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source
use_new_timer = yes

# use a more stable (but less accurate) timer to control FF7's framelimiter
# this option has no effect unless the use_new_timer option is on
use_stable_timer = yes

# allow FF7 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
linear_filter = off

# enable alpha blending for textures without an existing blending effect
fancy_transparency = off

# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# this option requires you to have all your LGP archives unpacked in direct/, with one folder for each archive
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd instead
# this option should be used for testing only, performance will take a hit
direct_mode = off

Anyone know why the movies and graphics are kinda slow and choppy? The music works fine but the graphics themselves are like one slo-mo or something...

Wow :) Its working! I'm so happy. Should the intro FMV (new game movie) be kinda choppy? The music is playing, but the video itself is like starting and stopping (like on slow play or something). Is that normal?

Sorry for the double post... Didn't know how to modify my old post.

I opened the registry editor to try and find opengl or whatever I have to edit to get FF7 to work but I cannot find any folder that has it. I looked for Squaresoft, Final Fantasy 7, Eidos, and none of them are anywhere to be found in the regeditor. I clicked on the opengl registry in the actual program folder and it says "The values have been successfully added to the registry" but I can't find them anywhere. I'm assuming I have to edit a file to go along with the readme, but I can't find whatever I'm supposed to do next. I've been trying for two days now to get the stupid game up and running and I'm really getting frustrated now :(

I tried playing the game again after a reinstall and all I got was a black screen and then back to my desktop. There has to be someone here who got this to work on  a computer with Windows 7. Can someone please explain what I'm supposed to do like I'm a total moron? Step by step as detailed as possible? I've searched all the topics and all over the internet for a simple way to make my FF7 work (at all) and it may as well all be in German.

I just installed your patch and extracted all the files and then a text doc popped up. What am I supposed to do? Make all the lines in OpenGL look like the ones in the text box?

Thank you :) So are the rest of the NPCs still dumb looking? Can I tack on the Recon patch or no? Also does the Jenova save editor problem happen EVERY time at Kalm or only when you do certain things? Sorry, I'm such a n00b lol

I can't tell but does this mod have higher quality NPCs and battle models for everyone or just Cloud? If not, is there I way I can add NPC recon project or is there something better? I just don't want to have an awesome looking Cloud running around and have everyone else look like a walking box... Thanks for the help.

Hi everyone, I was going nuts till I found this message board so hopefully there's someone here who can help me before my head explodes. I installed my old ff7 pc game on my new laptop that has 7 on it.
I tried it out and I got a black screen for five minutes before giving up. I looked online and someone said I needed true motion 2.0, ace mega codecs pack, set the display to software render, and set compatibility to Windows 95. I tried that and then I saw the intro movie, but its like zoomed in to the top left corner of all the movies, and then whenever I hit a button, it crashes.
After this, I searched for patches, and found this site and I tried to do the first three patches (without the no dialog box and 9999 limit) but i have no idea what is going on. I think I did the 1.02 patch right (just copy and paste the new icons and get rid of the old ones, right?), Saint's high rez patch (and the fixer thing that came with it), and then tried YAMP and after about ten tries, it said everything was a success. I tried the game again at this point, and it was still as bad as the first time.
Any idea what I need to do? What am I doing wrong? Anything else I should download?
My ultimate goal for my game is to have the official patch 1.02, YAMP, higher quality cloud, NPC recon 0.6, and something that increase the resolution; I kinda want new spell and advent avatars, but I can live without the last two. Is that even possible?
Thank anyone who can help me SO much!

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