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Messages - xXrenoXx

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth Limit break
« on: 2010-10-12 19:50:52 »
OK I've change Sephiroth ID and make him as Vincent. So Sephiroth HAVE Vincent's limit break. But when he perform his limit, the animation isn't good... he don't transform but he's attacking, and he don't perform a attack, he do nothing but the camera change and the enemy die... any idea ?

General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth Limit break
« on: 2010-10-05 20:23:26 »
thanks, but your work is for the PSX, but I'm working on the PC version. :|

General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth Limit break
« on: 2010-10-05 17:20:21 »
ok Bosola, but how can I change the Character ID ? I don't find it in ff7.exe or kernel.bin ..

General Discussion / Re: Sephiroth Limit break
« on: 2010-09-28 16:41:56 »
In Wallmarket, in [Initial Data/character Data], on the Right of window, there's a "Limit related" section, with a "limit bar" bottom.

But How to change character ID ? In .exe file ? or swiping some files ?

I've try to change all "vinsent.DAT" of the EXE file in "sefiros.DAT" and vice versa. And the game crash when the battle starting If I have Sephiroth or Vincent in my team...

And when I change One of "SEFIROS.DAT" in "VINSENT.DAT" and vice versa, I swip Vincent and Sephiroth skin in battle but others change nothing...

Thanks for your reply  ;D

General Discussion / Sephiroth Limit break
« on: 2010-09-28 13:12:11 »
Hi everyone !

I have a little problem : I'm trying to mod FFVII, I want to try some possibility before starting a big mod.

I've take makou reactor, and I've creat a little script : The first character is Sephiroth, he's on the sector 1 train station, and there is a battle VS Cloud.

I've used Wallmarket and put sephiroth's limit bar to full But in battle, sephiroth limit bar is always empty...

I've read some post about sephiroth and vincent battle data, but I don't have realy understand how to give vincent's limit break to sephiroth...

I want to know how to make somethin like this :

Anyone got an Idea ?


(sources :

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Re: Hexa-decoding
« on: 2010-09-02 19:49:49 »
Hey !

I don't have decode all the file but I discovered this :

in all **ab file, we can find this sort of sequence : 00 00 XX YY 00 00 X2X2 Y2Y2 00 00 X3 X3 Y3 Y3 ext...

I know XX is the animation who is called by the file at this moment.

The first is the first animation (when the character don't move) the 2Nd is when the character is hit ext...

Scripting and Reverse Engineering / Hexa-decoding
« on: 2010-09-01 15:45:55 »
Hi everyone !
 I need some help because I'm not a programmer. I know how to Edit files in hexadecimal editor. But I don't know how to decode this file. I'm on the mysterious **AB file in FFVII !

I know that : in the 1st line, there is she Shadow information for the battle model and between byte 00000000 and 00000120 are information about some animation.

To link with my first topic, I'm trying to get an enemy with cloud battle model without swap any file with enemy model file. So I need to know WHY my ATB is frozen when I use my cloud battle model. If someone can help me or know anything, because I'm on this problem for 2 or 3 weeks ago !  :-\

thanks !

General Discussion / Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« on: 2010-08-31 18:58:46 »
Don't worry  :lol: it's cool if you want to help me ^^

But I just want to mod cloud's model and find exactly HOW to change the file to playable or enemy  :-D

General Discussion / Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« on: 2010-08-31 16:49:30 »
Hey !

Well, if I change cloud's file for a Soldier's file, then all animation are mixed ^^, and this solution is to bypass the problem and I don't want to bypass it but to resolve !
I'm trying something = take a half of enemy hexa file, and put it on the half of cloud's file. If it work, I take the half (of the half ^^), if it work I take the half ext... and I will find the good information in the hexa file.
If it don't work... I'll tell you ! ;)

Edit :
But it don't work  :|

I'm still searching ^^

General Discussion / Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« on: 2010-08-26 17:28:14 »
To begin, thank you for replying to my message.

The game isn't frozen, but the ATB is stopped.
The hires model and normal model are the same, with the same animation. But I think the problem come from the siAB file. I've search a loooong time for some information but no one know really how to translate it... I've try to Compare playable character's and boss's **AB file with a hexa-editor, but I'm not a programmer so... it's difficult...

But I think the problem come from here because when I rename the mmab file (from jenova synthesis' model), it's not the good animation for many action, but the ATB don't stop, and the same with xeab from Reno's model.

And I have the same problem with tifa's, barret's model

General Discussion / enemy with Cloud battle model
« on: 2010-08-24 19:31:55 »
Hi every one !  :-P

To be clear, I have a project for reprogram FFVII ! But before, I want to make a "mini-game", The playable character is Sephiroth and the enemy is Cloud.

the game begin on the train station in sector 1, and there is a battle between Sephiroth and cloud (HI RES (01DC for proud clod) skeleton SIAA )

I'm working with makou reactor, Hojo and proud clod for the moment.

I create a new monster with Cloud's name, and a new encounter file with this monster, 2 different attack, and a simple AI who say "choose an enemy and Attack with ICE"

Everything is ok, Cloud Attack me with the right animation.

My problem is about cloud battle model. When I hit the model, the ATB is stopped. The game is running but I can't do anything (and if I use Cloud model in the battle for Jenova, I have the same problem). :cry: But if I use the JENOVA synthesis battle model in my new encounter file I don't have any problem...

Is someone know anything about this ?

Thank you  ;D

Edit :
I Know now that my problem come from the SIAB file !

When I rename the mmab file (from jenova synthesis) in SIAB, it works but I have the jenova's shadow for cloud's shadow but I don't know how the **AB file work... Can Someone help me ?

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