Author Topic: Classic games you would like to see remade.  (Read 22837 times)

Silent Warrior

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Re: Classic games you would like to see remade.
« Reply #50 on: 2011-02-05 14:39:43 »
Mirenheart: If I wasn't busy laughing myself to bits, I'd have to strangle you for linking to that Kefka-pic. :evil:

But, on topic... Hm... Shining Force 1-3 - the whole pack. Simple gameplay (some would consider the lack of customising a downside - to them I say MEH!), but I liked the hell out of it. Also, not counting Jogurt (... if you don't know, do NOT ask), there's a complete lack of Palmer/Eiko/Selphie/Yuffie/Heidegger. Howzat, eh?
Wing Commander Privateer would be nice, but I've lost count of how many mods and game-engines have been brought to life for this purpose... but they ain't good lookin'. :)

ALSO: Regarding FF6-remakes... Has anyone picked up Neverwinter Nights 2 and Storm of Zehir? With that party-system, you already have that part essentially in the bag. Scripting should allow for a fairly accurate rendition of those put-the-moogle-groups-wherever-to-block-the-nasty-soldjurzz-minigames, if one would bother - or just leave it alone, and have the player forced to run all over fighting groups of soldiers real-time, with someone basically defenceless to protect in the back (INTENSE!)... Quests finally giving XP, or whatever you like... If doing a multiplayer version, you could even have different starting points for each character, going through their backgrounds before Tina turns up in Narshe, or whatever. Sort of run into each other real-time. I... should stop writing now. I have that game installed...
Well, the special attacks (Blitz, Swordplay, Rage) would require some Feat-hacking and a half, of course, but isn't it theoretically possible? OK, so NWN2-SoZ is AD&D, but - it r haz w0rldmap! (And all the bugs you could shake a stick at, some lawsuit I haven't heard much about lately, etc.)