Author Topic: Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children  (Read 22480 times)


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Re: Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children
« Reply #50 on: 2011-07-06 17:20:22 »
They seem to be doing their best to make it as hard as they can for their children to fit in and integrate into society.
Cause they believe their child should be accepted by society not matter how they turn out... Not justifying it, I have some friends who are "the gay" parents. They seem to think Society should conform to them, and could care less what we "normal" people think.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Some people shouldn't be allowed to have children
« Reply #51 on: 2011-07-07 21:29:37 »
Cause they believe their child should be accepted by society not matter how they turn out... Not justifying it, I have some friends who are "the gay" parents. They seem to think Society should conform to them, and could care less what we "normal" people think.

So, since they believe that society should accept them, they act as if society will accept them. Fuck reality!

What's next? Nudist parents sending their children to school naked? After all, people should accept nudity.