Author Topic: (PSX FF7) Cloud with Wolfmeister's sword - custom weapon model migration  (Read 10362 times)

Lazy Bastard

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I'd confirmed this earlier, but didn't have a good test initially (I replaced Cloud's 4th sword with a Shinra MP's head as a joke at the time). In playable character battle models, weapon 'part' data begins with 4 bytes of zeros, followed by the equivalent of a normal part's bone description data (8 bytes in size). After this, the data is identical in form to any other part data set, and so any part, weapon or otherwise, can be used to replace any weapon (yep, you could beat down an enemy with a dragon's tail, or Rufus' arm).

In this case, I've replaced Cloud's 2nd weapon with that of the enemy Wolfmeister. Apparently, I'd forgotten how huge Wolfmeister's sword is, but it's certainly worth a good laugh...this makes the Buster Sword look completely reasonable ;)

« Last Edit: 2012-09-13 04:19:12 by Lazy Bastard »


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lol L.B. ... what else :D

Jenova's Witness

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« Reply #2 on: 2012-09-13 16:15:42 »
« Last Edit: 2015-11-16 09:54:14 by Jenova's Witness »


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I've used enemy size codes before, and I've fought Wolfmeister with these on.  His sword was smaller.  So...could you have a sensibly sized wolfmeister sword wielded by Cloud?  Could be a simple (relatively speaking of course) way to implement new weapons for PSX version.  There could be SOLDIER 1st/2nd/3rd Sword, Wolfmeister sword, Gi Nattak Staff....others I'm sure.  Does it have to be a seperate weapon wielded by enemy? or is it just a piece of the model?  If the later, then holy cow, the possibilities.  Super Sweeper Gun Arm!

Sorry, just thinking aloud - I know this would all be time-consuming and easier said than done.

EDIT:  I must not have fully read your initial post - you've already explained that the above ideas are possible!  Oops.
Well, I would be more than willing to go through all the enemy models and make a list of potentially awesome segments to use.

EDIT 2:  Well, it looks 100 different things would make good Gunarms for Barret, and there is a shortage of Glove's for Tifa (unless you can resize roundish enemies into Glove size [Bomb Gloves!]) and probably nothing for Red.  But here:

Code: [Select]
1st Ray - Gun or Gunarm
Aero Combatant Props - Shuriken
Golem Arm/Fist - Gunarm
Dragon's Wing - Sword?
Bomb - Gunarm
Christopher's Ear - Sword?
Grand Horn Arm/Fist - Gunarm
Corvette Body - Sword?
Crazy Saw Blade - Shuriken
Custom Sweeper Foot - Sword or Gunarm
Custom Sweeper Gun - Gunarm
Dorkyface Pumpkin Head - Gunarm
Dragon Rider Staff - Staff
Edgehead Head/Pincers - Gunarm
Ghirofelgo Blade - Sword or Gunarm
Grosspanzer Cannon/Turrent - Gunarm
Grunt Arm - Gunarm
Hammer Blaster's Hammer - ?
Hell Rider VR2's Hammer - ?
Ochu Tentacle - Sword
Icicle - Gunarm or Sword
Iron Man's Sword - Sword
Jumping's Carrot - Sword
Killbin - Gunarm?
Land Worm's Head - Gunarm
Machine Gun's Gun - Gunarm
Magic Pot's Pot - Gunarm
Magnade's Shield - Shuriken
Marlboro's Head - Gunarm
Manhole's Manhole Cover - Shuriken
Mover - Shuriken (Red version of Superball)
Rilfsak - Sword?
Rocket Launcher's Rocket Launcher - Gunarm
Roulette Cannon!!! - Gunarm or Gun?
Sahagin's Spear - Spear or Staff?
Scremer's Ball & Chain - ?
Materia Keeper's Claw - Gunarm
X-Cannon's Cannon - Gunarm
Guard Scorpion's Tail - Gunarm or Sword?
Guard Scorpion's Gunarm - Gunarm
Reno's Electrorod - Staff?
Airbuster's Arm - Gunarm
Sample HO512's Jaws - Gunarm
Hundred Gunner's Gun - Gunarm
Gi Nattak's Staff - Staff or Spear
Palmer's Materia Gun - Gun
Demon's Gate's Claws - Gunarm
Proud Clod's Claws - Gunarm
Proud Clod's Back Thing - Sword?
Safer Sephiroth's Wing - Sword
« Last Edit: 2012-09-14 00:53:46 by xLostWingx »

Lazy Bastard

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Heh, cool. I'd already done so for quite a few, but I hadn't even begun to look for guns yet (right now I'm chiefly interested in swords). Thanks for the research.

Also, most of the weapons that seem viable end up having the enemy's hand attached to the handle, etc. It's annoying, and I don't know how much of a bastard it would be to remove those polygons...we'll see.

As for enemy size mods, I suppose you mean the ones I hacked, HERE:)

Changing just the size of a single 'part' (including a weapon) isn't quite as easy. I haven't figured out how to do so gracefully yet.

Also, as a note, some enemies have weapons (stored apart from normal parts, with their bone description data immediately adjacent to their 'part' data), and some have regular parts which constitute weapons. It looks like those enemies that have more than one weapon have one weapon acting as a normal part, and another weapon which constitutes a weapon (so they can be switched out during certain attacks or in certain circumstances).
« Last Edit: 2012-09-14 02:49:53 by Lazy Bastard »


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I open the Cloud.Lzs with hex editor and search the offset where weapons are located(in your post you says the final weapon is located at 0x0001731C)but the file only have 0X00010488,what happens?sorry for my bad english

Lazy Bastard

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The file is compressed. You'll need a program like LZSDec to decompress it.


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Change LZS to DEC and open with hex editor ok, thank you very much


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@Lazy - Those are precisely the codes I mean  ;D

I kind of figured I would get an explanation like the one you provided.  I have essentially zero knowledge concerning code/programming so I can basically only throw ideas at the wall and see if any of them stick.  Although you've explained that resizing might be difficult and that not all enemy parts may be used - I think that there could be an abundance of "weapons" for Barret.  Whether this is useful to you (given the fact you are doing this work for the prequel) I do not know.

You're treading into new territory for VII PSX modding and are unlocking many new possibilities.  Fortunately and Unfortunately, this often occurs when modding VII and you start with one simple project and it branches off into half a dozen.  I respect the fact that you will likely work on completing the prequel, but keep in mind that there are endless other possibilities.  Ok, I'm rambling and daydreaming of the beautiful possibilities - keep up the great work.

Lazy Bastard

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Right. Although I'm focusing primarily on results that will benefit my prequel mod, I'm most certainly also keeping in mind the general benefit of the information I gather for other projects, including those created by other people. Hence, there are two reasons I've been posting the file format breakdowns and proof-of-concept custom graphics you've seen lately:

1. To drum up some interest in the prequel mod, and let people know I'm working on it.

2. To show people the possibilities, and hopefully get them interested in using the information I've provided to bring to life new and interesting ideas of their own.

So, your mention of new weapon possibilities for Barret is great (I had been thinking that to myself as I looked through all the enemy models of Wikia), as it could inspire someone to try some custom weapons out.


Keep in mind that, if you change the size of a weapon's data, you'll need to correct all offsets that reference addresses after what you've modified (usually, just the remaining weapon data). One way around this, if you're just looking to perform a quick test, is to choose a replacement weapon which has a smaller byte size than the original you're replacing, and then append zeros to the end so that it's the same size as the original. The game will only read that data that the weapon data tells it to, and the next referenced data will be the next weapon, so the zeros will be completely ignored. Obviously this isn't the way you want to go if you're going to be adding some weapons later that are LARGER than the originals (you'll want to recoup that size to offset the difference, so you don't end up with a file that overlaps onto another file on the disc), but if you want to perform a quick and dirty test, this is certainly the quickest way to do so. Let me know if you have any questions.


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I've had problems with the size of the files, try not to spend original.Cd size-mage can patch the file if it is smaller, it can cause problems? A million thanks for the info, you are great  ;)

Lazy Bastard

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If the file is smaller, it shouldn't be an issue. If you're ending up with a larger file, you're probably also botching every subsequent weapon in the model.

I would also suggest you use CDProg, and keep CDMage handy if CDProg doesn't do the trick.


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I think this is the model of Sephiroth Masamune:
At offset 0X00017506
E7 FF 0C 00 00 00 B8 02 00 00 FB FF 00 00 DD FF 00 00 00 00 0F 00 DD FF 00 00 06 00 0F 00 DD FF 00 00 0B 00 00 00 DD FF 00 00 06 00 F1 FF DD FF 00 00 00 00 F1 FF DD FF 00 00 00 00 F1 FF 9E 00 00 00 FB FF 00 00 9E 00 00 00 00 00 0F 00 9E 00 00 00 06 00 0F 00 9E 00 00 00 0B 00 00 00 9E 00 00 00 06 00 F1 FF 9E 00 00 00 F5 FF 1E 00 D8 FF 00 00 F5 FF 1E 00 DD FF 00 00 F5 FF E2 FF DD FF 00 00 F5 FF E2 FF D8 FF 00 00 12 00 E2 FF D8 FF 00 00 12 00 E2 FF DD FF 00 00 12 00 1E 00 DD FF 00 00 12 00 1E 00 D8 FF 00 00 F5 FF 12 00 DD FF 00 00 F5 FF EE FF DD FF 00 00 F5 FF EE FF D8 FF 00 00 F5 FF 12 00 D8 FF 00 00 12 00 12 00 D8 FF 00 00 12 00 12 00 DD FF 00 00 12 00 EE FF D8 FF 00 00 12 00 EE FF DD FF 00 00 ED FF EE FF D8 FF 00 00 ED FF 12 00 D8 FF 00 00 ED FF 12 00 DD FF 00 00 ED FF EE FF DD FF 00 00 1A 00 EE FF DD FF 00 00 1A 00 12 00 DD FF 00 00 1A 00 12 00 D8 FF 00 00 1A 00 EE FF D8 FF 00 00 00 00 F1 FF C9 FF 00 00 06 00 F1 FF C9 FF 00 00 0B 00 00 00 C9 FF 00 00 06 00 0F 00 C9 FF 00 00 00 00 0F 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Is possible to use for change a Cloud weapon model?
« Last Edit: 2012-09-17 20:46:03 by vayneruel »

Lazy Bastard

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It should be no problem. If its size is larger than that of the weapon you're replacing in Cloud's model, you'll probably need to make up that size change somewhere else in the file...possibly by removing another weapon, and correcting all offsets subsequent to that (and then ensure that the removed weapon won't be used in the game). Otherwise, your resultant file may be larger than the original (depending on data, you could conceivably create a larger file which compresses to a smaller file, though it's unlikely in general), and overwrite the next file in LBA. You could, of course, ignore this, if you don't care about whatever the next file is (it might be Aeris' battle model, but I don't recall off the top of my head). Finally, you could correct all references to the LBA of Cloud's battle model, moving it to whatever LBA you tell every other file it's located at...though I don't remember where battle models are referenced by LBA.


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I understand, for example YAMADA.BIN contains the KERNEL,SCENE,etc size, if you modify KERNEL change your size in YAMADA to update.I dont know this is posible in models
Is posible change the color of parts?Thanks

Lazy Bastard

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You can most certainly change the color of parts, but I haven't experimented much with it yet. The documentation on the wiki explains the details of part data, including RGB values.


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You can most certainly change the color of parts, but I haven't experimented much with it yet. The documentation on the wiki explains the details of part data, including RGB values.

The PSX uses 24bit RGB vectors for it. Tweaking colors might have interesting effects. Some of the color changes in the object and 'baked' in shading of the objects are via the color vectors.
