OK, I found the cause of your problem and have a solution.
There's this function in the exe I have labeled as "byte FindEmptyMenuSlot( byte cIndex )" that looks for a place to put a command in the menu when building the command menu. This menu can hold 16 commands though in practice I don't remember it having more than 12. In this function, Slash-All, 2x-Cut, Flash, 4x-Cut and Attack commands are designated to the first slot in the menu so they'll override each other (If you have a Double Cut materia in an armor slot, that will take priority over a Slash-All materia in a Weapon slot). Magic/W-Magic are assigned the second slot, Summon/W-Summon the third and Item/W-Item the fourth. Any other command gets the next empty slot past the fourth.
This takes two steps. First, the exe needs to be modded. Second, the materia needs to be changed (as you noticed).
Step 1:
Make these changes for the following commands (raw exe addresses):
Slash-All: 0x1CE2FD: FD -> C1
2x-Cut: 0x1CE30A: F0 -> B4
Flash: 0x1CE317: E3 -> A7
4x-Cut: 0x1CE324: D6 -> 9A
This will prevent that function from telling the menu building function that they go in the first slot.
Step 2:
Change the materia to type 6. Sub-Type doesn't matter.
Slash-All and Double Cut are the only type 12 materia. Change them to type X6 and they'll now be independent commands.