Author Topic: Next project idea and rough concept for starting area and story.  (Read 1657 times)


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  • Self proclaimed number 1 Sephiroth fanboy
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First off thanks to Kaldarasha for giving an amazing idea for a prequel basis villian.  So how this "prequel" will start off is Shinra is in a War with Wutai and Sephiroth and Kyte are spear heading the attack on them.  Genesis will make a few appearences but will not be the main focus.  In come Kaldarasha's villian and if their name isn't known or any background I am keeping it underwraps till maybe close to end of developement.  Cloud is no longer an infantryman and keeps in touch with Tifa.  He is starting out like Zack as a 3rd class working up to first.  Zack is still planned to be in as a possible teammate or just cameo's.  I am planning on you still playing Sephiroth though I may make you switch between the two.  So Sephiroth will start with two infantryman as party members and then gets some other SOLDEIR members and will focus more on them and will continue to do so after the Wutai arc.  This will have three arcs like the main game.  I will talk with Kaldarasha to talk specifics mostly about attacks and what boss version of him is suppose to be like.