Author Topic: Hex editing and pointers!  (Read 4516 times)


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    • LeonhartGR Productions
Hex editing and pointers!
« on: 2014-08-10 02:59:40 »
Ok I'm trying to understand hex editing and pointers for my FFVIII translarion. Any links to tutorials that might be of some help. Trying to figure out some things on my own but haven't fully figured out how to modify the pointers and if I locate the correct ones...


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Re: Hex editing and pointers!
« Reply #1 on: 2014-08-10 04:43:00 »
Well, the basics of hex editing and pointers is pretty simple. I can give a 3 sentence tutorial, but actually doing it (ie finding the parts of an exe to change) is way more difficult.

Every exe of compiled code is a list of CPU functions (called opcodes) and parameters (and also a bunch of static data, usually at the top of a file). The CPU functions themselves all have numbers, and they're the same on all processors of the same type (here we're talking about the intel x8086 architecture). The parameters are numbers representing a location in memory or a location in the exe (or sometimes literal values).

What you want to do is use something like Cheat Engine to watch the program as it's running to find the pointers you want to change.

I know you're modifying fonts, but why do you think you need hex editing to do that? What's wrong with just changing the font files?


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Re: Hex editing and pointers!
« Reply #2 on: 2014-08-10 08:07:22 »
I haven't slept yet folks and it's 11.30 am. I haven't slept for a week for this project!!! Different timezones are currently killing me slowly... Right now we are fighting with Yugisokubodai to get the mngrp.bin able to edit and actual work in game but none seems to be working. We are looking into this for over 4 hours! I have managed to translate a large part of it but nothing seems to be working in game... I just hope a solution and an editing tool will be released one day to be able to make our own translation...

I know you're modifying fonts, but why do you think you need hex editing to do that? What's wrong with just changing the font files?

By saying that you are definitely playing with my sanity right now  :evil: :evil:

I'm not trying to modify fonts now. This has already been done by Aavock (5way), it's all good! . Carbuncle is good! Battle menu is good! By Mcindus!
« Last Edit: 2014-08-10 08:23:49 by LeonhartGR »


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Re: Hex editing and pointers!
« Reply #3 on: 2014-08-10 20:38:58 »
Ahhh, I looked into your project page. I didn't know some of the text is hard-coded into the game. It looks like you have it figured out now. It looks good so far, but it's all Greek to me :P


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Re: Hex editing and pointers!
« Reply #4 on: 2014-08-10 23:11:37 »
Still to me as well lol! Yugisokubodai has figured that out. He has given me a text which we needed 6 hours to make it work and find out what he was doing wrong. I still need a lot of help because I don't have all the text yet. Anyone interested can jump in this project.