Author Topic: Game Crash at start of battle  (Read 1979 times)


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Game Crash at start of battle
« on: 2016-09-01 02:30:17 »
So, I started FF7 with various mods on and configured to preferences, and it runs well, but crashes once the first battle starts.  It gets past the opening whoosh, but only part of the pointer loads in battle before the game crashes.  What am I doing wrong?

Code: [Select]
[00000000] INFO: FF7/FF8 OpenGL driver version 0.8.1b
[00000000] INFO: Auto-detected version: FF7 1.02 US English
[00000000] INFO: Intel Intel(R) HD Graphics 4600 4.3.0 - Build
[00000000] INFO: OpenGL 2.0 support detected
[00000000] INFO: Found swap_control extension
[00000000] INFO: Max texture size: 16384x16384
[00000000] INFO: Original resolution 640x480, window size 1366x768, output resolution 1024x768, internal resolution 3840x2160
[00000000] INFO: Shader limits: varying 64, vert uniform 4096, frag uniform 4096
[00000000] INFO: postprocessing program link log:
Fragment shader contains a user varying, but is linked without a vertex shader.
Out of resource error.

[00000000] : init_postprocessing failed, postprocessing will be disabled
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg movie player plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: FFMpeg version SVN-r25886, Copyright (c) 2000-2010 Fabrice Bellard, et al.
[00000000] INFO: VGMStream music plugin loaded
[00000000] INFO: Loading external library Multi.dll
[00000001] initializing sound...
[00000001] creating dsound primary buffer
[00000001] reading audio file
[00000001] loading static sounds
[00000001] sound initialized
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] set music volume: 127
[00000001] Entering MAIN
[00000001] Exiting MAIN
[00000001] START OF CREDITS!!!
[00000001] INFO: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\eidoslogo.avi; h264/aac 1280x960, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 10.193000, frames: 153
[00000032] set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
[00000097] END OF CREDITS!!!
[00000097] Entering MAIN
[00000097] set music volume: 127
[00000097] Exiting MAIN
[00000097] START OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000260] END OF MENU SYSTEM!!!
[00000260] Entering MAIN
[00000264] Exiting MAIN
[00000264] Field Start
[00000265] INFO: C:\Games\Steam\steamapps\common\FINAL FANTASY VII\data\movies\opening.avi; h264/aac 1280x896, 15.000000 FPS, duration: 127.570000, frames: 1914
[00002730] Field Quit
[00002730] Entering MAIN
[00002730] Exiting MAIN
[00002730] Entering FRAME_INITIALIZE SWIRL
[00002730] Exitting FRAME_INITIALIZE SWIRL
[00002733] Swirl sound_effect1
[00002733] stop_sound
[00002733] End of Swirl sound_effect1
[00002812] Entering FRAME_QUIT SWIRL
[00002812] Exitting FRAME_QUIT SWIRL
[00002812] Entering MAIN
[00002814] Exiting MAIN
[00002814] [BATTLE] Entering FRAME_INITIALIZE
[00002814] [BATTLE] Scene# 300
[00002814] [BATTLE] Exitting FRAME_INITIALIZE
[00002814] : [00002817] : unhandled exception

Profile Details:
Code: [Select]
Miscellaneous - Dynamic Cloud Weapons
ID: 5d6a46f7-b0b0-43b1-88cb-f54de763c5b1
Version: 2.0
CloudSword = 0
Sword = 0
Dynamic = 0
HQW = 0
Miscellaneous - Jessie Mod
ID: 1e2e93b2-5e26-4364-9b00-d316c618813b
Version: 2.0
jessie = 0
Miscellaneous - Team Avalanche Fields
ID: 72152e09-7b5c-4942-8465-afa154e20b08
Version: 2.0
field_ta = 1
Battle Models - Weapons
ID: fe92e17c-f60d-4cf5-9c79-889f93d1edcb
Version: 2.0
weapons_aerith = 3
weapons_caitsith = 1
weapons_cloud = 2
weapons_sephiroth = 1
weapons_yuffie = 1
Field Models - Objects
ID: 7f1274cf-3bf8-4ae6-a722-d2f374c902fc
Version: 2.0
huge_materia = 1
materia = 2
potions = 2
save_point = 2
ID: 653bb2b6-3999-4bb0-bc21-2ae299bb7b87
Version: 2.1
f_animation = 1
w_animation = 1
60fps = 1
fba = 0
fbn = 0
fed = 0
fs = 0
Battle Models - Characters
ID: 1917178d-5ef1-42e2-9c5c-58045588b3f4
Version: 2.0
models_aerith = 1
models_barret = 2
models_caitsith = 1
models_cid = 2
models_cloud = 4
models_redxiii = 3
models_sephiroth = 1
models_tifa = 3
models_vincent = 2
models_yuffie = 1
Battle Models - Enemies
ID: 267ef1d2-599c-4f4d-860c-b838f402c587
Version: 2.1
models_diamond = 1
models_frogs = 2
models_scorpion = 1
models_jenova = 1
models_joker = 1
models_life_form = 1
models_motorball = 1
models_ruby = 2
models_soldiers = 1
models_sweeper = 1
Battle Textures
ID: ad83c8b5-249d-41f9-84a4-cd35200da6af
Version: 2.0
battle_bg = 1
Field Models - Main Characters
ID: efe1b0ec-6ce3-43f7-9659-f1bc9d36f60c
Version: 2.0
models_aerith = 4
models_barret = 8
models_caitsith = 2
models_cid = 3
models_cloud = 6
models_redxiii = 4
models_sephiroth = 2
models_tifa = 5
models_vincent = 3
models_yuffie = 2
Field Models - Non-Player Characters
ID: d329bc05-3dc0-4f35-94aa-632986f47194
Version: 2.3
models_base = 2
models_biggs = 3
models_jessie = 3
models_wedge = 3
Field Textures - Part 1
ID: 5ee78f47-6a2d-4981-8be5-c9afa763b965
Version: 2.0
field_bg = 1
Field Textures - Part 2
ID: 63c6df8c-971a-47f0-aac5-da4290f36058
Version: 2.0
field_bg = 0
Gameplay - Difficulty and Story
ID: af709876-588e-4865-84e3-0ac0bd662fb2
Version: 2.2
gameplay = 0
Gameplay - Tweaks and Cheats
ID: 3dbdfa3b-d97f-4cfc-9db8-223dbe0152bc
Version: 2.1
ar = 1
cf = 0
dm = 1
isl = 1
i = 0
li = 0
lcs = 0
lt = 0
nrb = 0
spa = 0
sc = 0
sbo = 1
Media - Movies
ID: 4f61f4cf-6733-4503-93f4-ed7fdfee21a6
Version: 2.0
movie = 2
Media - Music and Sound
ID: 2bdd4a94-4b06-46ca-af0a-37b9dfef25aa
Version: 2.0
music = 9
sound = 1
Menu - Avatars and Backdrops
ID: aec06415-0f12-410b-ac43-f4e89e363729
Version: 2.1
avatars_aerith = 3
avatars_barret = 3
avatars_cait_sith = 3
avatars_chocobo = 3
avatars_cid = 3
avatars_cloud = 3
avatars_cloud_young = 3
avatars_red_xiii = 3
avatars_sephiroth = 3
avatars_tifa = 3
avatars_vincent = 3
avatars_yuffie = 3
game_over = 1
prelude = 1
start_menu = 5
Minigames - Chocobo Race
ID: ee718ab3-0aa5-43b2-b7bc-82c69fcd19d0
Version: 2.0
avatars = 1
chocobo = 1
cid = 1
cloud = 2
jockey_1 = 1
jockey_2 = 1
textures = 1
tifa = 1
Minigames - Coaster
ID: 46efb6be-a9ab-4a24-b705-7603aca31519
Version: 2.0
coaster = 1
Minigames - Fort Condor
ID: 45b14862-3d58-41dc-a9d8-bd1f878ccf38
Version: 2.0
fort_condor = 1
Minigames - Motorbike Chase
ID: 0e17da17-403b-4c59-ba05-69985c432368
Version: 2.0
models = 1
textures = 1
Minigames - Wonder Square
ID: e3c2e300-ce83-4ca4-8806-f6df1963b07f
Version: 2.0
wonder = 1
Spell Textures
ID: b97373a2-aa9f-40e3-9a3d-aeaa846391d4
Version: 2.1
magic = 1
coin = 12
limit = 2
The Reunion - Beacause and Menu Overhaul
ID: 3ee8d570-ac8b-471e-ad3f-53de21248652
Version: 2.1
beacause = 1
menu = 1
break = 0
hand = 1
nbb = 0
ncb = 0
World Models - Characters
ID: a5b9a2f3-c9e3-4cbb-947a-1489ebeeb921
Version: 2.1
cid_world = 3
cloud_world = 6
tifa_world = 5
World Models - Enemies
ID: 0d0cc481-4cc3-4e7e-9529-fa7077b38615
Version: 2.0
diamond = 2
emerald = 1
ruby = 1
ultima = 1
World Models - Vehicles
ID: 0e056cf4-7b37-49e1-aa9e-c57bc73db954
Version: 2.0
buggy = 1
chocobo = 1
highwind = 1
submarine = 1
tiny_bronco = 1
World Textures
ID: 35e0906d-7da4-4da2-b10d-87149d291a38
Version: 2.0
world_bg = 2

EDIT: This post is now relevant again.  Updated APP.log and the Profile details as they've changed.
« Last Edit: 2016-09-07 03:45:16 by Ralleign »