Author Topic: Possible FF7_GameConverter_7H.exe problem?  (Read 1339 times)


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Possible FF7_GameConverter_7H.exe problem?
« on: 2018-07-22 08:37:32 »
So I've been playing FF7 on my PS4, but wanted to livestream it on PC, with some mods to spice things up.
I got a Steam copy of the game, booted it up to test it out, then looked into getting mods set up for it.

I found first I needed to use FF7_GameConverter_7H.exe on the game itself. I kept it out of the files said in the tutorial, (it's actually installed on a different hard drive), ran as Admin, and then showed it where the game was, but no matter what I tried, I couldn't get it to see the game. Or any other folders.
I do have my Windows 10 Pro set to Japanese Local mode, could this be a problem? As the updates for the GameConverter did say it had support for all languages so I wouldn't think this'd be a problem?