Author Topic: Qhimm, I would Like to Thank You  (Read 3635 times)


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Qhimm, I would Like to Thank You
« on: 2001-02-27 09:07:00 »
Hello Qhimm,
   Long time no see, this is CyberTech... lost my pass heheh. Well anyways, Qhimm if you remember me I was one of the many asking for your code, but then I decided to make it on my own, you gave me a few tips, and then when you released your code I was able to take and learn from example. I want to thank you for doing this, you got me off on a good start in what I can do now, I can do a little of a lot of languages, like:

    -C/C++ (*nix and winblows(no offence))
    -HTML I already knew, everyone can lol.
    -Learning ASSEMBLY! =D
    -And a Few others (I am a little tired)

Thank You man.
By The way, if you ever need any help I will see if me or some of the members of my group, CyberForce, can help you.

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