I guess it would be alright to leave a link to the movie...but I'm not sure if I can or not. I do know were it can be found. It's on a download site....something simular to GameSpy's Fileplanet (and just as hard, if not harder to navigate in.)
"FFX - Another Story" or "Eternal Calm" was orginally released with Unlimited Saga in European countries, and in the USA you needed to buy an issue of Playstation Magazine. I don't remember which month or year.
Anyway, if it's alright with the Mods and Administrator, here...I could leave a direct link. I got a warning for leaving a link to Cowboy Bebop's Song, "Blue", once. So, I doubt they will say, "Okay."
You know....if Square didn't want everyone to have access to this movie....Why did they put a reference to it in FFX-2. During the first run through of all the areas.... When Yuna is stating discriptions and thoughts of each area...and where you meet NPC, and they ask if you remember them. One of those guys that asks if you remember him, is from the Another Story movie....and is no where to be found in the game of FFX. Kinda leaves ? marks to all those that didn't see the movie. Telling themselves...I don't remember this guy.
After viewing that video.... it makes you wan't to play FFX-2. I, Personally, see no real harm in leaving a link.
Maybe, they will allow me to say the name of the site?
But good luck finding it with Search...and the subtitled version of it. The non sub-titled version is fairly easy to find there...but the subtitled one is buried, and just about impossible to find.