Author Topic: Shavings from the Rumor Mill  (Read 4420 times)


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« on: 2006-03-22 23:15:58 »
Quote from: The Magic Box
- At the Shibuya Tsutaya Final Fantasy XII launch event, when Square Enix president Yoichi Wada was asked about the existence of a Final Fantasy VII remake on PS3, he smiled and mentioned that such remake is likely to happen with a large demand, but it is very difficult, the company is currently examining the possibilities.

I remembered a topic a few months ago mentioning the possibility of a remake.  Someone mentioned Square had a history of surprising its fans.  Once again, this guy isn't saying yes or no, but it is intriguing nonetheless.

Emerald Weapon

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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #1 on: 2006-03-23 10:20:10 »
Would be absolutely great, however I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. It could very well be a way of promoting the PS3. No wait, it is a way of promoting the PS3. If people think they might be able to play a FFVII remake that sure is a boost for sales.

Therefore, unless some really hard evidence of the game being created for PS3 comes out, I'm not considering buying a PS3. I'm currently sticking to the Revolution.

Nevertheless exciting news indeed.


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #2 on: 2006-03-23 12:43:50 »
Quote from: Emerald Weapon
Would be absolutely great, however I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. It could very well be a way of promoting the PS3. No wait, it is a way of promoting the PS3. If people think they might be able to play a FFVII remake that sure is a boost for sales.

I agree with you completely.  If it is redone, it looks as though history is going to repeat itself.  The original Final Fantasy VII was the only reason I bought a Playstation.  :)


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #3 on: 2006-03-23 14:13:30 »
Quote from: Otokoshi
Quote from: Emerald Weapon
Would be absolutely great, however I'm not getting my hopes up just yet. It could very well be a way of promoting the PS3. No wait, it is a way of promoting the PS3. If people think they might be able to play a FFVII remake that sure is a boost for sales.

I agree with you completely.  If it is redone, it looks as though history is going to repeat itself.  The original Final Fantasy VII was the only reason I bought a Playstation.  :)

I think it would even have greater sales then FFVII originatly did.
Final Fantasy VII was sold many times and the people who bought it, liked it (No doubt about it right?) and they told their friends and they played it etc...

But even now, people still want a copy of Final Fantasy VII cus they heard it was good but unfortunatly FFVII isn't for sale anymore (well some are, but usually high priced). So they will buy the game if there where happen to be a remake (thus more copies, thus lower price)!
And the're people who didnt like the graphics of the game (fucktards, game aint only graphics) but knowing square well as I do, I know a remake would look fucking sweet, so they too will buy it!

Eventually you get:
FFVII original was bought by:
- A lot of Gamers
- Friends of those gamers
- And well, prolly the rest of the people who bought an original copy :P

FFVII Remake would be bought buy:
- The three mentioned above
- Graphic lovers
- People who didn't have a chace to buy one of the first original game.

I think it would be a GREAT marketing thing to do, and kinda obvious cus there is a shitload of demand (demand/offer thing). And it's their game so they can!

Anyway, I hope they do.


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #4 on: 2006-04-04 00:19:39 »
I personally have a gut feeling that it's being worked on now and SE isn't gonna reveal it until it's pretty much done...

I've never owned a console, but a remake would make me snatch up the PS3.


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #5 on: 2006-04-09 10:06:47 »
Well i think that they will have to remake it Advent Children style, im sure we all seen the ps3 technical demo where they remade the intro sequence. I read somewhere that everyone on the ffVII team would love to do a remake, but im thinking their waiting on the technology and the graphics to be amazing until they complete the game.

Having the release of advent children, ps3 and the remake of final fantasy VII at the same time would be marketing genius (im thinking in the US), it would sell out everywhere making us (the consumer) run about like headless chocobos trying to find the game, selling our mothers in the process (which is what all corporations really want, mindless money spending).

I also read that it would take 5 years for a final fantasy remake, and i really believe that they will do it, and they will do it well. The amount of tiny detail that went into ffVII is nothing short of brilliance, and AC shows us that the people behind the game really really care about the game.

I would buy the ps3 immediately if it was going to come out, and you can bet your bottom dollar that Sony's and square-enix marketing team is reading every single fan site to justify the re-release of the game and rubbing their hands with glee.

But people will always, always want the original game. With the fantastic talent on this site, it has transformed the original game to what it could have been. Many thanks have to be said to everyone on this site that have worked so hard to get the game up to what it looks like now and beyond.

However, could you imagine if the screwed up the re-release? How pissed off would everyone be? Way more than the ending of the matrix, god that sucked!!  :isee:


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #6 on: 2006-04-10 03:39:30 »
Imagine the original game. Aeris didn't die. What if that was made into a side quest? I hate it when people call her Aerith, its a horrible looking and sounding name that offends those two senses.
I really don't think that it would take FIVE years to remake... but I don't really know.
I personally thought that the remade CG versions of Cloud and Sephiroth were much uglier. Well, they were impressive looking, but they were ugly to me. They seemed to have been 'uglified'.
Cloud= Lost his big spike. His trademark, besides the Buster Sword, has been killed off.

Sephiroth= The animation of his hair was not what I thought it should have been. And to me he is dirtier looking. Horrible face also.

If it were up to me, I would have given Cloud his trademark spiky hair, remember how Barret always said: "Spiky #!$*&%$" to Cloud?

Aeris= Perfect. Her ribbons no longer look like elongated ears.

Tifa= Perfect. No longer blocky.


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #7 on: 2006-04-10 08:32:50 »
Personally, I'd rather like to see high-detailed versions of the original models (manga-style)  than their AC-style counterparts. Of course, seeing the last games Square has been doing and taking care of the fact that they already have a good chunk of work done with their AC models, this looks really unlikely. Anyway, better AC-style than nothing. I really hope they consider releasing a remake some day in the future (and that they don't screw it up).


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #8 on: 2006-04-10 14:20:56 »
Oh, and i really think they should put in actual cursing too, I love it when games curse. I know alot of people dont agree with cursing, but its the way people normally talk, and if something crazy happened - (like a mako reactor exploding) you wouldnt just say "oh buttons! looks like number 7 went up in smoke".

But none the less, i cant see them not doing a remake. (if that sentence made any sense...) The only way they could screw it up is to mess with the story, nothing should be changed. Aeris especially should stay DEAD! The bitch is gone! Stop trying to make her live again, she died on purpose and she is there the entire way through the game, and defends the planet from the meteor attack. Although a trip through the lifestream as aeris, as a side quest would be pretty cool.

Oh on an interesting side note my friend is doing a masters in information retrival and his project will be on talking to NPC's, instead of NPC's having set things to say they will form their own ideas from what is going on around them at the time. This may seem like it has been done before, but they will basically have completely original things to say, which would be cool.

And the 5 years for the remake i believe is totally possible, think how long they spent on advent children, and then doing a game that has at least 70 hours in it... 5 years is probably optimistic . :o


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Shavings from the Rumor Mill
« Reply #9 on: 2006-04-11 06:22:40 »
most of the time spent on making games nowadays is spent on the actual game engine making it fit the game

look at sin episodes each little chapter is like a full game only shorter and if they tryed the could make an episode ever 2-3 months each episode getting better

 this being said they already have the GAME MECHANICS for FF7 on file and as ive found its not that difficult to port one cgi character from one media to another

as for a time period i wouldnt be surpirsed if they made it a launch release