Author Topic: Leaving  (Read 16632 times)


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Re: Leaving
« Reply #25 on: 2006-10-28 16:12:40 »
Hi I'm one of the quiet ones who read a lot and post a little. Just wanted to say a couple things.

1). I don't know you well or anything but good-bye emerald. It's never really pleasant to lose a real member. Especially due to little things that shouldn't happen or things that aren't intentional (I.E. some of the  "using grammar that isn't even near Engrish.") Not everyone is completely fluent in English. Though there are some who just felt like taking grammar out back and shooting it. But on the internet these days it's rare to see any places with a fair number of members that don't have at least a couple people like that.  I hope you end up reconsidering and sticking around regardless.

2). I'm sorry if my horrible lack of punctuation, improper structure, and (on occasion) bad grammar bother anybody but i admit I have been, and more than likely will be again, part of that problem. I don't think i fall under the other issues addressed but if i do sorry.

3). It's too bad when people don't get along, especially when they can't handle it themselves privately and find a resolution to the current dilemma. I know i heard plenty of times growing up the classic, "If ya can't say nothing nice don't say nothing at all!" Granted i don't know the whole situation and I'm not asking to but i think some people may need to step back and think about some of the flames, insults, fights, etc that they are getting involved in and consider the other persons point of view make sure you fully grasp what they are saying and if that doesn't help how about simply resisting the urge to start or provoke drama. Allow the newbies a little newbishness and if you want to say something about things try being nice and showing some courtesy it might help if not and they bother u that bad ignore them.

Thats pretty much it. I know at least a couple people are going to disagree or feel I've overstepped myself or something (which is their right,) but I'm feeling opinionated today so i thought I'd share on the off chance it might do some good. I'll return to being quiet again now.
« Last Edit: 2006-10-28 16:15:00 by HBK187 »

Emerald Weapon

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Re: Leaving
« Reply #26 on: 2006-10-28 20:01:09 »
I wasn't planning on posting after my previous one, but I will make one last post.

First, I'd like to ask an admin or mod to close this thread, since it has served it's purpose. Those of you that wanted to say goodbye, did, thanks for that. :)

Second, I would like to explain one more thing, and this may sound weird to some of you.
I do not mind that Jari posted his first post, I intentionally left it up to him to decide whether or not he wanted to explain the situation, yes or no.
And he is right when he says that some people might have expected who I was talking about, whereas lots of others wouldn't have.
He decided to explain, that is fine by me.

1). But on the internet these days it's rare to see any places with a fair number of members that don't have at least a couple people like that.  I hope you end up reconsidering and sticking around regardless.

It is rare indeed. I'm not reconsidering, I might return if/when there are new forums and maybe I'll lurk around here every now and then. But no, I've decided to leave, and thus I will do so.

2). I'm sorry if my horrible lack of punctuation, improper structure, and (on occasion) bad grammar bother anybody but i admit I have been, and more than likely will be again, part of that problem. I don't think i fall under the other issues addressed but if i do sorry.

No need to apologise to me or anyone else. It's more than enough that you try and are aware of it.

3). It's too bad when people don't get along, especially when they can't handle it themselves privately and find a resolution to the current dilemma.

It is indeed, however sometimes that's just the way it is. Jari's made his decision and I respect that, whatever I think of it or however I may feel about it, is mainly my business. I think this is a very important thing, which more people should learn to understand. Respect. (Don't think Tupac here ;) )

I also think Jari is a nice guy. He really is, so please don't think differently of him than you did before I posted this entire thing (whatever opinion that may have been), achieving that was not my intention.

And no, I don't hope you will start talking to me again by posting this.

Thats pretty much it. I know at least a couple people are going to disagree or feel I've overstepped myself or something (which is their right,) but I'm feeling opinionated today so i thought I'd share on the off chance it might do some good. I'll return to being quiet again now.

Don't, whenever you feel opinionated, do post. It's what makes and keeps forums interesting.

James Pond

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Re: Leaving
« Reply #27 on: 2006-10-28 20:14:40 »
Goodbye EW :)


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Re: Leaving
« Reply #28 on: 2006-10-29 00:59:44 »
Take care EW, sorry to see you go.


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Re: Leaving
« Reply #29 on: 2006-10-29 18:25:00 »
Goodbye, Emerald, and feel free to come back whenever you want to.

Quote from: Emerald Weapon
First, I'd like to ask an admin or mod to close this thread, since it has served it's purpose.
As you wish.
Topic closed.

 - Alhexx