Author Topic: A request?: I want to see FF7 character facegen file..  (Read 4015 times)


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Does anyone know any places that share FF7 character face for SI facegen file(.fg extension)?  Or anyone have good screenshot of any of their face(front&side.  I don't care if it's captured from rendered model.. I mean, a model ripped directly from certain game, like KH2, or built-from scratch)?  No, I don't have any intension of making MODs with that.(maybe someone else will)  Currently, I'm playing TES4: Oblivion, and I try to make at least one of FF7 character's face for player's character.(what I want is only face, not some custom race..) If anyone can tell me where I can find Facegen files of FF7 characters, or show me face screenshots, I'd appreciate of that.

**I don't know if it's ok here. (Maybe OK)


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Re: A request?: I want to see FF7 character facegen file..
« Reply #1 on: 2007-12-04 20:10:04 »
Good luck w/ that , some guy already made a mod of the final fantasy 7 characters (Cloud, Tifa, Sefy, and Reno).  I hope you have better luck with it, that guy did a total botched job of it.  WHATEVER YOU DO, don't make the motorcycle an article of clothing like this mook did.  If you wanna download what he did and check out some of what he did, search for it at


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Re: A request?: I want to see FF7 character facegen file..
« Reply #2 on: 2007-12-04 21:22:41 »
What exactly are we spoze to search for though?


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Re: A request?: I want to see FF7 character facegen file..
« Reply #3 on: 2007-12-04 22:12:47 »
Squeeble has a point, we have no idea what you're actualy after, tho I'll take a guess since I used to do Oblivion modding.

First, the obvious goal you want to acheive is to have the Head of an FF7 character on a playermodel in Oblivion, well the most standard Route is to Model and Rig one from scratch, however it doesn't look like you want to go this way but rather use a facegen program which seems to be largely automated (and also fairly dodgey IMO), however I've known people who tried this method and you really aren't going to get good front and side pics of any FF7 Characters, and the even taking pics of the model that appear in Kingdom hearts with a viewer isnt that great since they are rather simple models with a sort of cartoonish look to them so would look really off in a game like Oblivion.

So, I personaly recommend you draw up some front and side shots by hand and use those to Model the head yourself, sure it may take a little longer, but the result will be MUCH better then anything one of tho generating programs can do (Remember the quickest way isn't always the best, especialy when it comes to models)


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Re: A request?: I want to see FF7 character facegen file..
« Reply #4 on: 2007-12-07 09:49:42 »
Well, I already know there's FF7 MOD or something, but I don't have any intension to play with that.  I just wanted to better quality faces.  God, I wish I knew how to make decent 3D model..(I forgot Facegen cannot load other model format)

**And, since I wanted it for my Oblivion playing, it's nothing for FF7 game itself.  (But who knows?  Someone would want to make some character model replacer with that, if it comes out)