Author Topic: Increasing enemy encounter rate in FF7  (Read 4288 times)


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Increasing enemy encounter rate in FF7
« on: 2008-05-19 23:30:42 »
Does anyone know how to increase enemy encounter in field or map in FF7 instead of using the enemy encounter materia???


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Re: Increasing enemy encounter rate in FF7
« Reply #1 on: 2008-05-20 17:49:59 »
I know of one way but I've never tried it. Basically what you need here are 3 programs:


All of these tools can be found here on the forum, a quick search will bring them up for you. There's also the Qhimm wiki. Let anyone know if you find broken links.

First of all, back up your flevel.lgp in your data files folder. This will be under field. If you screw up big time here, this is your savior. Now what you need to do is open up the original flevel.lgp using Highwind. You'll have to increase the encounter rate for each individual level, so you're going to have to extract all the levels you want to increase. There's a list around here somewhere (do another search I suppose) listing what files correspond to what level in game. Make sure you decompress any compressed files or else Meteor won't be able to do anything with them. Note which files were not compressed (I don't think there are any you'd be modifying.)

Speaking of which, now that you've extracted the files, open them up in Meteor. When you've got one open, you'll notice Meteor has a tab for random encounters. Pretty intuitive system here for determining the encounter rate (there's a slider), so just set it to whatever you like. Save the file and move on to the next one or exit. This can actually go pretty quickly once you've extracted everything you want with Highwind.

Now that you've got your modified field files, open them up with FiceLZS. Recompress all previously compressed files, or else FF7.exe will crash if you try to run it.

Finally, open Highwind back up, select all the files you want to replace with your modified ones, and use the replace option. Save flevel.lgp and exit Highwind.

That should do it. Let us know if you get hung up on the directions somewhere and if this works for you.

P.S. - This method is permanent of course, but reverting back to your original flevel.lgp changes it back to normal. As far as I know though, unless a trainer has the option, this is the only method.
« Last Edit: 2008-05-20 17:52:45 by Tsetra »


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Re: Increasing enemy encounter rate in FF7
« Reply #2 on: 2008-05-20 23:49:35 »

Thanks for the info. I'm going to try it as soon as possible and surely will let you know wether it works or not.