Author Topic: (Personal Blog) New Threat Mod Journal  (Read 1975 times)


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(Personal Blog) New Threat Mod Journal
« on: 2017-06-15 10:02:36 »
Chapter 1 - Assault on Reactor # 1


Cloud - Level 6 ---> Level 13

Buster Sword
Bronze Bangle

N\A Materia

Barret - Level 7 --> Level 13

Assault Gun
Bronze Bangle

N\A Materia

Early Levels Gained Easier
Timer Starts Before Fighting Scorpion Boss.
Scorpion Boss Difficulty about the same as Vanilla.
Rescuing Jessie caused a fight with a damaged Scorpion Boss (Jessie Joins Fight as NPC)
Made it to the end with around 1 minute left on the timer. No running away in escape.
Scorpion Boss drops Mythril Armlet this time around.

My Thoughts

So far the difficulty is slightly increased from Vanilla. I really enjoyed the surprise boss fight against the damaged Scorpion after rescuing Jessie with her stuck foot.  I don't really have much else to say except I grinded to level 13 to prepare myself for the Scorpion boss fight and make as much extra Gil as I possibly could with the stock of potions I had available. (To purchase extra stuff during first visit to Sector 7.)

Chapter 2 - Sector 7 Recuperation & Payment


Cloud - Level 13 
Buster Sword
Iron Bangle

Fire | Ice
Restore | Lightning

Barret - Level 13            

Assault Gun
Iron Bangle

Ice | Lightning
Restore | Fire

Tifa - Level 13               

Metal Knuckle
Iron Bangle

Lightning | Fire
Restore | Ice

Beginners Hall Revamped
Iron Bangles Provide a Whopping 32 Defense.

My Thoughts

It was interesting to see an in-game explanation of some of the new features. It got me excited about a few things. For example, the super special save point, I don't remember if this was in the original game , so maybe it's actually nothing. However the extended save point is nice as well. I am interested in the Camera Option and the other ???. I know it has to do with Rank Ups or something but I can't wait to see it in action along with all the other new content this mod has to offer. Hype Meter Rising! Slightly Dissapointed about the plus materia\long range materia being removed from the game but atleast I won't have to worry about stacking my characters with a bunch of plus materia instead of trying to come up with proper selections.

I had fun taking down Scorpion Boss again with 3 characters all equipped with bolt magic , although this version of the scorpion boss felt somewhat stronger than the one at the end of Reactor # 1. I also experienced the Scorpion Tail Attack (Repulsion Ray) for the first time here. (Did not let it happen during the Reactor # 1 fight. If it uses that attack there as well, ouch to anyone who recieves this attack.) I was hoping for a special reward from the battle hound version but there was none, except for a nice feeling of satisfaction of owning it with 3 characters + 3 Lightning Materia Equipped.

I equipped everyone with 4 magic materia , this is just a habit of mine , once i acquire more materia , I start being more picky/choosy. For now I will keep them all equipped though to gain some extra AP . (I usually like to master 3 of every materia (1 for each character) by the end of the game so it helps ever so slightly to get a slight start on this.)

I am guessing the increase of defense from the iron bangles will be offset by the increased difficulty of monsters in this mod.

Chapter 3 - Reactor # 5 Raid (WIP)


Cloud - Level 13   ---> Level 17
Buster Sword

All = Restore
Lightning | Ice | Fire | Cover

Barret - Level 13   ---> Level 17       

Assault Gun
Iron Bangle

Ice | Lightning
Restore | Fire

Tifa - Level 13   ---> Level 17          

Metal Knuckle
Iron Bangle

Lightning | Fire
Restore | Ice

Exp Nerf on Shinra Soldiers in Subway Tunnel Dead-End.
Dead-End With Shinra Soldiers in Subway Tunnel contains new fight with ChocoShinra!
ChocoBracelet Reward for defeating Chocobo Captain.

My thoughts.

There was a big smile on my face after fighting shinra soldiers at the dead-end tunnel when I saw the chocobo captain. My slight dissapointment in the exp nerf here was immediately changed into Crazy Happiness. I actually did not even want to attack the chocobo because I love chocobos and I was glad it atleast ran away when it was badly wounded. I am guessing there is no alternative but to fight it right? I wonder what happens if you give it a green (don't have them at this point in the game so probably nothing. Thanks for the ChocoBracelet!

I am kind of glad you can only fight the chocobo captain once , I hate hurting chocobos. Not to mention that the chocobracelet, if my calculations are correct, provides a whopping 35% OverAll Damage Reduction, having one is great, but having 3 at this point of the game would probably be overpowered.

Once I dropped down the tube into reactor 5 I definitely noticed (already did a little in the tunnels) a slight spike in monster difficulty. I bought 70 potions in preperation for this reactor. Also having everyone equipped with 1 Restore allows me to grind a bit more on the monsters here...  Since tents are unbuyable right now and you cant freely go back to shops to acquire more recovery items , training is limited somewaht. (To be honest I have more than enough healing to grind for quite a while so I probably won't.) With 45 potions left in stock upon arriving at the save point before setting the bomb. I will probably try to grind to level 20 or see how close i can get.. I dont think I'll run out of healing before I call it quits and proceed with the story though.

« Last Edit: 2017-06-15 11:42:47 by ZaruenKosai »