Author Topic: What Makes Final Fantasy Great?  (Read 3895 times)


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What Makes Final Fantasy Great?
« on: 2008-03-15 00:05:22 »
Don't know how many people are still wandering around these forums, but if you stop by please, give some insight.

This was inspired for a couple of reasons: One because I read the "games like final fantasy" topic and found so few good games like Final Fantasy [insert # here], and two because I'm toying with Java3D and a game like FFVII with so few 3d environments would be an easy(ish) opening project.

Anyway my question is: what makes FF (specifically FFVII) so great? (Yes, I have some ideas, but I'd like opinions) Is it the storyline? The fighting-system? The world? The characters? Certainly not the graphics... (though at the time the FMV's were outstanding)

Why are so many of us pulling it back out (or continuing to keep it out) after a decade?



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Re: What Makes Final Fantasy Great?
« Reply #1 on: 2008-03-18 17:34:38 »
A combination of all those things?


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Re: What Makes Final Fantasy Great?
« Reply #2 on: 2008-03-19 03:04:25 »
 :lol: Good answer...

I think it's mostly two things, at least with FFVII.

Firstly, the depth of the storyline. Not only is it original, interesting, and even a bit confusing, but its presented in an intriguing way that keeps your attention. Never is there a deep scene with lots of tedious dialogue, but information is given in an interactive way. For example, the observatory scenes. I guess some might find it a bit tedious, but at least the first time the FMV is pretty and the movement, the action, the elevator makes you a part of it. The only scene that pushed it, I would say, is the mandatory recap (whether you select to or not) at Ghost Square in the Gold Saucer. But even that was helpful, as the story was starting to get confusing. And the lifestream scene in Cloud's conscious--even if it was a pretty linear path, you were still leading Tifa from place to place, slowly unraveling the mystery.

Secondly, the variety. Not specifically fighting system or the world map but all of it in general. How many different spells (including levels, 1,2,3) complete with animation, programming, damage, and effects, are there? How many games contain dozens of different weapons, with in-battle models, for nine different characters, as well as half a hundred pieces of armor and accessories? Its really staggering how much detail went into the making of this game.

Oh, and, of course, Sephiroth and Cloud. Find me two more badass rivals. Really.


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Re: What Makes Final Fantasy Great?
« Reply #3 on: 2008-03-20 10:52:03 »
1. Mood and storyline.
For example FF7 is mature. Although contains a lot of humorous aspect, the storyline, world, most of chars and npcs are mature. No damn kiddos saving the world. Other FFs are also more mature than most jRPGs. There is life, there is death, friendship, hate. It's full of colours, not only the bright and shiny but also deep and dark ones.

2. Characters.
You will love them or hate them either. There are really badass chars, some of them are great, some are little and puny dungs which you want to pacificate. They aren't black and white. Some driven by morality, some by duty, greed, madness and such.

3. Gameplay.
It's fun. Animations were always good(as for release date). Nice to watch, not too boring for longer span. There's always some cool stuff to do.

4. Visuals.
Graphics were always good(as for release date). Effects impressive. Chars looked really good. Environment awesome.

5. Sound.
Although in FF7 sound wasn't awesome, the music was. It was always strong side of FFs. Damn awesome music made by Nobuo Uematsu. It was big part of game's mood.

FFs are great games if you can swallow specifical gameplay(turn based battle) and outdated visuals and sound(older ffs). But it's still worth to play classics. Screw graphics. good 'ol games are way better than those new Crysis'es which don't offer much fun except visuals(I played Crysis on good details, it was so damn boring...).


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Re: What Makes Final Fantasy Great?
« Reply #4 on: 2008-10-26 23:14:39 »
I now this is a very late reply, but you guys aren't thinking right!

What Final Fantasy made great is:
the fighting system (like in FF1, that was the first battle system EVER were you could see your characters, see them take an action and various animations)
the storyline (FF2, that was the first Final Fantasy with a real storyline, although it does remind of some very popular movies... *cough*Star Wars Series*cough*, with the evil emperor, the Dark Knight (hmph, almost sounds like Darth Vader), who is bad, but later, he seems to be good, and of course, the kidnapping of the princess and the huge ship that could destroy the planet...)

Later improvements were the job-system, the ATB (Active Time Battlesystem), and eventually the fmv's

Remember, it's not because a game has bad graphics, it's a bad game!