Author Topic: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!  (Read 4993 times)

Kudistos Megistos

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Today, the city of Gloucester was saved by its heroic councillors, after planners had recommended an application for an unused hotel to become a private members' club where consenting adults with alternative sexual interests would be able to meet and do what they want in a safe environment without harming anyone. How disgusting!

One woman who opposed the application said "I'm not homophobic, but I can love people and hate their activities. I can still hate the homosexual act". Quite right! It's fine for people to be gay, as long as they don't do any gay things. It's so simple! You can have all the fun of stopping people from doing something just because you don't like it, but can still hold your head up high and say "I'm not a bigot". Clearly, her hatred is something completely different from homophobia. You certainly couldn't say that it's the same thing to all intents and purposes. No, not at all. Let's hope that if Ms Johnson applies to build a church, her application is looked at by people who don't hate Christians, but do hate people reading Bibles, praying and talking about god.

She also says "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil (i.e. anything sexual other than sex in the missionary position with the lights turned off for the purposes of procreation) is that good men do nothing. You are the good men and women of Gloucester. Please vote against the proposal". Again, wise words. Some people aren't turned on by the idea of doing it with someone of the same sex or swinging, but are happy with not doing it themselves and letting others do it if they want to. Not these good men and women! They know that if you don't like something, it's not enough to just not do it yourself, you have to do everything you can to stop anyone else from doing it!

This was a triumph for common sense! Or a triumph for ignoring policy guidelines saying that objections on "moral" grounds should not influence such decision making. I'm not sure which.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #1 on: 2009-09-01 22:40:16 »


Also, I just thought it was interesting :-P

Let them have sex if they want...

Some people in the article don't agree with this idea :roll:


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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #2 on: 2009-09-01 22:44:42 »
Kudistos Megistos: Indeed! I'm not sure witch, either, perhaps because I'm way too drunk to think about such a difficult issues! Instead I'll just laugh at the hilarious hypocrisy. :-D Them gays and sexhual devianths are bad! They have... you know... rainbows and stuff! Rainbows, I tell you!

I don't get why you post this :roll: :-P
I mean who gives a sh*t about some peverts in america. Let them have sex if they want...

Were you perhaps born so stupid, or did someone drop you on your head when you were a kid?

It's not even on the same fucking continent.

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #3 on: 2009-09-01 23:01:01 »
Very interesting.  Sad, very sad, but interesting.

When it comes to people who "hate others' activities", far more often than not, they're not even worth listening to.  Since when was is their place to judge?

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #4 on: 2009-09-01 23:15:01 »
Kudistos Megistos: Indeed! I'm not sure witch, either, perhaps because I'm way too drunk to think about such a difficult issues! Instead I'll just laugh at the hilarious hypocrisy. :-D Them gays and sexhual devianths are bad! They have... you know... rainbows and stuff! Rainbows, I tell you!

Of course they're bad! Why do you think that our moral guardians, when asked about what in the modern world worries them, spend far more time going on about sex than talking about war, or the millions of people starving and dying from preventable diseases as a result of someone else's incompetence?

I don't get why you post this :roll: :-P
I mean who gives a sh*t about some peverts in america. Let them have sex if they want...

Were you perhaps born so stupid, or did someone drop you on your head when you were a kid?

It's not even on the same f***ing continent.

To be fair, this does seem like something that would happen in the Bible belt. Of course, you could say that the URL alone should be enough for people to know it isn't the US :-P

Very interesting.  Sad, very sad, but interesting.

When it comes to people who "hate others' activities", far more often than not, they're not even worth listening to.  Since when was is their place to judge?

Hey, they're not always judging anyone, they're often only telling people what god thinks :-D It just happens that god always agrees with them. What an astonishing coincidence. 8-)


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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #5 on: 2009-09-01 23:23:44 »
Kudistos Megistos: Indeed! I'm not sure witch, either, perhaps because I'm way too drunk to think about such a difficult issues! Instead I'll just laugh at the hilarious hypocrisy. :-D Them gays and sexhual devianths are bad! They have... you know... rainbows and stuff! Rainbows, I tell you!

Of course they're bad! Why do you think that our moral guardians, when asked about what in the modern world worries them, spend far more time going on about sex than talking about war, or the millions of people starving and dying from preventable diseases as a result of someone else's incompetence?

Yesh! Sexh is bad! What would Jesus do? Oright, he'd bone a whore (regardless of what the 33v1l Wikipedia says about Mary Magdalene...). Nevermind...

The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #6 on: 2009-09-01 23:36:34 »
Have you read The Da Vinci Code, by any chance? :-P

And it's not their place to tell people "what God thinks".  Are they prophets?  Maybe :|  But I so highly doubt it.


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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #7 on: 2009-09-01 23:46:01 »
Have you read The Da Vinci Code, by any chance? :-P

Listened to it, actually. :-P It was quite entertaining, but I can't see how anyone would take it seriously, it was the bullshit on golden ratio that really, really stretched my suspension of disbelief very, very thin. I was like "Please, please stop now, before you make even greater fool of yourself".

That's not the source though, I was aware that some people - even the religious folks, or perhaps particularly them - considered Mary to be cawk hungry slut, way before that. :-D

I mean, why should I care? I think entire book is made out of collection of fiction, hearsay and random historical facts.

Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #8 on: 2009-09-01 23:56:53 »

Were you perhaps born so stupid, or did someone drop you on your head when you were a kid?


Ahaa hah haa haaa!!! 

I like bi-sexual femalezzzzz......  *fap fap fap*  Oooh!!!!!  Shit!!  Aaah...!!  Fuck!!!  Sh~~it!! 
Does that contribute to the topic?  I think it does...


The Seer of Shadows

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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #9 on: 2009-09-02 08:39:47 »
No offense intended... you act as if you've been a sex slave ever since you were 3.


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Re: Gloucester saved from becoming Sodom and Gomorrah!
« Reply #10 on: 2009-09-02 10:50:48 »
Well regardless of all things previous...

It isn't like people don't have private places to do things like this anyway... I mean most people live in things that they own, where their beds are, and they keep their stuff... they're called houses...

If the hotel isn't being used, then it sounds like that little spot on the map isn't popular enough to warrant having such a building... rather than customizing it into a sex palace... why not build something the place actually needs... or get rid of it and build a park or something...

I don't care what people do to eachother, but I'm pretty sure they don't need a specialized place in order to find other people to do them to... People have been doing all manner of things to eachother for centuries with little need of anything more than some alcohol and a place to call home...

I'm pretty sure, regardless of the reasons, not having a special sex-club isn't going to stop anyone from anything... For instance, not having a special room to piss doesn't stop people from doing it.

It sounds to me that the populace of Gloucester has multiple viewpoints... those who tolerate, and those who don't. In the event that it was built, it has the possibility of creating unnecessary unrest in the intolerant public... which may or may not be the majority... In that situation, it seems like more harm than good.

From a morality or whatever-you-want-to-call-it sense I have no opinion worth making public. Frankly, my opinion doesn't matter in this situation at all...
It's all sort of pointless really.