Author Topic: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!  (Read 4467 times)


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Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« on: 2009-10-11 11:45:05 »
Here. NSFW.

Here. NSFW.

And here. Also, NSFW.

I'm so laughing my ass off, but I'm not sure which I'm laughing at; the awesome dance and the pics, or the shocked comments. :-D


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #1 on: 2009-10-12 06:26:26 »
hahahahahhahaaha. Dude, labeling these NSFW is totally misleading. Old naked asian men is NSF-anyone!  :lol:


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #2 on: 2009-10-12 07:04:30 »
He has a very nice collection.
What a great collector, that man is.


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #3 on: 2009-10-12 07:21:03 »
Indeed. :-D

hahahahahhahaaha. Dude, labeling these NSFW is totally misleading. Old naked asian men is NSF-anyone!  :lol:


But bah, the 'old asian man'-comments amuse me - yeah, I know the videos were tagged as such, as well. Thing is, I figured that he'd be about 40, at the most tiny bit older - but he's not even that, he's 37. ...assuming his forum profile is correct.

He's hardly old, except maybe to kids who were born yesterday. :-P


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #4 on: 2009-10-12 11:12:12 »
i r at work!

so have to wait till i am back :(


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #5 on: 2009-10-12 11:28:45 »
really? 37? he looks much older. Besides, let's face it, in terms of being publicly naked, anything above 25 is too old. Don't blame me, blame mainstream media.


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #6 on: 2009-10-12 11:51:53 »
Bah! :-P

I admit that my perception of his age might have been affected by seeing a photo in that one thread - it's quite a bit more high resolution than the video, and I'd say that in that he certainly does not look over 40, rather under.

For the video, I think the fact that he's not exactly toned, has perhaps bit receding hairline (this happens to some men way before they turn even 40, actually) and perhaps somewhat unfortunate choice of rims for his glasses affect the perception the other way.

Anyways, this is totally unrelated, but since the issue of age came up, the opportunity is too good to pass up.

Photo. (NSFW, although in a different way than the previous links, it's just a nekkid chick)

NO GOOGLING! :-D And the people who know who that chick is, shut up. :-P

a) Would you hit it?
b) How old do you think she is?


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #7 on: 2009-10-12 12:17:24 »
"Topless weirdo" reminds me a lot of someone I once knew... *shudder*

Based on the person he reminds me of, I'd say he could be as young as 31.

Kudistos Megistos

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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #8 on: 2009-10-13 20:46:16 »

Mummy, what's wrong with that man? :?

As for that NSFW girl, I would hit it, based on what I can see.

I suspect, however, that she's at least 35. Firstly, she was brought up in a conversation about how people can incorrectly guess someone's age, secondly, there's a chance that some shooping was going on and thirdly, the photo emphasises her legs and hides her hands. Legs tend to stay young looking for longer than most other body parts, whilst hands are notorious for giving away a woman's age. Her torso looks like she might not be as young as she first appears, although it might be that she is muscular or her ribs are visible, which complicates matters. Oh, and I've just noticed that since she's standing in that position, we can't tell whether her breasts are saggy or not.


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Re: Awesome Neo-Geo collection!
« Reply #9 on: 2009-10-13 21:47:34 »
Mummy, what's wrong with that man? :?

He's just expressing himself, no need to be worried, dear. :-P

Actually, I think it's fairly awesome that he does that. He obviously doesn't have issues with his body - or anything else for that matter; the video is a reply to an epic flamewar - of Seiferific proportions, and actually tone as well, and he went and posted photos of him and his wife, his address and phone number as well. I think he might have been making fun of the asshat's accusations about how easy it is to attack - or in this case 'attack' - people anonymously.

You can read the whole thing here. There's 1000+ posts of it, though. :-D Actually, while reading that, I became ever so slightly suspicious that our Seifer and Stuart Campbell are one and the same person. :lol:

As for that NSFW girl, I would hit it, based on what I can see.

As would I. Again and again. And again. Like the fist of an angry God. :-D

I suspect, however, that she's at least 35. Firstly, she was brought up in a conversation about how people can incorrectly guess someone's age, secondly, there's a chance that some shooping was going on and thirdly, the photo emphasises her legs and hides her hands. Legs tend to stay young looking for longer than most other body parts, whilst hands are notorious for giving away a woman's age. Her torso looks like she might not be as young as she first appears, although it might be that she is muscular or her ribs are visible, which complicates matters. Oh, and I've just noticed that since she's standing in that position, we can't tell whether her breasts are saggy or not.

Yeah, it would be interesting to see what people would guess without the premise that kinda gives it away.

So very true; hands are usually a dead giveaway.

And no, not saggy. That's however most likely due to the fact that they have been touched by a surgeon. OTOH, supposedly that's the only part of her that has been artificially improved.

As for shooping; almost certainly, it's a photoshoot for a magazine - all of them are very much of 'the spoon is a lie'-stuff; you won't find an unretouched one anywhere, no matter how old or young the person is. I think movie premieres are the best indication of this, normally you see the actresses and actors either in a movie - where their make-up has been done by a horde of professionals, or in magazines, where they are also shooped to look good. The candids from the red carpet quite often show that the reality can be quite different. Then again, a bad photograph can make anyone look bad, so it works both ways. In this particular case it probably does help hide her age, but I'd say that the situation is quite fair in the sense that everyone gets shopped in these things.

Anyway, enough babbling... meet Amparo Grisales (both links NSFW!). She's 50. Yes, fifty years old. Born in '56, the photos are from a '07 magazine.

How does that make you feel, kids? :-D