New Release:
Menu Reconstruction 004Really hope there aren't any mistakes here. I tested my arse off, but you never know! This installer should not have any false positives by Virus scanners.
Next release:
I will now be working with Kranmer to complete the menu overhaul which includes Kranmer's separate battle menu mod. This mod alters the main battle menu and battle arena menu.
1. Fixed the mouse so that it is no longer considered an input device. Thanks to Aali.
2. Corrected numerous issues in the materia Check menu
3. Corrected Status screen command box and command text.
4. Corrected the cursor in dialogue boxes.
5. Corrected Limit menu alignment with the options.
6. Added dziugo and kruci's "Default Run" mod as option.
7. Installer now has uninstall option.
8. Installer no longer installs the readme, as it comes with the zip file.
9. Character names are higher up next to the avatars.
For some bizarre reason, the dialogue cursor is still wrong with the original graphics. I will sort this next time. Everything will be fine when using Team Avalanche graphics though.