Author Topic: enemy with Cloud battle model  (Read 4077 times)


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enemy with Cloud battle model
« on: 2010-08-24 19:31:55 »
Hi every one !  :-P

To be clear, I have a project for reprogram FFVII ! But before, I want to make a "mini-game", The playable character is Sephiroth and the enemy is Cloud.

the game begin on the train station in sector 1, and there is a battle between Sephiroth and cloud (HI RES (01DC for proud clod) skeleton SIAA )

I'm working with makou reactor, Hojo and proud clod for the moment.

I create a new monster with Cloud's name, and a new encounter file with this monster, 2 different attack, and a simple AI who say "choose an enemy and Attack with ICE"

Everything is ok, Cloud Attack me with the right animation.

My problem is about cloud battle model. When I hit the model, the ATB is stopped. The game is running but I can't do anything (and if I use Cloud model in the battle for Jenova, I have the same problem). :cry: But if I use the JENOVA synthesis battle model in my new encounter file I don't have any problem...

Is someone know anything about this ?

Thank you  ;D

Edit :
I Know now that my problem come from the SIAB file !

When I rename the mmab file (from jenova synthesis) in SIAB, it works but I have the jenova's shadow for cloud's shadow but I don't know how the **AB file work... Can Someone help me ?
« Last Edit: 2010-08-26 10:10:34 by xXrenoXx »


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #1 on: 2010-08-26 14:26:11 »
 Not really sure how that end-game hi-res Cloud model is different from normal, don't have game installed here to check, but logic wise possibility - maybe it just doesn't have animation for being hit or it's animations are different than normal battle models(eventually even character battle models are different than enemy ones), freezing your game in the process when you hit it. If that's the case, you could try just use normal cloud animations with hi res model. Probably just copying it over from normal Cloud could do as the models are fairy same.


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #2 on: 2010-08-26 17:28:14 »
To begin, thank you for replying to my message.

The game isn't frozen, but the ATB is stopped.
The hires model and normal model are the same, with the same animation. But I think the problem come from the siAB file. I've search a loooong time for some information but no one know really how to translate it... I've try to Compare playable character's and boss's **AB file with a hexa-editor, but I'm not a programmer so... it's difficult...

But I think the problem come from here because when I rename the mmab file (from jenova synthesis' model), it's not the good animation for many action, but the ATB don't stop, and the same with xeab from Reno's model.

And I have the same problem with tifa's, barret's model
« Last Edit: 2010-08-26 18:14:10 by xXrenoXx »


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #3 on: 2010-08-27 01:04:47 »
 I understand it isn't literally hanged, but if atb bar is, then it's kind of frozen anyway as you can't continue. Most likely battle characters and battle enemies have different set of required animation's, best for you to compare Yuffie probably couse there is a Yuffie character AND Yuffie enemy. Maybe it's just stated somewhere in the battle AI and you copied that along without any change. About animations I know you can change existing ones with Kimera(which is pretty time consuming), but I'm not sure how you can add new or delete existing ones. If nothing else you could take similar enemies which battle animation works. For example SOLDIER enemies animations for Cloud, Dyne for Barret(through I think that would look bad without any change as he even shots with different hand)         lol goblin for Tifa... :P joke dunno what could be easy to change for Tifa. But as there are SOLDIER enemies it shouldn't be much work to make Cloud working as enemy. Well that's just few ideas if you got stuck. But if you would need to change animations of working files, get ready for some boring bone rotation frame by frame in Kimera. I never fooled with AI scripts, but I find it difficult to belive that all enemies battle animation requirements are hardcoded, aren't they just defined in AI scripts?

 In your place if comparing two Yuffies(enemy/character) wouldn't give any results, I would firstly look for a mod which turns turks into main party and main party for enemies "The turks mod" or something like that, at least a few of characters must have working animations as enemies there, and if they aren't changed then it means it's somewhere in AI script, which you could also look up from there. If checking/reusing files from that mod wouldn't help, you could always ask the author of the mod how he did it.

 Good luck.


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #4 on: 2010-08-31 16:49:30 »
Hey !

Well, if I change cloud's file for a Soldier's file, then all animation are mixed ^^, and this solution is to bypass the problem and I don't want to bypass it but to resolve !
I'm trying something = take a half of enemy hexa file, and put it on the half of cloud's file. If it work, I take the half (of the half ^^), if it work I take the half ext... and I will find the good information in the hexa file.
If it don't work... I'll tell you ! ;)

Edit :
But it don't work  :|

I'm still searching ^^
« Last Edit: 2010-08-31 19:12:57 by xXrenoXx »


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #5 on: 2010-08-31 17:46:07 »
 Well your anims got messed couse you just used Soldier enemy animation file. I ment something different - if it have about same parts it will also have similar skeleton, just replace it's model parts, keeping skeleton and animation files from Soldier and it should look like Cloud with working enemy animations. Not sure but weapon can be treated like just another model part in enemy models and that could be main difference as I can't imagine from memory any enemy that changed weapons in this game. Anyway did you compared what are the difference between Yuffie character and Yuffie enemy(she does have different models for those two situations)? That would most likely lead you directly for what you need to change in your character battle models to make them work as enemies.

 I don't have ff7 installed now, can't check that myself, sorry then for quality of my help, just throwing some ideas to make it easier.


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #6 on: 2010-08-31 18:58:46 »
Don't worry  :lol: it's cool if you want to help me ^^

But I just want to mod cloud's model and find exactly HOW to change the file to playable or enemy  :-D


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Re: enemy with Cloud battle model
« Reply #7 on: 2010-08-31 23:33:14 »
I'll tell you step by step how I did Cloud's looking battle model from Soldier 1'st class enemy.

- get SOLDIER enemy files which are lp**(probably any as they seem to be same, but I taken 1'st class) and unpack to some work folder,
- get your Cloud model(rt**) and unpack to other folder,
- change names of Cloud model files from rtam to rtay to lpam-lpay,
- -||- file rtck(or any other weapon model you want enemy Cloud to use) to lpba,
- -||- files from rtba to rtbi change to lpbc-lpbm(remember to get those names from original lp** model files as it uses different letters than Cloud model),
- also change names of your Cloud model texture files(rtac and max of 9 next depending on how many textures your model had) adding ".tex" to end of them,
- copy those files you changed names to the folder you had SOLDIER enemy model files and overwrite them all,
- open lpaa from this work folder in Kimera and add textures your Cloud model had(those files you renamed as .tex, also when adding texture in Kimera make sure to choose from .tex otherwise it'll not see them),
- save and voila you have working Cloud enemy model made fast.=]

 I checked Yuffie enemy and Yuffie character battle models and it had much less animations, generally enemies have less animations this SOLDIER is no exception, not sure what it means to you couse animations althrough looking nice will not be exactly same as real Cloud, but at least they will work correctly. Also seeing how Yuffie enemy is ripped off many animations that Yuffie hero has I'm not sure if it's not a limitation in game engine for enemy models. Maybe it's the amount of animations? But I don't even know if you can just cut off existing ones, surely not in Kimera and that's only tool that allow viewing and some editing in model animations, I dunno where they exactly start and where they end, if you wanna play simple hex editing you could try deleting first and last frame of animation, save and compare with copy of original as at least deleting single frames is possible in Kimera. Faster would be probably to just look at Kimera source code, your choice. It's possible through that it's not a limit for enemy animations but something else. Some generic AI script that points to them? Don't have a clue about that through couse I wasn't interested in messing around it and soo didn't read anything relating FFVII AI. Yet... O.o