Author Topic: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?  (Read 17258 times)


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #25 on: 2010-11-28 19:00:53 »
To be fair Bloodshot, Duke3D was immature to play even when it originally came out.

Which is why it's so good.


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #26 on: 2010-11-28 20:17:31 »
You best be trollin'. The AI in this game is both phenomenally stupid, sometimes being unable to climb a simple flight of stairs, and ridiculously cheap, being able to headshot you from a mile away and behind a bush.

Sure, it's beautiful, but the AI would be embarrassing even by 1998 standards, and that kind of ruins it for me personally.

Now, I see a fair amount of people say this but a lot are just lying, while others are being honest about that. I am sure you are being honest, but i must say that the AI in Crysis is a gamble kind of, because some people have problems with it that others do not. The AI is good due to it being able to hear sounds and react to them, their flanking abilities and how they use the environment given that much of the outdoor environment has very little predefined points for the AI to use. That being said, each individual AI character has a ton of actions that are processed at once, so its very hardware dependent (which can end up making or breaking the game btw)

For example, i got crysis when i had my older computer which had a single core. The AI were extremely stupid, to the point of making me laugh, like much of the videos you see on youtube of them walking up to flaming explosive barrels and such. However, i have a computer with a core I7 now, and the AI react fairly quickly to what happens to them, and it makes the game much more enjoyable. The flight of stairs thing you mentioned is still a problem because they are designed primarily for outdoor environments, and all indoors require pathing which does not work to well unless the pathing is very precise, and it was not at all implemented how an AI system should be for indoor environments, especially for stairs (sometimes AI will try to go down the stairs at the same time and trip over each other  ;D).

Aside from their problems indoors, the AI is by no means bad. Some of the AI has slower reaction times, but that is partially dependent on the class of AI and the idea that they are meant to work in groups. It's also one of the few AI systems that once your spotted they don't always know where you are. They always check the last location you were visible to them in, before entering a search pattern and searching the area for you and eventually returning to normal. They do have very far view distance, but they cannot see through objects (unless they are specifically made in the editor for the AI to be able to see through) such as leaves and bushes. And for the simple hundreds of vegetative objects that are in the levels that the AI make use of without any pre-scripted events at all, Its a well done sandbox AI.

Plus, i believe the AI is designed to be a scared North Korean  :-D


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #27 on: 2010-11-28 21:21:24 »
Crysis AI is heavily scripted to do certain actions, it's not very dynamic and actually quite predictable.

FarCry also had really bad overly scripted AI, if you see an MPC go off and pee off a dock, that's not AI that's triggered by walking past by a script placed in the editor.

I've dabbled in the editors for both games, an enemy with no nearby scripting just runs around aimlessly shooting at you, not seeking cover even if there's loads.


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #28 on: 2010-11-28 21:30:04 »
Crysis AI is heavily scripted to do certain actions, it's not very dynamic and actually quite predictable.

FarCry also had really bad overly scripted AI, if you see an MPC go off and pee off a dock, that's not AI that's triggered by walking past by a script placed in the editor.

I've dabbled in the editors for both games, an enemy with no nearby scripting just runs around aimlessly shooting at you, not seeking cover even if there's loads.

I have used both editors as well, the crysis editor extensively (which is quite similar to the FC editor btw) and while they wont use objects such as walls or barrels unless you give them positions to, the vegetation they use for cover is completely dynamic. All you have to do is set any vegetation to hideable and the AI would automatically make use of it. Remember, i said vegetation, not objects.

And the AI actions are defined by points yes, but all they need is those points, the AI will do things at those points based on what class of Idler they are set as. When you set several points and set their class they will walk around doing random things and talk to each other, rather then other games where those types of things would only happen when you pass a trigger or so, and they might only do something like that once, they will automatically do that regardless of if your there or not. It is scripted but not as much as other games. Sure its nowhere near as dynamic as say oblivion's AI, but for a shooter, It's definitely more so than most.


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #29 on: 2010-11-28 21:34:45 »
Sure its nowhere near as dynamic as say oblivion's AI

Oblivion had AI? Thought they just ran right at you attacking like there was no tomorrow.


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #30 on: 2010-11-28 21:50:49 »
Fallout (1/2)
Resident Evil (1/2)
Final Fantasy (6/7/10)
Gran Turismo (1)
Silent Hill (1)
Metal Gear Solid (1)
Half Life (1)
Left 4 Dead (1/2)
Shadow Run
Comix Zone

Games from top of my head in hurry.
There were probably other ones but ..


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #31 on: 2010-11-28 23:16:46 »
1)  The Golden Sun series- loved these games all the way to the end, Definitely need to get ahold of part 3.

2) Chrono Trigger- Everything from the story, the amazingly developed characters as well as one of the most pleasurable soundtracks I've ever heard makes this game truly amazing, there's twelve different endings and I've played it twelve times without getting bored.

3)The breath of fire series( especially 2, 3 and 4)- sad thing is, most people my age I talk to have never even heard of this game.

4)The megamanx/zero series- I just really love these for some reason, a lot of people don't for whatever reason, but whatever.

5) Kasumi Rebirth(Hentai game)- I've played this way too much for it not to be here.

6)Fire Emblem- Just the fact that characters can die permanently at any time was enough to get me interested.

7)Postal 2/Apocalypse weekend- My number one venting game, seriously, since I've been playing this shit, I've become a less violent person in real life.

8)Fable the lost chapters(PC)- For some reason I was really touched by the story for this, especially when you had to choose whether or not to kill your sister who had here eyes sliced up.

9) Farcry 2- A seriously big game, some people say it's too big to the point where it's boring, but those people are all Call of duty fans so..yeah.

10)The Godfather, I loved the movie and I loved the game even more(the first one) EA did a pretty good job of incooperating your character into the movie's events.


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #32 on: 2010-11-28 23:44:23 »
Sure its nowhere near as dynamic as say oblivion's AI

Oblivion had AI? Thought they just ran right at you attacking like there was no tomorrow.

lol, they did. But the game had some dynamic crap for eating, sleeping and other routines, except it was by far some of the most retarded AI I've seen. I would've preferred they stick to the old way like in morrowind, although it was much improved by fallout.

the "conversations" in oblivion were pretty horrible.

"I saw a mudcrab today down by the water"

"Nasty little creatures, aren't they?"



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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #33 on: 2010-11-29 00:10:21 »
Postal 2/Apocalypse weekend- My number one venting game, seriously, since I've been playing this sh*t, I've become a less violent person in real life.

This man speaks truth


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #34 on: 2010-11-29 05:37:48 »
the "conversations" in oblivion were pretty horrible.

"I saw a mudcrab today down by the water"

"Nasty little creatures, aren't they?"


Haha, yeah, always fun when you end up the one of the voice actors talking to themselves as well.


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #35 on: 2010-12-03 20:50:33 »
These aren't in any order but here i go....

Final Fantasy VIII <-My top FF
Final Fantasy Tactics
Threads of Fate
Frogger 1 <-Awesome haha XD (didn't like frogger 2 for some reason)
Star Ocean Till the Ends of Time
Legend of Dragoon
Soul Calibur 2
Devil May Cry 1-4
Chaos Legion
Final Fantasy VII and VII-Dirge of Cerberus

...well there's my ten but i am probably forgetting something >.>


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #36 on: 2010-12-04 13:14:42 »
no particular order, grouped by series to stuff a bit more ;)

disgaea 2 psp - having that grindfest in portable version is just perfect. fills idle time commuting to work perfectly.
unlosing ranger vs darkdeath evilman - new take on roguelike from disgaea team. also on psp. same advantages as disgaea 2 psp
ff8,ff12 - these two are just two favorite games among ff series.
persona 3,4 - a great rpg games with a social twist
star ocean 1,2,4 (3rd one just doesn't sit too well with me)
fallout series - great post apocalyptic rpg games.
metal gear solid series
valkyrie profile 2
level5 rpgs - dark cloud 2, rogue galaxy, jeanne darc (psp). i'm hoping they did well on ps3 as well.
vagrant story - i seemed to have missed that. gaah!
« Last Edit: 2010-12-05 20:55:45 by yoshi314 »


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #37 on: 2010-12-10 07:35:23 »
Ahh Soul Calibur 2, good times. Getting to play as link in that genre of gaming was like a turning point in mine and 5 friend's lives xD

FeliX Leonhart

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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #38 on: 2010-12-10 13:37:35 »
1. FF8
2. FF10
3. FF7
4. Breath of fire 2
5. Star Wars KOTOR
6. Battlefield Bad Company 2
7. Gothic 3
8. GTA Vice City
9. FF9
10. Transport Tycoon Deluxe


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #39 on: 2010-12-10 14:04:19 »
4. Fable I
5. Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (PSX)
6. Star Ocean Till The End Of Time
7. Chrono Cross
8. Golden Sun
9. GTA San Andreas


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Re: Your top 10 favorite games of all time?
« Reply #40 on: 2010-12-13 17:31:33 »
1. Xenogears (PSX) ( I want a hardcore mod for this game  :-[ )
2. Final Fantasy VII and VIII (PSX)
3. Golden sun 2 (GBA)
4. Metal gears solid 1, 2 and 4 (I don't try the third  :( ) (PSX, PC and PS3)
5. Baldur's gate 1 and 2 (PC)
6. Final fantasy VI, IX and X (SNES, PSX and PS2)
7. Rudora no Hibou (SNES)
8. Tales of Vesperia (Xbox360)
9. Chrono trigger
10. Dead space (Xbox360)