Author Topic: SOLVED: Stop mega-all disabling 4x cut effect  (Read 21489 times)


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    • FFVII Lost Wing Mod/Hacks
Re: request for materia editor
« Reply #25 on: 2011-03-09 22:01:15 »
That would likely blank out your attack command entirely. It's not really the right way to go about this either. The first command is never nulled like that. It's forcibly replaced by a function called by materia types 12h and always set to 01 otherwise. You also can't "All" it, but you can set it to Absorb MP/HP, Steal as Well, and Added Cut with a GS.
You want to check when it's set to 18h after equipping a Mega-All. That'll give you the place that this happens at.

Alrite, well I will take a note of this.  Maybe I will play with it in the future.

Good luck LW, I'm right behind you ;D

It will be on my to-do list...many things on this list are heavily negelected.

Having the benefits of Mega-All while also having 4x-cut is pretty OP if you ask me, but it would be nice to have this info for other reasons.