Author Topic: 3D studio max help  (Read 2330 times)


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3D studio max help
« on: 2012-11-25 06:06:02 »
So I just got the 3D studio max and tried to open the file for Sephiroth's battle animations and discovered it won't support it.  I have tried looking for something so it can support the file type but so far no such luck.  So I was wandering if any of you have come across something that does?

Edit: Well I have decided to abandon this pursuit.  I have a pretty good work around already and it works and not all of the animations go high wire for long so i'll just leave it at that so if a moderator would be so kind as to lock this please.  Animations will be put on hiatus till further notice and when I do more research and find an addiquit way of doing this.  So i'll let you guys know when I have something to work with.
« Last Edit: 2012-11-25 09:12:33 by genesis063 »