Author Topic: Final Fantasy VII Steam XBox 360 Controller Fix  (Read 6745 times)


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Final Fantasy VII Steam XBox 360 Controller Fix
« on: 2014-04-21 18:00:16 »
IMPORTANT NOTE: At present this mod only works with the ENGLISH Steam version of FF7. Localizations are NOT supported. Sorry!


Note: You MUST run FF7 with an XBox 360 Controller connected once BEFORE you run this mod. (But make sure to quit the launcher before installing the mod.) You have to do this because the first time the launcher detects a controller, it automatically overwrites any existing configurations.

If you've accidentally not done this, then just: Uninstall the mod and then reinstall it. Simple!

October 12, 2012 - Version 2.1
- Previous version (1.0) is now uninstalled correctly
- Additional check for existing controller configuration

October 6, 2013 - Version 2.0 is here!
- This new version alters the way the patching is done, resulting in a much smaller file. It also has a lot more checks in place to (hopefully) identify any problems.
What does this mod do?
The Steam re-release of Final Fantasy VII introduced some great new features: Higher quality videos, fixed script, better music (especially through a mod), cloud saves, achievements, etc. It also featured support for the Xbox 360 controller out of the box. Unfortunately, the way the buttons were mapped for the controller was extremely bizarre.

And worse still, it retained the confusing names for each of the buttons. Which button is "ASSIST", "TARGET", "PAGEUP", "SWITCH", etc? There are mini-games where you need to know exactly which button to press at a specific time, and it doesn't help if you don't know what button is being referred to.

Let's look at the first problem:

Take a look at the original PlayStation controller mapping:

Then look at what you get with a 360 Controller by default (seriously!):

Here's what this mod does:

Is that it? What about the button names?
No, we're not done yet. This is where this mod gets special.

First an explanation: When FFVII was being converted to the PC, they couldn’t refer to the button names, because they didn’t know what controller you would have. For example, on the original PlayStation, the game would tell you to press the “L1” button on your PS controller, but on the PC version it would say press “PAGEUP” – leaving you to guess which button that was.

This mod changes all references to confusing terms like “SWITCH”, “ASSIST”, “TARGET”, “MENU”, etc. and replaces them with the names of the actual buttons on your Xbox 360 Controller, matching the above config perfectly.

So before mod is installed:

After mod is installed:

Every reference throughout the game has been changed, so you never have to get confused about what button the game wants you to press!

Note: This only works with the ENGLISH language version of FF7!

It need original flevel.lgp Can you upload if you have?
« Last Edit: 2014-04-21 20:07:29 by Covarr »


  • Covarr-Let
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Re: Final Fantasy VII Steam XBox 360 Controller Fix
« Reply #1 on: 2014-04-21 20:08:59 »
I can't think of a single reason you needed to repost the entire tutorial for this question, especially since we already have a thread for this mod.

Also, we do not post full unmodified LGP files here. Copyright laws and all that. You can find the file on your install disc if you used the 1998 version. Steam version... sorry, can't help ya. Locking this thread.
« Last Edit: 2014-04-21 20:11:07 by Covarr »