Author Topic: FF7: Masamune on enemy Sephiroth?  (Read 2990 times)


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FF7: Masamune on enemy Sephiroth?
« on: 2013-08-17 01:19:59 »
So I gave an enemy the model of Party Member Sephiroth. Problem is, his Masamune is missing. Any way this can be fixed?

And on a side note, can you use the animations of PM Sephiroth without too much trouble or is it going to be tough? (So far all the ones I've tried just froze the fight)


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Re: FF7: Masamune on enemy Sephiroth?
« Reply #1 on: 2013-08-17 09:51:07 »
I did the same and found his Masamune missing as well. I solved that issue by attaching the Masamune model into his hand bone and removing the models from the weapon bone altogether. Now he wields the Masamune correctly, at least.

And yes, you can use the animations without trouble. The problem is, Sephiroth is a special case when it comes down to his missing animations. If you try to attack him, the game will get stuck because it's waiting for Sephiroth to complete his damage animation script... which is a copy of his idle anim script, so it will loop forever. I fixed this by having his Pre-Battle AI define another damage animation ID... for the time being, I use his "missed" animation. I think its ID is 8.

Now for his attack animations. There was a good list around which I ultimately ended up using to ease up my stress.  :D

These are the Animation IDs you will want to use in the Animations & Formations section in Proud Clod:

14= Attack animation
15= Slash animation
16= double slash (doesn't work very well)
17= Magic animation (only works with magic materia)
18= double slash (doesn't work well)
1B= Deathblow animation
1C= Flash animation
1D= Magic animation (this works with all attacks)
1E= Enemy Skill animation
1F= Summon animation

Note: The IDs with the strikethrough indicates Sephiroth can't use them. He doesn't have animations for those.


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Re: FF7: Masamune on enemy Sephiroth?
« Reply #2 on: 2013-08-17 23:42:07 »
Okay, this worked pretty well overall, but there's a few issues that remain.

Firstly, a random Masamune appears arbitrarily during any of Sephiroth's animation at a weird location. I think it's always a bit below the blade, as in the direction the blade is curved in. It doesn't appear in Kimera and I don't really know why this happens. I could deal with it, but it just looks ugly.

Secondly, animations work great. But there's one little issue that's left. I'd like it if Sephiroth had the Octaslash ability. For that one, I used Big Brawl as base. Now for one, I tried all animations on the list and the spellcasting ones are the ones that work... kind of. Sephiroth of course teleports all over the place, hits 8 times, and then stays at an arbitrary spot. Problem is for one, he doesn't move back to his original spot, two, if I try to have him do it twice, the "smoke" animation of Big Brawl is still played but Sephiroth doesn't teleport and hit people and there are no damage figures. It only works again if I completely reset FF7.