Author Topic: I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.  (Read 4588 times)


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« on: 2001-07-12 02:01:00 »
I'm going today (6/11/01 at 10:00pm CDT.) I promise I won't give spolers but I'll give a good review. So far I've heard that "It's just like Starship Tropers, but they talk too much" I'll have something better than that.


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #1 on: 2001-07-12 16:54:00 »
I went to see the final fantasy movie at noon, and I liked it.  For me it was worth the wait.  Critics said that the movie didn't have anything to do with the other final fantasy titles, but it does contain things from the final fantasy games.  There is one part that is very similar to a scene in a final fantasy game.  I am not going to mention which part or from what final fantasy comes out, but you will all know which one I am talking about once you see it.  Go see the movie, the story is not that bad as most critics say it is.



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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #2 on: 2001-07-12 06:38:00 »
 Mr. Ebert gave it four stars!  I'm going to see it tomorrow (WITH A GIRL!!!).  She's just a friend, though.


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #3 on: 2001-07-12 07:13:00 »
I got a question... are all final fantasy endings sad? *sniff* *sniff*


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #4 on: 2001-07-12 10:49:00 »
.. I may be one of the only people on this board to say this but.. i really didnt like the movie.. i saw it today.. the 11th of course.. i missed the 12:30 cuz i woke up @ 12.. but anyway My Review:

The Graphics were awesome.. The plot was pretty cool.. i guess all in all i just expected to be blown away.. and i really wasnt.. Unfortunately my girlfriend didnt watch the movie with me.. ( this would be a decent movie to bring a girl to.. i think ) i would cite examples about the movie and parts that i thought were not smooth but i wuold guess not everyone has seen it yet.. so i wont.. after everyone has seen it .. then we can have the big throw down drag down knock out discussion which i know will flood this forum   :)

( incase you skipped all the crap it was a decent movie.. I expected more .. Didnt really care for it.. )

Really the endings are sad if you wanna think they are sad.. Its all your interpretation.. take ff7 the ending .. while unclear wound up being happy when u think about it.. ff8 happy in the end.. ff9 happy in the end... ff6 it was happy too.. i think.. but really its all in how you think about it.. they well aeris was sacrificed but that helped the earth live on (ff7) it was sad but worked in the end..

[This message has been edited by Caddberry (edited July 12, 2001).]


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #5 on: 2001-07-12 12:08:00 »
I went with a bunch of my buddies from work (who also are getting laid off too) It was a movie that was wothy of the title "Final Fantasy" There were a couple things I thought was cool. First, there is a scene where you can see a rendered version of Mr. Sakaguchi in the background! He's a doctor in the medical room. Also when Aki wakes from one of her dreams, If you look at her T-shirt, it has a chocobo on it! (You can just make out the head) The animation is a step up from the motion in 9 and 8. When a character makes an emotional face, such as Aki looking downcast, it still tends to be a bit over-expressive. You see the same thing with the FF8 characters too. You can see it's the same animation team. Every time Jane talked I couldn't help but to think of her as "Roz" that voice is just so stuck into my head.
Cid had the *best* animation of all the characters. I was shocked when I saw him speak for the first time. After watching it, Final Fantasy 7 made much more sense.

I'm tired for now, so at risk of giving a spoiler away, I better stop while I'm ahead.


J*** H*******

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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #6 on: 2001-07-12 15:22:00 »


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #7 on: 2001-07-13 03:03:00 »
The Final Fantasy movie was, in a nutshell, very good.  It, however, was not exactly the entertainment we have come to expect from Final Fantasy games.  I don't mean to say it wasn't entertaining, it was just... differant.  I stand by my pre movie commentary:  Their mistake will be in that they are targeting a general movie audience, and not strictly Final Fantasy fans.  I once said that their other mistake was not letting Nobuo Uematsu compose the score.  I kinda take this back.  The composer did a great job, i think.  I only say that because I only first noticed there was music near the end of the movie.  It was pretty good though; I thought the track played during the credits was particularly appropriate (and beautiful!).  As for the PWP* opinions, I completely disagree with them.  The plot may be a bit shallower than some of the games have, but it is perfectly acceptable.  If you like Final Fantasy, pretty graphics, and/or good music, this will surely be entertaining.  4 stars out of 5 is my review.

*PWP means:  Plot???  WHAT plot?!

Oh SoS

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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #8 on: 2001-07-13 09:55:00 »
my buddy saw it wednesday night, and said that it was pretty good, but he was disappointed that they didn't include enough game references in it.  They didn't even use "Biggs" and "Wedge" as character names! WTF? Although he did say that Cid made a cameo, so that was cool.  I'll probably see it this weekend or sumpin.


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #9 on: 2001-07-15 05:07:00 »
ff8 happy in the end??

Are you kidding me? The ending was so sad.

Laguna puts flowers on his girl's tombstone (forgot her name)....
She died while he went and saved the world. *sniff* I would almost cry.

So sad...


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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #10 on: 2001-07-15 10:15:00 »
The thing that would have made the movie the best movie that I ever saw in my life, was the music.  The background music sucked, although I really liked the song that came out in the credits.  If Nobuo Uematsu would have composed the music score, the movie would have been the most memorable final fantasy of all time.  Music is really important in Final Fantasy games, theme songs like the ones from final fantasy 2,4,5,6, 7, and 8 were the ones that made the long hours of gameplay passby in a blink.  I still hum the tunes from FF6, and it was years ago since I haven't played that game.  Anyways, HERE GOES THE BIG SPOILER OF THE MOVIE. (If you haven't seen the movie,  IGNORE this).

THe movie had a lot of things that came out from final fantasy 7:

The Crater, the meteor, the big blob in the movie reminded me of Jenova, A Big Cannon, The scene where aki is coming out of the crater looks like the last scene of FF7, The "spirits go back to the planet" theory, the theory that the planet has a spirit, and other things I can't remember because my stupid ISP keeps on disconecting me EVERY FIVE MINUTES!!!!!!!!
Anyways, the movie I give a **** rating.

P.S.:  I just reallized this right now, since the movie had something to do with FF7, but in FF7 there was nothing that showed the past of Jenova, and since SquareSoft came out with the story to the movie, wouldn't the past of Jenova would have been the same as the one from the aliens in the movie.  This should be taken in consideration in the making of the story in the Final Fantasy Remake Project, more comments on my theory of Jenova's arrival should be sent to [email protected].  This could be the same with the monsters.  



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I'm gonna see the Final Fantasy movie.
« Reply #11 on: 2001-07-15 10:18:00 »
Ok See i am glad someone is kinda grasping my concept here... Its all your interpretation of things..

by the way her name was Raine.. and I could think of him as putting flowers on her grave as giving him closure which is a good thing.. not necessarily happy .. but stil look at all the other characters. Squall and Riona wind up together.. thats one sad part.. and really if you think about it its not even sad..

Oh another thing.. Laguna didnt go off to save the world did he? I thought he went to find ellone.. Damn maybe i need to play the game again.. the real world was starting to suck anyway..