Author Topic: Can someone do me a huge favor  (Read 3051 times)


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Can someone do me a huge favor
« on: 2005-11-26 11:08:43 »

I keep getting crashes at CD 2 at the Mideel part. Tifa & Cloud have fallen in the lifestream. The game crashes everytime when loading the second movie (at the well). I have tried about everything (I think) to solve this problem. I have browsed several forums but no one else seems to have game crashes at this location of the game.

Thats why i'm asking if someone could play on my saved game past this point to the first save point. I'd be very grafeful if someone could do this for me  . Big thanks in advance,

My saved game:
My hotmail: [email protected]

PS: if anyone knows how to solve this problem, please let me know . I've tried every patch, been changing win Reg, etc.. pretty much tried everything.

PPS: seems I posted my first thread in the wrong board. Sorry for that.

The SaiNt

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Can someone do me a huge favor
« Reply #1 on: 2005-11-26 12:37:17 »
Don't make duplicate threads just to get attention.

Warning issued.