Author Topic: need help changeing the dialogue boxes and Menu screen colors  (Read 2277 times)


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Hello i'm new here and I seen alot of cool patches and other neat works anyways back on topic.

As the topic says i'm  haveing trouble with changeing the dialogue boxes colors I have looked everywhere on this forurm and I know it's possible because I seen quite a few diffrent screen shots with diffrent box desigins and colors here are some examples...

Menu screen-

 Dialogue boxes-

another cool Dialogue box-

this is the only problem I have so far with FF7 but I'm just wanting the Multi-Color Box and if possible a Multi-color Menu please?

Thank you for your time.

Edit- I also have no clue really where else to post this so if I posted this in the wrong place sorry.
« Last Edit: 2008-07-14 19:52:46 by XZ14094 »


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This is simple to answer. It's not a mod its actually part of the game. Go into the menu, and in options or config or something (The one with the sound options and crap) there will be a picture of the current colours you are using for the menu. Just click on a corner and move the RGB bars to whatever colour you like! ^^


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Oh wow *slaps self in the head* I been on there before funny thing thoe I didn't see that there before well thanks for the help.


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Your welcome! ^^