Author Topic: Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...  (Read 11308 times)


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #25 on: 2001-12-20 03:48:00 »
youre interacting with them right now.


are all members.

Sephiroth 3D

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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #26 on: 2001-12-20 05:36:00 »
Darkness is right. We visit out here too. we aren't limited to the remake boards, ya know...

And there are plenty of topics that cover what's happening in the remake. Check both them and the remake site. (FYI: The only things we remake members see on the site that you don't are the buglists, and we get access to the member files. Just about everything else is publicly available.)

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

[email protected]


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #27 on: 2001-12-20 21:35:00 »
Give me an update please...


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #28 on: 2001-12-20 21:48:00 »
an update of.......?

seph: i think fice already shutdown his server.


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #29 on: 2001-12-20 21:58:00 »
It's still up now. It will be going down SOON though, I expect on Saturday.

II: Yeah, an update on what? News is posted on the Remake site. Next week, when it's down, we *may* post news in this forum, but only if there actually IS something to post, there may not be over next week!


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #30 on: 2001-12-20 22:30:00 »
there hasnt really been ANY news on the remake except for the occasional screenshot (which i enjoy very much)

Sephiroth 3D

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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #31 on: 2001-12-21 17:49:00 »
Well, Fice is really our engine developer, so any software advances would be posted by him. I'm probably the one to talk to about the storyline. (All our other storyboard members seem to have dissapeared...) Advances in file formats would be the department of Saint, and if you have any model questions, Alhexx is the one to talk to. He's been making incredible progress in understanding the .p files and the battle model files.

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

[email protected]


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #32 on: 2001-12-21 21:50:00 »
FFVII Remake - Unofficial FAQ

What is the Remake?
The remake, in its current form, is basically a pre-FF7 game. A new engine is being developed, but much will remain the same.

Does it have a website?
Yes, the current URL is

Can I read what has been posted in their forums?
No. The forums are private and for members only. A member once said someting along these lines: If they could see what we were doing, we'd probably be being sued right now. So, if you want to read it, you must apply and be accepted.

Can I beta test?
Prohaps, but the date that people will be beta testing is still quite a ways away. Asking by putting a thread on Qhimm's Message Boards is not a good way to gain access to it.

I want to help, how do I join?
Yes, you can help, but you have to know what you're doing and be good at it. Currently, the remake is in need of artists, programmers, and a few writers. Send examples of writing to Sephiroth3d ([email protected]) and examples of everything else to The Saint. ([email protected])

I'm not exceptionally good at any of the things you listed, is there any other way?
Perhaps, e-mail The Saint with an example of your skill.

heres a FAQ for ya, but i just realized that fice already has one =)

Sephiroth 3D

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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #33 on: 2001-12-23 07:26:00 »
Uhmm... Darkness? My email is [email protected], not [email protected]. That's .COM not .net.

Sephiroth 3D

"I don't understand..." "You don't have to understand." - Final Fantasy: The Spirits Within

[email protected]


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Please submit all "story based" requests for the FFR to...
« Reply #34 on: 2001-12-23 14:42:00 »
oh. hehe i knew that......