What are the criteria? Do they have to already have models in the game? I know my request is a bit (WAY) far reaching, so I won't mind if it's not feasible. This boss is in five pieces, and hideously overpowered.
Culex - Lv99 - Round Island caveHP 409600 Attacks
MP 100 -Shredder
ST 150 -Meteor Blast
MA 100 -Flame Stone
AT 250 -Dark Star
DEF 100
MAG D 80
Earth Crystal - Lv50HP 320000 Attacks
MP 100 -Blast
ST 60 -Boulder
MA 80 -Sand Storm
AT 0 -Storm
DEF 70 -Water Blast
MAG D 33
Fire Crystal - Lv50HP 250000 Attacks
MP 100 -Corona
ST 60 -Drain
MA 130 -Flame Wall
AT 0 -Flame
DEF 100 -Mega Drain
MAG D 60
Water Crystal - Lv50HP 180000 Attacks
MP 100 -Blizzard
ST 60 -Crystal
MA 120 -Diamond Saw
AT 0 -Ice Rock
DEF 130 -Solidify
MAG D 50
Wind Crystal - Lv50HP 80000 Attacks
MP 100 -Bolt
ST 60 -Electroshock
MA 60 -Light Beam
AT 0 -Lightning Orb
DEF 200 -Petal Blast
MAG D 88 -Static E!
(Attacks come from Super Mario RPG, and are explained in more detail at
Mario Wiki. Attacks with similar relative strength, element, and effects may be substituted, due to the obvious difficulty of adding all these attacks.)
This boss is to be fought upon attempting to leave the cave on Round Island, after obtaining Knights of the Round. On defeat, this boss drops 50000 EXP, 50000 AP, 0 GIL, and no items. I hope it's fairly obvious that this boss is supposed to be at a similar difficulty to Emerald Weapon.