Author Topic: Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]  (Read 805672 times)


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1400 on: 2009-09-17 03:03:02 »
Alright, now nothing concerning the driver is working... i want this and ff7music working


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1401 on: 2009-09-17 08:04:28 »
I don't know if you posted your problems earlier on, but... With just this wish of everythign working, no one is going to be able to help you out there.


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1402 on: 2009-09-18 22:48:22 »
ok, i tried to use this custom graphic driver for ff7 and it's not workin'

this is my APP.LOG file

TOTAL 390856672 FREE 386760672
DD MODE: W 320 H 200 P 320 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 320 H 200 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 320 H 200 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 320 H 240 P 320 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 320 H 240 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 320 H 240 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 400 H 300 P 400 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 400 H 300 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 400 H 300 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 512 H 384 P 512 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 512 H 384 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 512 H 384 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 640 H 400 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 640 H 400 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 400 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 800 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
Ramp Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D Mono(Ramp) Software Emulation
RGB Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software Emulation
Direct3D HAL
  Microsoft Direct3D Hardware acceleration through Direct3D HAL
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 0:Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth, mid=1, pid=102,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: 5cf25cf2
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
10036743060f 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 60
MIDI set volume: 127
6036743060f 127 = 76
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
MIDI set volume trans: 127->0; step=60
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI stop - OK
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
6036743060f 127 = 76
Exiting MAIN
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save01.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save02.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save03.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save04.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save05.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save06.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save07.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save08.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\save/save09.ff7
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Start
MIDI play: 36
reading midi file: ROCKET.mid
current volume: 127
Field Quit
MIDI stop - OK
resetting MIDI driver volume - OK


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1403 on: 2009-09-19 00:36:03 »
Did you install the registry file that came with it? After doing so, did you modify ff7_opengl.cfg?


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1404 on: 2009-09-19 10:39:11 »
yeah, i've done both! it's still not working


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1405 on: 2009-09-19 12:14:45 »
Just looking at the APP.log, I can tell it's not installed properly. i'm not an expert, but i suggest you keep trying to install it, especially if you're running vista. if you do happen to be running vista, make sure you have the appropriate privelages to make changes to the registry.


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1406 on: 2009-09-19 13:35:29 »
Help me Neo-Kuraudo!! I'm using XP  :cry:

tell me how to install it properly.. maybe using screen shots...

I'm totally sucker at this part..  :oops:


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1407 on: 2009-09-19 13:42:26 »
i don't have XP, so i cant give any screens - nor can i remember even how to do it in vista. however, i DO have ultima espio on MSN  :wink:
All you have to do, according to him, is:

"just extract it all into ff7's root directory
then run the .reg file"

...i think that's all i did, too. you sure you've done that?


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1408 on: 2009-09-19 13:48:15 »
ff7 root directory is D:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc\Final Fantasy VII\

or, should i get OpenGL first?

ultima espio

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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1409 on: 2009-09-19 13:53:11 »
If you have windows OpenGL is already installed.


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1410 on: 2009-09-19 14:23:10 »
HOw about if your using an integrated video card?.....


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1411 on: 2009-09-19 14:39:56 »
gimme openGL download link please


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1412 on: 2009-09-19 15:08:48 »
gimme openGL download link please

If you have a computer with a graphics card, you already have OpenGL. If may be the crappy Windows software OpenGL driver, but you have one. Even if you somehow managed to break the laws of the universe and not have OpenGL installed, you wouldn't be seeing the results you're getting. The driver would load and then fail to initialize.

Your APP.LOG shows that the OpenGL driver isn't being loaded at all. Firstly, everything should have been extracted into the same folder as ff7.exe, and secondly, which registry file did you run?
You need to unzip the driver's files, run the correct reg file to patch your registry settings, then DON'T EVER RUN FF7Config.exe AGAIN. If you run that, it will reset the registry settings, and you will have to rerun the reg file to fix them.
Oh, and one thing that will make it obvious as to whether the driver is loading: change fullscreen to false in your opengl_ff7.cfg. If you run the game and it pops up in a window instead of fullscreen, your driver is working.


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1413 on: 2009-09-20 02:40:36 »
I can't seem to get this driver to load.

App log says this:

Code: [Select]
TOTAL 392101824 FREE 392101824
DD MODE: W 320 H 200 P 320 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 320 H 200 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 320 H 200 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 320 H 240 P 320 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 320 H 240 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 320 H 240 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 400 H 300 P 400 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 400 H 300 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 400 H 300 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 512 H 384 P 512 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 512 H 384 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 512 H 384 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 640 H 400 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 640 H 400 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 400 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 640 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 640 H 480 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 720 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 720 H 480 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 720 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 720 H 576 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 800 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 800 H 600 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 848 H 480 P 848 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 848 H 480 P 1696 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 848 H 480 P 3392 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1024 H 480 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1024 H 480 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1024 H 480 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 1024 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1024 H 768 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 1152 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 2304 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1152 H 864 P 4608 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 720 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 768 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 960 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 1280 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 2560 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1280 H 1024 P 5120 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1360 H 768 P 1360 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1360 H 768 P 2720 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1360 H 768 P 5440 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1360 H 1024 P 1360 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1360 H 1024 P 2720 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1360 H 1024 P 5440 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1440 H 900 P 1440 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1440 H 900 P 2880 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1440 H 900 P 5760 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1600 H 1200 P 1600 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1600 H 1200 P 3200 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1600 H 1200 P 6400 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1680 H 1050 P 1680 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1680 H 1050 P 3360 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1680 H 1050 P 6720 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1792 H 1344 P 1792 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1792 H 1344 P 3584 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1792 H 1344 P 7168 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1800 H 1440 P 1800 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1800 H 1440 P 3600 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1800 H 1440 P 7200 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1856 H 1392 P 1856 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1856 H 1392 P 3712 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1856 H 1392 P 7424 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1080 P 1920 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1080 P 3840 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1080 P 7680 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1200 P 1920 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1200 P 3840 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1200 P 7680 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1440 P 1920 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1440 P 3840 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 1920 H 1440 P 7680 RGB 1 BPP 32
DD MODE: W 2048 H 1536 P 2048 RGB 1 BPP 8
DD MODE: W 2048 H 1536 P 4096 RGB 1 BPP 16
DD MODE: W 2048 H 1536 P 8192 RGB 1 BPP 32
Ramp Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D Mono(Ramp) Software Emulation
RGB Emulation
  Microsoft Direct3D RGB Software Emulation
Direct3D HAL
  Microsoft Direct3D Hardware acceleration through Direct3D HAL
initializing sound...
creating dsound primary buffer
reading audio file
loading static sounds
sound initialized
selecting device 2:Microsoft GS Wavetable SW Synth, mid=1, pid=102,
midi data type: GENERAL MIDI
using midi data file: C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\Data\midi\midi.lgp
midiOutGetVolume returned: 34683468
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
10036623060f 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
MIDI set master volume: 100
MIDI set volume: 127
10036623060f 127 = 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=60
MIDI set volume trans: 127->0; step=60
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI stop - OK
Entering MAIN
set music volume: 127
MIDI set volume: 127
10036623060f 127 = 127
Exiting MAIN
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save00.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save01.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save02.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save03.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save04.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save05.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save06.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save07.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save08.ff7
ERROR: COULD NOT OPEN FILE C:\Program Files\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\save/save09.ff7
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Start
MIDI stop - OK
MIDI play: 2
reading midi file: OB.mid
current volume: 127
Field Quit
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Swirl sound_effect1
End of Swirl sound_effect1
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
[BATTLE] Scene# 300
[BATTLE] Begin main battle loop
[BATTLE] End of current battle
[BATTLE] Begin end battle stuff
[BATTLE] endof battle.
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Start
cross play music: 0
set music volume trans: 127->0, step=4
MIDI cross fade: 2, time: 4
MIDI set volume trans: 127->127; step=4
MIDI set volume: 127
10036623060f 127 = 127
set music volume: 127
Entering MAIN
Exiting MAIN
Field Quit
MIDI stop - OK

Correct me if I'm wrong but that's software mode right?  The only things installed are the game, the 1.02 patch, this driver 0.7.1b, and ff7music (used just to get the app log, though I intend to use it when I get this working right).  The only changes I made to the ff7_opengl.cfg were resolution 800x600 (I also tried 1280X960) and fullscreen = no.

ff7_opengl.cfg says this:

Code: [Select]
# ff7_opengl config file

# use shaders, if available and supported
# turn shaders off to use the OpenGL 1.1 backend
use_shaders = yes

# plugins
# a movie plugin is required, the music plugin is optional, but required to make FF7Music work
movie_plugin = plugins/ffmpeg_movies.fgp
#music_plugin = plugins/ff7music.fgp

# vertex and fragment shaders
vert_source = shaders/main.vert
frag_source = shaders/main.frag

# post-processing shader, used to apply fullscreen effects
post_source = shaders/
enable_postprocessing = no

# display frames per second counter in upper right corner
show_fps = no

# display some real-time debug information
show_stats = no

# set the window size (and fullscreen resolution) of FF7
# 0 means use original resolution (whatever ff7.exe provides)
# preserve_aspect adds black borders as needed to preserve a 4:3 aspect ratio
window_size_x = 800
window_size_y = 600
preserve_aspect = yes
fullscreen = no

# prevent glitches due to rounding errors by rendering in the nearest (larger, if supported)
# multiple of the original resolution and up/down-scaling
prevent_rounding_errors = yes

# check your driver settings if this option doesn't seem to work
enable_vsync = yes

# limit snowboard, coaster and highway minigames to refresh rate / 2, i.e. 30fps for a 60hz display mode
# vsync must be enabled and working for this to have any effect
minigame_framelimiter = on

# same thing, but for the battle swirl
battleswirl_framelimiter = off

# replace FF7's default framelimiter timer source
use_new_timer = yes

# use a more stable (but less accurate) timer to control FF7's framelimiter
# this option has no effect unless the use_new_timer option is on
use_stable_timer = no

# allow FF7 to use linear filtering for its textures
# some things look slightly better with this option on, but alot of textures just lose their detail
linear_filter = off

# read files directly instead of using LGP archives
# this option requires you to have all your LGP archives unpacked in direct/, with one folder for each archive
# for example; if FF7 is looking for aaab.rsd in char.lgp, this option will make it open direct/char/aaab.rsd instead
# this option should be used for testing only, performance will take a hit
direct_mode = off

Yes I merged the ff7_opengl.reg.  

ff7_opengl.reg says this:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Square Soft, Inc.\Final Fantasy VII\1.00\Graphics]

I am running AMD Athlon 2.something (2.0Ghz) Ati Radeon 9600xt and Windows XP Home edition.  In addition to this issue of the driver not loading, and possibly? related, is that after the train movie plays at the start the screen instead of showing the field or any characters jumping off the train goes black, I can still here the sfx and the dialog box saying hurry up shows.  The field won't show up unless I hit OK to the dialog and then enter and exit the menu.  It doesn't matter what version I'm using whether its a clean install or a 1.02 patched or anything it always happens.  It also doesn't matter whether I have software or use the nvidia and either the riva (which causes the background to to look like ff8s with aa on) or the tnt.  Any help would be appreciated greatly Ive so far spent over 12 hours working on this :/


The only things installed are the game, the 1.02 patch, this driver 0.7.1b, and ff7music (used just to get the app log, though I intend to use it when I get this working right).

In answer to the below question yes I am.

Also I found out why the screen went black at the end of the train movie... I had to disable the avi splitter (gabest) in klite.  Apparently I forgot to apply the key words "black screen after train" to THIS sites search feature >.<  Tho the movie slowed way down about halfway through and the music ended along with the guards showing up early.  That may have been a random error due to my crappy computer running about 12 windows with at minimum 5 tabs per window of Firefox tho... I'm going to test that now and see if this fix makes the driver load tho I can't think why it would make a difference.


The movie worked well this time, bit choppy no major slow down tho. The driver did not load.


 I Found a post somewhere else with the same problem, tried his fix installing the visual studio c++ *Edit* 2008 (not v9.0 :?) *Edit* redist, unfortunately the fix he used didn't work.  Also tried using the version 0.6.1 I believe it was that he said worked for him without it, that didn't work for me either, so I also tried 0.6.8 nada again.


Movies work.  Driver does not, at all.  Yes the driver is in with the ff7.exe.


I am stupified... it works now???  After reseting everything to default.  Setting up the other mods I'm using ff7music, better characters, FF7AC icons... and repatching to 1.02.  When I opened the ff7config to reset the registry stuff, I realized I'd forgotten to do that again so I did; and for shits and giggles tried the driver again... it works... go figure??? maybe I hadn't reuped to 1.02 after the second reinstall I thought I had... then again I haven't slept for uhh... awhile... so maybe the redist did fix it... I just dunno too tired to think anymore... but problems solved! yay! ZzZz
« Last Edit: 2009-09-20 09:00:19 by agni »

Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1414 on: 2009-09-20 03:28:56 »
Are you using the 1.02 patch?


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1415 on: 2009-09-20 07:28:13 »
Well for one, the patch shouldn't affect anything. Works fine for me too.

Considerung your APP.Log... It doesn't start the drivers at all. Ans since you are using Win XP the reg file should be fine.
Where did you put the files like ff7_opengl.fgd ? They should be where the ff7.exe is.

About the movie... did you get it to work? Does it at least seem the Game is using the Custom Drivers?

Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1416 on: 2009-09-20 09:14:01 »
you need the 1.02 patch to even use aali's drivers i thought. o.o.


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1417 on: 2009-09-21 21:26:14 »
i would like to ask something, i have a "old" computer, my graphics card is a nvidia fx5500 (ye lol i know its terrible >.<) and when i try to use this drivers, the games DOES look better... however it runs a bit slow :/ is there anyway to speed it up a bit?


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1418 on: 2009-09-22 00:20:46 »
i would like to ask something, i have a "old" computer, my graphics card is a nvidia fx5500 (ye lol i know its terrible >.<) and when i try to use this drivers, the games DOES look better... however it runs a bit slow :/ is there anyway to speed it up a bit?

get a new computer maybe  :-P


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1419 on: 2009-09-22 00:30:13 »
i would like to ask something, i have a "old" computer, my graphics card is a nvidia fx5500 (ye lol i know its terrible >.<) and when i try to use this drivers, the games DOES look better... however it runs a bit slow :/ is there anyway to speed it up a bit?

Haha, best you can do is turn off shaders, post-processing, and the prevent_rounding_errors option


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1420 on: 2009-09-22 00:32:45 »
i would like to ask something, i have a "old" computer, my graphics card is a nvidia fx5500 (ye lol i know its terrible >.<) and when i try to use this drivers, the games DOES look better... however it runs a bit slow :/ is there anyway to speed it up a bit?

Haha, best you can do is turn off shaders, post-processing, and the prevent_rounding_errors option

could u give me some hints on how to do that?
im clueless at this stuff lol


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1421 on: 2009-09-22 00:36:20 »
It's all in the ff7_opengl.cfg file. Open it up with notepad, and it should be fairly obvious after that.

This might help.


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1422 on: 2009-09-22 00:42:43 »
its working fine now and with a nice speed  :-D


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1423 on: 2009-09-23 01:43:03 »
sorry for not posting my problems, but the app log file shows no abnormalities, and i don't know if there is a separate app log file for the drivers, (i don't think there is.) so unless any one knows of a way to list my errors, all i can say is that ff7 runs fine, but the driver didn't do anything. i'm running vista sp1


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Custom graphics driver for FF7/FF8 [v.1-.7.6]
« Reply #1424 on: 2009-09-23 03:43:38 »
sorry for not posting my problems, but the app log file shows no abnormalities, and i don't know if there is a separate app log file for the drivers, (i don't think there is.) so unless any one knows of a way to list my errors, all i can say is that ff7 runs fine, but the driver didn't do anything. i'm running vista sp1

Do you have an APP.LOG, and if so, is there a mention of OpenGL in the first 10 lines? If so, the driver loaded successfully and you can change settings in ff7_opengl.cfg. Otherwise, here's the giant instruction list of doom:

Make sure your graphics drivers are updated to the latest version.
Make sure you have the 1.02 patch from Eidos (other mods/patches will probably be okay, but if the driver doesn't work, try replacing ff7.exe with the original 1.02 version)
Open FF7Config.exe and make sure MIDI is all good.
Install the graphics driver by unzipping the latest release to the folder that contains FF7.exe.
Run the correct reg file to put the driver into the registry. (under Vista, type regedit into the search box in the start menu, run it as administrator, and import the correct reg file from the "file" menu)
Edit ff7_opengl.cfg and set fullscreen to false and resolution to 800x600.
Run the game and report back whether it works or not

If your game launches in a window, you're all set. You can change settings in ff7_opengl.cfg to whatever you want; just use a text editor like notepad and read the comments so you know what the options do.
Once the driver is installed, don't open FF7Config.exe again unless you reimport the correct reg file afterward.